Beginners and Beyond


Wednesday DAILIES (Read 37 times)


Run to live; live to run

    LRB that is good news.  Maybe your cholesterol is just a genetic thing. IF you weren't exercising like a fiend you'd probably have it off the charts.


    No, Scotty no blood transfusion.  Guess it wouldn't work well.


    I don't mind 4 pages on candy corn.  I'm so surprised it is debated that much.  I am known to like some very strange candy.  And I'm not a big candy person so the few I do like DH just shakes his head at me.  I'm just not a sweets person.  I can take it or leave it, never have cravings for candy or chocolate so I'm just not a normal girl, I guess Smile



    Former Bad Ass

      Since Phil made me go to Walgreens to buy some candy corn, I also bought the candy cane kisses.  Curse you, Phil!!!!!!!! Joking



        IF you weren't exercising like a fiend you'd probably have it off the charts.


        It is genetic but that is something I have never considered all these years!


        And I am not moved much by sweets either, now pizza and wine on the other hand....


        Skirt Runner

          <3 candy corn!!!!!

          PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


          I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to

          Dad on the run.

            a few quick words, about to head to the gym. Took a half day today and picked up some bungee laces, foam roller and 3 pair of work pants. The pants were on cleared, I got 2 pair of Lees and a pair of Wranglers, only 8.97 a pair!


            Also, Foam Roller = Painful. I would have never gotten that deep with just the stick.

            Chasing the sub 20 5K.

            Dad on the run.

              Docket - Those candy cane kisses are like my kryptonite. I could eat the whole bag in one sitting! Also if you like coffee try putting a handful in your coffee and letting them melt  Smile

              Chasing the sub 20 5K.

              Jess runs for bacon

                Back from exploring! Got in 5.5 at Hudson River, then walked from the Battery (which was pretty much closed and that made me sad) up to Brooklyn Bridge, and ran over that. It wasn't as awesome as I thought it would be. I walked up the incline on the way back then ran the other half.


                i wanted to do some running or biking around Central Park, but of course I was ravenous and tired. So I went to Two Boots pizza and had a slice of pepperoni and the CBGB (which had chicken, pesto, broccoli and some other shit on it). Nom nom nom. Then walked another few miles to the train station. On the way there was some celebrity I didn't recognize, people were taking pictures with him.


                Now wine. Oh, and candy corn sucks.


                  I added another 7.8 miles, half with a friend, but all easy pace. Feeling much better today than yesterday.


                  Brrr - My condolences, again. And if you are wondering, that oatmeal is very good, though I would cut back on the amount of spices. It is very strong "gingerbread" as written; cut back on the spices and it's more "pumpkin pie."

                  20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                  rather be sprinting

                    How did I fail to weigh in on the candy corn issue?


                    I am pro candy corn.  It makes a wonderful cupcake decoration, as it's a versatile shape and color pattern.  The taste is kind of neutral, but the almost powdery yet chewy texture makes them enjoyable.  That said, I doubt I would like eating more than, say, 3 pieces at a time, before being overwhelmed by sugar. I think it's mostly the aesthetic that wins me over.


                    But black jelly beans are another story.  I don't even LIKE jelly beans but I LOVE that flavor!  When I turned 13 my parents gave me a 5lb bag for my birthday.


                    Of course the darn thing mostly went to waste, as who eats 5 lbs of jelly beans?  (Normally, my mom would've stolen my candy, but she doesn't like "licorice" flavor).

                    PRs: 5k 19:25, mile 5:38, HM 1:30:56

                    Lifting PRs: bench press 125lb, back squat 205 lb, deadlift 245lb


                      When I turned 13 my parents gave me a 5lb bag for my birthday.


                      You poor tortured soul, I would have cried until my 45th birthday if I were you.  lol

                        20.19 done, finding even bigger hills than ever on a partially different route.


                        There's a lady runner out here whom I encounter regularly now. She carries her music with open-air speakers attached to her waist, so to me she is Fanny Pack.  I wonder what my nickname is?


                          I wonder what my nickname is?


                          Dandy Man, of course!  Cool

                          Hip Redux

                            20.19 done, finding even bigger hills than ever on a partially different route.


                            There's a lady runner out here whom I encounter regularly now. She carries her music with open-air speakers attached to her waist, so to me she is Fanny Pack.  I wonder what my nickname is?




                            (cuz you're fast, not cuz you're flashing people... I hope)



                            Former Bad Ass

                              Only 4 with hubby.  We didn't have time for more.


                              Hershey tried to pee and couldn't.  Worried that it's another blockage.  And I won't be here to check up on him this weekend.

