Beginners and Beyond

Tuesday is The Answer (Read 44 times)



    Is that the Food Talk of the Day?  Cake? 


    One never knows with this lot.


    It's funny because I rarely if ever eat any of the bull crap they bring into that office, but will fuck that particular cake up geezus!


    Former Bad Ass

      Morning!  I have been doing a request for production all morning, waahhh!  I have Pilates and 6 miles tonight.



        Here are some of my favorite cakes I've made.


        Blueberry lemon:

        Chocolate orange

        Cookies and cream


        Here were our wedding cakes, which I didn't make:


        As far as running goes, I have a tempo run tonight.  Haven't done one of those in a while.


          Not sure if all of you check in on the Penguin threads too often, so want to share in this dailies too.


          Alright, I got a story, I know there has been countless threads, so I won't start another. I was talking to one of my running buddies yesterday, and he told me a story that he was attacked by a dog while out on a 10 mile run. He lives out in the country and was about 2 miles from his home. The dog was in a chain-link fence that had the double gates for the driveway. The gates were bent and twisted, so there was a large gap at the bottom. The dog charged him so quickly, that he never had time to stop running. He was bit very badly 3 times, all on the same leg. Bleeding like hell, nowhere to go, no trees, no cars, no neighbors. Finally a lady drove by that managed to use her car as a shield to help him escape. He ended up at the ER, police report filed, and 6-7 weeks for the wounds to heal. It took the police 3 weeks to find the dog because to owner was hiding the dog. Then the owner moved and got off the hook!

          I would have killed that fucking dog!! I'm sorry, I am a dog owner of a large breed(Doberman), and if my dog ever mauled someone like that, I would kill that bitch myself. My buddy is scared to death now, and won't run there again, even though the shitheads moved. So after hearing this, I had my wife buy me some pepper spray to start carrying!!


          Do you carry something?


          The dog was a PIT BULL!! Another straw in my basket of why I dislike and don't trust that breed.


            I've been thinking about the pepperspray myself for a little while, but have not bought any yet. Thanks for sharing, it might kick me in the butt to get some.



              A co-worker made a heath bar cake and brought it in. Everyone knows I love so it was quite the show when I came in. lol


              My knees buckled while eating that first piece!


              I love anything Heath bar related!  I'm with Rick, we're gonna need that recipe!!


              I also love German Chocolate cake. 


              My running blog

              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!



                I got a shot in my backside. And so I will also be taking oral steroid thingies for five days  still better than this rash.


                Never had an aggressive issue with a bullie breed, my run ins have been with Labs, Goldie mixes and other various mutts. I always welcome the sight of a pittie over any other breed, and my two run ins with Dobies have involved Rocky so they never paid any attention to me, just wanted to play with Rocky (thank god). Love Dobies, their frightening  silhouette in the shadows cannot be confused with any other lol.

                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                  Mitch, I'm currently pursuing action with Animal Control against a local owner.  His three dogs are loose almost all the time (and this isn't the country, regular neighborhood area), have come after myself and my wife several times, no bites yet tho thankfully.  Last week was my closest encounter (I think I posted about it here), I ended up having to throw rocks at them to get them to back off.  If I had been carrying a gun, I would have shot at least the lead dog.  Come to found out when I called Animal Control, they've had problems with this house/owner before, he's been ticketed twice and has gone to court, but no one has been attacked yet, so that's all they can do until his dogs maul/kill somebody.  I am not anti-pit, I think they get a bad rap, because of owners like this (and the one that attacked your friend), but two of his dogs are pit mixes and are probably around 50-60lbs.  A person without a weapon won't stand a chance against those dogs when they decide to attack.


                  I'm going to be buying some bear spray for future protection, from my research it's more effective, has a better spray pattern/distance and contains more OC.  Cabela's has it for $40.  I love dogs, but I won't hesitate to protect myself.


                  My running blog

                  Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                    I have carried pepper spray (it's the size of a lipstick tube) while running since being confronted by a dog last summer.


                    It was one of the most helpless and terrifying feelings ever!


                    I managed to avoid being bitten basically by acting as if I were an alpha male. I was able to escape when the dog was distracted by its crippled owner who was there the entire time but unable to control his fucking dog!


                    It's a serious thing if confronted because the dog at that point is in animal mode and unable to stop himself.


                    There are times when the dog is just a barker and of no threat. This must be ascertained in the heat of the moment though, and the outcome is not always a good one.


                      I try to act as an alpha male too when I cross dogs, but I'm afraid a dog will try to test itself against me to find out who is the alpha-est of the two one day.


                      Super B****

                        I have carried pepper spray (it's the size of a lipstick tube) while running since being confronted by a dog last summer.


                        It was one of the most helpless and terrifying feelings ever!


                        I managed to avoid being bitten basically by acting as if I were an alpha male. I was able to escape when the dog was distracted by its crippled owner who was there the entire time but unable to control his fucking dog!


                        It's a serious thing if confronted because the dog at that point is in animal mode and unable to stop himself.


                        There are times when the dog is just a barker and of no threat. This must be ascertained in the heat of the moment though, and the outcome is not always a good one.


                        That happened to me TWICE this weekend during the same run... A. Why is a little girl holding the leash of a dog that outweighs her by at least a hundred pounds?  B. While it's nice that your dog is leashed, if said leash is ten feet long... that doesn't stop your dog from leaping on top of me.  I did not appreciate that.


                        I really should carry pepper spray.

                        chasing the impossible


                        because i never shut up ... i blog


                        delicate flower

                          Thankfully I've only had large dogs bark at me, and the large angry ones have been kept in (so far) by their invisible or actual fences.  Twice I've been close to being bitten by little ankle biting yappers but have managed to avoid and dance around their anger and fury.  I really don't want to kick a tiny dog like that if I can help it because I know my kick will inflict damage...hard to take a dog that size too seriously anyway.


                          Lots and lots of dogs on my running routes.  Thankfully people in my area tend to keep them at bay, for the most part.


                          Sorry to hear about your friend, Mitch.  That is something we all fear as runners.



                            One of my friends said he talked with one of his friends that is a policeman, and that he once sprayed a dog(don't recall the breed) that was in "attack" mode and the spray was useless, so he had to shoot the dog. As an owner of a large dog, and some of you have seen my Bella on FB, I take full responsibility of keeping my dog under control. You have seen too that she is a big lap dog. But I respect peoples fear of her when I'm out with her, and I usually will veer around people if I se them coming.


                              FS, I hope the rash goes away quickly. It must be quite unpleasant.


                              Zel, those cakes of yours are so beautiful! You have a second career waiting for you. I could be your official tester!


                              Mitch, that's a very scary story. I guess every running environment is different and I wouldn't like to have to carry something on my runs. But if there was any sort of danger, I'd have no choice... While in Mexico, on a deserted road, I passed an unofficial dump (no gate, just a huuuge pile of garbage and no one around). About 75 stray dogs were there, on top of the pile, fighting for food. A few of them spotted me and suddenly, all 75 of them (maybe I'm exaggerating, but it looked like there were that many) turned towards me and started barking ferociously in my direction. I had the scare of my life. Thankfully, they never came down to chase me. Not sure what I could have done in that case...


                              I have 10 tonight and I'll be running with my running group for the first time in many weeks. I'm a little nervous, not sure why... What if they all got faster than me and I've slowed down too much for them?

                              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                              Half Crazy K 2.0

                                Yikes on the dog stories. I've only been chased by ankle biters. Last one ran clear across the street. His owner told me if I didn't touch him, he wouldn't bite me. 


                                I had more issues with dogs when mine was still around. She did not get along well with others and her behavior was clear. Yet owners would stand at our fence and take no action to move. I had one asshole argue with me that she couldn't get out cause she couldn't hop the fence. She did go under it twice. We were always out with her, but sometimes had to sprint to catch her.