Beginners and Beyond


SunDAILIES for everyone (Read 28 times)



    It is not unusual to see a rat during one of my morning runs in Seattle; sometimes dead, sometimes alive.


    Rats have been living in my car (under the hood)  



      Oof. FC though, that's the big ticket (well, one of them). Hopefully this helps with that.


      it's hard to feel optimistic about that when I am so so so far off from what I ran there last year


        Mr O bought Normatec boots which I used for the first time this afternoon. Seems like I am feeling less stiff/sore walking around now. But I will withhold judgement until I have used them more



          it's hard to feel optimistic about that when I am so so so far off from what I ran there last year


          Understood. I've also thrown up some horrific race times during weather extremes in March, July and August and killed the subsequent goal race. When you're racing in less than ideal conditions, it is imperative to keep a clear head. Otherwise, doubt creeps in, and we don't need any help in that area!


          Former Bad Ass


            Understood. I've also thrown up some horrific race times during weather extremes in March, July and August and killed the subsequent goal race. When you're racing in less than ideal conditions, it is imperative to keep a clear head. Otherwise, doubt creeps in, and we don't need any help in that area!





              Congrats, Jenny! 👏🏻 I get what you’re saying, too. It’s hard to not compare, even when it’s apples to oranges.


              HC, yikes. Baltimore is violent. So is PR, for that matter. And must’ve been the day for chaffing. I don’t think I’ve ever chaffed so badly in my life. *cries*


              cyber, good  luck with choosing a run club!


                Onemile - congratulations! Since you were again 2nd Female, I'd say you did extremely well, even though your time wasn't what you ran last year. Heat makes such a difference, you really can't compare your time this year with last and expect it to be the same.


                It was hot and humid here, so I ran 14 on the TM. Even with two fans, I was soaked by the end.


                  Nice TM run, Ginny!
