Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #198 (Read 23 times)


    8 mostly flat, a little more paved than dirt.   Had to take an unplanned 2 minute break at 5.25 to let the guy above pass.


    i don’t run with my glasses, if it hadn’t been slowly moving I would have run real close to it’s head

    Half Crazy K 2.0

      6 mile progrssion run. It was cloudy this morning, which made a huge difference in how it felt. Still humid & not comfortable, but at least manageable.


      Daffy, is that a copperhead?


      UM 45 Ohio 23

        hey I beat you by 3 minutes...but I'll re-post here since your snake is way more interesting than my starter post!



        3+ easy miles in a gentle rain at 70 degrees. Was quite nice.  Then some upper body and leg strength stuff.


        Hope nobody sent bitcoin to Joe Biden!


          I ran 8 this morning with RRP. Was gonna do the 10x1hard,1moderate wko but decided to just run easy and chat. RRP isn't ready for workouts and was just gonna do the wu/cd with me anyway


          delicate flower

            Running at the track late yesterday afternoon in some hot weather, there was a high school kid running laps the entire time I was there.  He was putting in work too, doing intervals of what looked like 200-400 meters with very easy recoveries.  I'd pass him during his recoveries, then he'd fly past me during his intervals at what easily looked like a pace in the 5's.  It was cool seeing a young kid like that putting in hard work.  No phone, no selfies, no friends, no chit-chat.  Just workin'.  I told him "Nice job" when I finished up my workout.


            Half Crazy K 2.0

              So the big annoucement from the MD governor yesterday was the state found 47,500 fraudulent unemployment claims. It was some sort of out of stte crime ring. Now I expect lawsuits cause UE has been a cluster.


              Former Bad Ass

                Morning! 5 and Pilates class tonight.


                HCK, ouch. Meanwhile, the real unemployed are still fucked, I bet.



                  8 miles. First 4 averaged 8:45, last 4 averaged 8:07. Not intentional, just felt good.


                  Actually hooked up with a couple other dudes for about a mile, and had a nice chat. A first for one of my neighborhood runs. I’ve seen them before and I think they’re out most days. I’ll have to see if they’re on Strava. MTA: nope.



                    Actually hooked up with a couple other dudes


                      Running at the track late yesterday afternoon in some hot weather, there was a high school kid running laps the entire time I was there.  He was putting in work too, doing intervals of what looked like 200-400 meters with very easy recoveries.  I'd pass him during his recoveries, then he'd fly past me during his intervals at what easily looked like a pace in the 5's.  It was cool seeing a young kid like that putting in hard work.  No phone, no selfies, no friends, no chit-chat.  Just workin'.  I told him "Nice job" when I finished up my workout.


                      I saw a kid at the track yesterday too, but only got to see him jog a couple easy laps and do some stretching before I was done. He was brought there by someone who I assume was his mom. An old guy who had been walking laps calls out to her and says “I see you brought the future track star here”. I was sorry I didn’t get to see him work out.




                        Ahem, I guess I should have clarified I just ran with them. But don’t judge!




                          Ahem, I guess I should have clarified I just ran with them. But don’t judge!


                          no judgement here. I am always on the lookout for runners to hook up with too. 


                          Super B****

                            10.2 on the AlterG (because the foot pod wasn't cooperating and I needed the Garmin to at least reach 10).


                            So I decided I'm finally upgrading my phone. I have Sprint, which at some point became part of T-Mobile, and the store I went to when I got my current phone is a T-Mobile store. The next-nearest Sprint store is about half a mile farther from me... except it's listed on T-Mobile's website as one of their stores, too. I called the one I went to in the first place to find out if I can just get my upgrade there, but nope, apparently I can't do that, I need to go to a Sprint store. What's the point of merging if they're still... separate? 

                            chasing the impossible


                            because i never shut up ... i blog


                              Zwifted for 60 min last night which led to 4 mile slog this morning. Plus it was grossly humid out there.


                                My 2nd run of the week consisted of 10 miles in which I did a medium workout of 2 x (6min@10K /5min jog). Legs felt fine, which is good. I was a bit tired in the last 2 minutes of my 2nd, which is normal, but I could have gone for a third after another 5 minutes rest. But I didn't, because this I'm in recovery mode. I need to get my running mojo back, and for that I need to have some spring in my step
