Beginners and Beyond

2013 Goals (Read 581 times)


    Lose 7 lbs (currently 196).


    A sub-20:00 5k.


    A sub-1:40 half marathon.


    And a 3:30 marathon.


    My focus and training will be on the 5k goal for the first six months of the year.  My half marathon training will be a jump off from my 5k training, with an adjustment for more miles.


    I didn't list a 10k goal because at this time, it is not of great importance to me.  Likewise, my half marathon goal is a gateway to achieving my marathon goal, and thus is a conservative time.


    As of today ten months out from the event, I am uncertain what my plan of attack will be for the marathon.  But it most likely will be a hybrid of Daniels' 5k and marathon training plans.  The jury is still out on that one.


    Good luck everyone!


    Wow Boonie Boon Boon, I had completely forgotten about this!


    I ended up losing 20 lbs (down to 176 at my lightest), but felt most comfortable at 180 lbs so 16 lbs net lost.


    I did run a sub-20:00 5k, multiple times.


    I did not race an official half marathon, but ran a 1:40:37 with relative ease during a Medals for Mettle half marathon training run.


    The 10k became the most important distance and event of my entire year!  Without it, I may not have realized how good I could be.  My comment there shows how short sighted I was, but also shows how far I came.


    I took a big fat DNS for my marathon, but had I run a 3:30, I would have been highly disappointed.  It is funny how expectations change.


    My only question is, where the hell is the OP?  lol


      Can I modify my goals to include a 1 mile race?  That would be awesome!


      I ended up running three mile events, the third of which I knocked completely out of the park, so win!


      Former Bad Ass

        Great results, LRB!


        My 2013 has been a wash.  Great running and awesome training (I am faster than pre-asthma), but with my pain and upcoming surgery, I have not been able to perform a goal race.  It's OK.  2014 should bring me a new location and new races to obsess about.



          Oh well, better off today than tomorrow, but still not quite as good as yesterday.


          What in the hell is that?!  I do not recognize that person.  lol



            My only question is, where the hell is the OP?  lol


            This thread is teeming with "where are they now" posters. It's like opening a time capsule.


            Love the Half

              So this is what I put down:


              In order of importance to me:


              1.  Stay uninjured.

              2.  Run a marathon in under 3 hours.

              3.  Run at least 2,750 miles.


              I have failed at #1 due to what I am convinced is piriformis syndrome although it hasn't kept me from running.  It just hurts like hell.


              I managed #2 by a whopping 18 seconds.


              I'm less than 100 miles from #3


              So, all in all, a damn good year.

              Short term goal: 17:59 5K

              Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

              Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).


                1.  Remain injury free

                2.  2013 in 2013- this is kind of a gimme since my goal this year was 1012 in 2012 and I crushed that by about 800 miles.

                3.  Sub 2 HM

                4.  Enough of an improvement in my marathon time that a BQ doesn't seem completely out of the question in the next few years.


                Non-running related:  Quit the job that is sucking the life out of me.


                1.  Well, almost. My knee has been bothering me for about a month and took a turn for the worse yesterday. 

                2.  Luckily, I hit this a couple of days before the knee went south

                3.  Yep, 1:57:49

                4.  I am now less than 10 minutes away from a BQ.  If I'm truly injured it will take longer, but I will get there. 


                I am still at my job, but I am now working at home two days a week. This has made it a lot more palatable. 


                  Don't get hurt!

                  2500 miles

                  Sub-20 & sub-19 5Ks (hoping to knock out the first one on Mon)

                  Sub-1:30 half


                  1. Had a brief tangle with some ITB and Piriformis issues (separately), but both cleared up quickly, compared to some injuries I've seen, I'll take it!  I've been running injury free since May and have been able to rack up some great mileage.

                  2. Due to recovering from above issues, I've been behind the pace bunny all year, but I should hit my goal with a few days to spare.

                  3. Sub-20 done (turns out it didn't happen that Monday, got it in April, but that's ok)!  I think I have a sub-19 in me, but haven't run a 5k since June.

                  4. Done, twice!


                  It's been a great year, hope next year is just as good! Big grin


                  My running blog

                  Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                  Team TJ

                    2013 will be my second full year of running.  I have by far exceeded my expectations for my first year.


                    2013 goals

                    • Remain injury free (most important of all)
                    • Sub-30 5K
                    • Run my first 10K (scheduled Feb. 23, 2013)
                    • Run my first Half (plan to run entire race and just finish in 2:30)
                    • 1,000 miles for the year
                    • At least one month during the year, run every day during the month.
                    • Lose at least 20 more pounds

                    Good luck to everyone with your 2013 goals.

                    •  Yep
                    • Yep, 3 times
                    • Yep
                    • Yep/nope
                    • Nope
                    • Nope
                    • Nope

                    I'd say my year was successful even if I didn't hit all my goals.  I hit a lazy streak that is unacceptable to repeat going into the future.

                    Running for TJ because he can't.



                      Remain injury free

                      Get up to 30mpw again

                      Do a few 5k and 10k races

                      Learn how to swim

                      Do more core and strength training


                      I met all of my goals except the core and strength training. With my busy schedule I've been only able to fit running in. I actually surpassed my goals and ran a HM in November.  I will make the core work a goal for 2014. I did swim for a few months over last winter and loved it, but had to stop going due to my schedule. With one more semester of my NP program to go, I will have more time in the upcoming year to do so after I train for my first marathon.

                      Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


                        To still be running at the end of the year.


                        To maintain my weight loss.


                        Everything else is just gravy.


                        Hey, how about that.  So far, so good, and only 3 weeks left to go!


                          It's like opening a time capsule.




                          It was a different time back then...


                            I haven't run 26.2 in 3 years so want at least 1, plus 100+ miles a month. 100 miles for me just means I wasn't too banged up. I had 10 of those this year but will still hit or come close to 1,500.


                            I signed up for my first half in 10 years which I'm looking forward to. I have done 8 marathons but only 1 half so also hope to run at least 2 of those.


                            I ran 26.2 in October so accomplished that.


                            Assuming I run at least 50 miles the rest of December, that will give me 10 out of 12 100+ months. I missed 1 month by 10, and another by 24 when I was battling hip flexor issues. However I am already over 1,600 which is a PR, and am on pace for 1,700.


                            I ran 13.1 3 times this year including 1 with Beth which was great. I have run in 19 races this year which is a PR. My previous best was 11.

                              Run 1200 miles

                              Run 2 HM - finish sub 2:00:00 on at least 1 HM

                              Run Marathon in Fall 2013

                              Go sub 26:00 for 5k

                              Go sub 54:00 for 10K

                              And keep enjoying running.


                              Well, 2013 has been a learning experience.

                              I did exceed 1200 miles (1235 so far).

                              Did not run sub 2 on my two HMs.

                              Neither did I meet the sub goals for 5k and 10k.

                              I did keep enjoying running, lost weight, and my blood pressure improved.

                              “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T.S. Eliot