Beginners and Beyond

Now then; WednesDAILIES! (Read 46 times)

From the Internet.

    Re: warmups and cooldowns, I feel best if I get in 2.5+ miles before a workout, and if I'm doing it on the track my cooldown is at minimum 1.75-2 miles since that's the distance from the track back to my house. I don't know that I'd want to do another full mile after that though, tbh, I'd rather add a mile on the warmup side of things if I needed to in order to hit a mileage target for the day.



      Yesterday I re-read some parts of the Hansons book. It says that, in their philosophy, if you want to increase mileage, you can make your easy days longer, add some easy wu/cd mileage to workout days, and/or run on Wednesdays. For this cycle, at least, Wednesday RD is a keeper. I could (not that I necessarily want to) easily reach 70 miles with 6 days of running and only a 16 mile long run, without burning myself out. Just make Tuesday and Thursday workouts 12 miles, and the three other easy days at 10.




      Word. In my last cycle, the first time on Hansons, Wednesday was the most glorious day ever, and started in my head from the moment my Tuesday workout was finished. The second time around it doesn't seem quite as much a dire necessity, maybe I am getting more used to the plan. But I still enjoy that off day, and don't anticipate going to 7 days any time soon. And when I first did it, I thought Wed was weird, I had always used Monday as RD. But I appreciate having it right in the middle of the work week.



        I like 2-3 for a warmup.  I tend to get very stiff, and it takes me that long to feel like I can move my legs freely.  For cooldown, it's always at least a mile, but sometimes I will just keep going as an easy way to pad my weekly miles.


          cooldown is ... the distance from the track back to my house.

            I'd rather add a mile on the warmup side of things 


          Yes, this.



            I like 2-3 for a warmup.  I tend to get very stiff, and it takes me that long to feel like I can move my legs freely.  For cooldown, it's always at least a mile, but sometimes I will just keep going as an easy way to pad my weekly miles.


            And even still, it's not till I start running fast that I feel I can run fast.

            Yesterday, after 3 miles of warmup, I was tired & sluggish and actually wanted to end the workout right then. But once I picked up the pace, ended up having a good workout anyway.




              And even still, it's not till I start running fast that I feel I can run fast.

              Yesterday, after 3 miles of warmup, I was tired & sluggish and actually wanted to end the workout right then. But once I picked up the pace, ended up having a good workout anyway.


              This is how I feel at the start of every warmup.  Like I don't even know how it will be possible to run faster than recovery pace.  Sometimes I still don't know it's possible until I start my last rep, and it's like "oh, I guess I did it".



                I wasn't asking for a pic of that text, I was speaking of my brains inability to process text in general.



                Well, you still got a pic of that text.



                  Well, you still got a pic of that text.


                  Yes, which exacerbated the problem. Now for some lunch to repair all the damage. lol


                  I'm thinking Middle Eastern...


                  Former Bad Ass


                    This is how I feel at the start of every warmup.  Like I don't even know how it will be possible to run faster than recovery pace.  Sometimes I still don't know it's possible until I start my last rep, and it's like "oh, I guess I did it".


                    Due to my asthma, I feel the same.  The first mile I can actually breathe better is Mile 4.  There is no way I can run fast before Mile 3, at least.



                      I have to find wifey a birthday present. It's hard. She doesn't like girly stuff in general: she's not into house decorations, jewelry, and useless 'cute' stuff like my mother and sisters.

                      All I can think is to get her a newer iPad, but damn those are expensive. She has an iPad 2, and it's lagging. I have a M$ tablet myself (got a huuuuuge deal on a Surface Pro), and probably would go Android instead of paying big coin for Apple. But I would not buy her an Android after she's had an iPad.

                      I thought of buying her one of those fitness watches, but the not expensive ones are essentially just podometers (or accelerometers) that record movement and upload to a Website. If you want something that reads heartrate, and tracks distance, well, you're pretty much in the running watch category.  I don't want to go cheap, as those devices don't do anything, and I don't want to go to a Garmin 225 or equivalent, because that would be kinda wasted since as I don't think she'd wear it all the time. They're not the prettiest time pieces on the market.

                      I. don't. know.


                        I have to find wifey a birthday present.


                        My vote is for a DVD series of a great TV show, like The Wire or The Addams Family.


                          I loved The Munsters too.


                            I have to find wifey a birthday present. It's hard. She doesn't like girly stuff in general: she's not into house decorations, jewelry, and useless 'cute' stuff like my mother and sisters.

                            All I can think is to get her a newer iPad, but damn those are expensive. She has an iPad 2, and it's lagging. I have a M$ tablet myself (got a huuuuuge deal on a Surface Pro), and probably would go Android instead of paying big coin for Apple. But I would not buy her an Android after she's had an iPad.

                            I thought of buying her one of those fitness watches, but the not expensive ones are essentially just podometers (or accelerometers) that record movement and upload to a Website. If you want something that reads heartrate, and tracks distance, well, you're pretty much in the running watch category.  I don't want to go cheap, as those devices don't do anything, and I don't want to go to a Garmin 225 or equivalent, because that would be kinda wasted since as I don't think she'd wear it all the time. They're not the prettiest time pieces on the market.

                            I. don't. know.


                            You have a serious problem there. I think it would be simpler if you just traded her for another wifey.


                            joking... Does it have to be an object? You could just take her out to a nice evening out. SO and I don't exchange gifts, we just eat out. But, although I always say that I do not like jewellery, he has nonetheless bought me pearl earrings and a short pearl necklace in the past. I love both because I know that it was an effort for him to do this.

                            PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                    Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                            18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                              I know! A winter jacket and/or winter boots that SHE's going to go shopping for, and I'll pay the bill!

                              Little Blue

                                I have to find wifey a birthday present.

                                I'm that wife.  Don't you dare waste good money on jewelry or girly stuff.


                                Is there something she wants done that you haven't been able to get to?  I kid you not, one year my DH gave me a clean garage.  It drove me crazy, but it was his stuff.  It was my idea, and I loved it.  Tell her that you're setting aside three hours or whatever, and you'll do whatever she wants done.