Beginners and Beyond


Monday (Read 44 times)


    Good morning.


    Today is a scheduled rest day and I could not be happier. The plan is to eat the equivalent of the national debt in calories, and that will start with a delicious four berry protein shake. After coffee, of course.


    How are you?


      Up 3-4 lbs from my marathon weight.  Woohoo!

      I still haven't decided if I'll run today. My numbers say I should, but I think I'm starting to like not running so much.

        Good morning everyone!!


        After my wet 21 miler on Saturday, I decided to wait for the rain to stop before heading out yesterday.  Ended up with a nice 24 miler.  I didn't eat much between runs and hit glycogen depletion around mile 15 yesterday, haven't felt that before, it was interesting.  I felt fine, but it was like someone flipped a switch, there was just no energy.  I guess that's what hitting the wall feels like (maybe worse?  dunno, haven't experienced that in a race, but I also do a good carb load before a long race).  I think the tailwind and some chomps I ate kept me from completely crashing.  Probably a good training stimulus, got a good 9 miles in with my body just burning fat and what it could process from the Tailwind I was still drinking.  85 miles for the week, my highest of the year. 


        Hope everyone has a great day!!


        Free Panera bagels at work today, woohoo!


        My running blog

        Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!



          Good morning folks!


          13 under the stars this morning.  It was the first morning without fog/rain/shit in over a week.  It was wonderful.


          Nice weekend of running D2.  45 miles in 2 days is impressive, and might indicate a problem .


          LRB, you had a big mileage week yourself.


          C99, don't get too lazy.


          I hope everyone has a great day!

          Runner with a riding problem.


          Former Bad Ass

            Morning!  I have Pilates class and that is it.



            delicate flower

              Good morning!  Listen up now it is MARATHON WEEK and I know you are all as excited about that as I am!  Very little rain in the forecast this week...too-early-to-trust race forecast says 50 at the start, peaking at 55 during the race.  Basically the same weather I had for my last marathon.


              Today is an "active recovery" day, and since I swam yesterday, today I am excited that I get to take the new triathlon bike out for a short ride.



              Barking Mad To Run

                Good weekend overall. Nice running on Saturday and Sunday, temps only in the lower 60s, good weather, beer with friends, sweet.  And Dallas Cowboys lost Sunday night, a nice end to the weekend.   Today is a running rest day. Plan on doing my weight training circuit after work.

                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                  Awesome mileage, D2


                  Baboon, yeah, I can feel the excitement too!


                  Scotty, good weather and beer with friends is hard to beat.


                  I finally booked my accomodations for Boston. After the initial shock, I managed to find a simply furnished appartment in Somerville, 10 minutes walk away from a T station.  That's what you get from running your qualifying marathon the weekend before the last week of  registration. It's done though, and am pretty happy with the place I found.


                    Good morning!  Listen up now it is MARATHON WEEK and I know you are all as excited about that as I am!


                    I am VERY excited about it, but mostly because it's not me who has to run.  Smile


                    10m this morning, which partially makes up for me pooping out (literally, well almost Smile) on my long run yesterday.


                    5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                    10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                    15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                    13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                    26.2 - TBD (someday)


                      Today is a scheduled rest day and I could not be happier.


                      delicate flower

                        Good news for you marathon stalkers:  My race will provide six splits which are sure to not update properly.  Start, 10K, Mile 13.1, Mile 17, Mile 20, Mile 25.1, finish.



                           Today is a scheduled rest day and I could not be happier. 


                            Good morning folks!


                            13 under the stars this morning.  It was the first morning without fog/rain/shit in over a week.  It was wonderful.


                            Nice weekend of running D2.  45 miles in 2 days is impressive, and might indicate a problem .


                            LRB, you had a big mileage week yourself.


                            C99, don't get too lazy.


                            I hope everyone has a great day!


                            I am feeling it, but really grateful to be able to get out there and get at it. It's tough, but I do enjoy fall training.



                              I am feeling it, but really grateful to be able to get out there and get at it.


                              I was telling myself this during my run yesterday.  That I was lucky to be able to do this. It didn't seem to help much though.

                              But really we have less than 3 weeks til taper.  That's nothing.

                              From the Internet.

                                My run streak came to an end at 20 days - I woke up yesterday still feeling the effects of Saturday night's wedding festivities, so I opted to nap and go eat greasy fair food instead of running.


                                Good tempo workout this morning though: 2x1.5 miles, 7:56 average for the first 1.5 and 7:53 average for the second. 7.5 miles total with warmup and cooldown. I won't be in PR shape for my 5K this weekend, but after today's run I'm looking forward to seeing how close I can get and then I will make a plan to kick some butt in a late November race.
