Beginners and Beyond


Are you an adult? (Read 136 times)

Dad on the run.

    My wife use to be a nursing assistant so she has shown me how to do hospital corners, but then I hold the pillow with my teeth while I put the pillow case on... that would never fly in a hospital. Smile

    Chasing the sub 20 5K.

      Granite I'd be completely screwed if I lived in a rural area. I don't know how to read a topographical map or navigate using the compass and the sun (but the sun rises in the east and sets in the west so unless it is high noon I may be able to figure it out??). A bonus of city living is there is never no one around.


      In that one sentence you pass navigation by sun.  It's certainly not a refined way of telling direction, but it's enough to keep you from walking in a circle.


      Skirt Runner


        In that one sentence you pass navigation by sun.  It's certainly not a refined way of telling direction, but it's enough to keep you from walking in a circle.


        Alright!!! Lol.


        As for jump starting a car, I learned that one the hard way only 2 weeks after getting my license when I was 17. I did all my permit driving in my mom's car, which has headlights that turn off automatically when the car turns off. Well my car didn't have that and it never occurred to me to turn off the lights after my first drive using headlights . This came in handy when my boyfriend left a dome light in his car on overnight a couple years ago and his battery died. I not only had jumper cables in my car (he didn't!!) but remembered what to do (he had no idea!!) HA! So I got to jump start his car for him while he watched helplessly and I made sure I taught him by speaking really slowly and telling him to "pay close attention." He is 8 years older than me and is a smartypants know-it-all who has lived on his own for over 15 years. So having this skill that he did not felt good lol

        PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


        I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


        Run to live; live to run


          My father kept them in a brown paper bag.  Funny how no matter what size or style tube we needed, there was always one in there!


          Yep. Grandpa had a big brown box they were in. Tons of them.


          Oski I can drive a stick!  I love stick shift. But, most cars you can't even get that now.


          Tar Heel Mom


            I've never had to deal with a cancelled flight, not sure I would know what to do.


            I had to learn hospital corners when I went to sleep away camp. I thought everyone did. How can you not know what a hospital corner is?


            Do any old houses still have fuse boxes? I don't think so. I don't even think you can buy fuses anymore. I don't know and I don't want to find out. Nor do I want my kids to find out.

            Nolite te bastardes carborundum.

              I never flew as a child, nor did anyone provide any instruction on regular or delayed flights.


              I had a delayed flight once.  Seattle to NH.  There was delay such that I wouldn't make my connection in DC, so they wanted me to stay in Seattle for 24 hours for the next scheduled flight.  I demanded they put me on the plane so I could at least be on the proper coast.  They did.


              Once in DC, I asked at the counter if, rather than waiting 24 hours, they could get me to Logan.  They did, and I arranged ground transport from there.  Specifically, my wife picked me up.


              I don't get how this is a specialized skill.  It just looks like basic problem solving with a little elementary school geography thrown in.



                Do any old houses still have fuse boxes? I don't think so. I don't even think you can buy fuses anymore. I don't know and I don't want to find out. Nor do I want my kids to find out.

                I don't know, I have never lived in one. But I have changed fuses in cars, which is what that one meant to me.


                To update the list, I would replace "make hospital corners" to "fold a fitted sheet in a presentable manner". That'll stump some people.


                Hip Redux

                  I don't know, I have never lived in one. But I have changed fuses in cars, which is what that one meant to me.


                  To update the list, I would replace "make hospital corners" to "fold a fitted sheet in a presentable manner". That'll stump some people.


                  Roll it into a ball<---- my technique.


                  DH taught me how to fold a fitted sheet.  



                    I don't know, I have never lived in one. But I have changed fuses in cars, which is what that one meant to me.


                    To update the list, I would replace "make hospital corners" to "fold a fitted sheet in a presentable manner". That'll stump some people.


                    I just fold it until you cannot see the elastic ends anymore.  It is the one in my linen closet that looks like a blob of cloth.


                    There are millions of homes with fuse boxes in the US (usually in older homes built pre-1970 in a given city) and actually, there is nothing wrong with fuses so long as the circuits are not over-loaded.


                    There is a convenience factor with breakers but truth be told, one could go 10 years or longer and never have to change a single fuse...or, one could have to change one every other day.  


                    Skirt Runner

                      My apartment has a fuse box. Because I don't think the electricity has been updated in almost a century. I don't have light switches, you have to pull a string to turn each light on, and most of my outlets are 2-prong. What few I have. I have no outlet in the bathroom and only one in my living room (in which I have 2 lamps, a fan, an air conditioner, a TV, Blu Ray, Wii, WiFi, cable box, computer, printer and phone ....I have to feed extension cords out from my bedroom, which inexplicably has like 6 outlets). Oh, and if I run the A/C and blow dry my hair at the same time, I blow a fuse . Good think my super lives downstairs and is always home. Maybe I should learn how to change it but I was instructed by him NOT TO TOUCH IT.

                      PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                      I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


                        I don't know, I have never lived in one. But I have changed fuses in cars, which is what that one meant to me.


                        To update the list, I would replace "make hospital corners" to "fold a fitted sheet in a presentable manner". That'll stump some people.


                        I will never grow up.


                          I've changed fuses in cars, that's it, I've never lived in a house that had fuses.  I know hospital corners thanks to the military.  I iron my own clothes.  The tire changing one (and basic automotive knowledge) is big with me, I taught my son that as soon as he got his license.  I think that if you're able to drive, you need to know those things.  I only have boys, but if I had a girl, she'd learn the same things when she learned to drive.  I was raised to be self sufficient, was doing my own laundry around 10 or 11, I've been working since I was 11.  In my house, when you turned 18, you either moved out, or started paying rent, you were now an adult.


                          Couple of weeks ago I got the first flat tire I've had in many, many years, hit a pothole and it busted a 2" hole in the sidewall, tire went flat instantly.  Luckily I was able to pull right into a parking lot.  I was heading to a meeting that I really didn't want to be late for (or miss).  I felt like a NASCAR pit crew, had the tire changed and was back on the road in about 10 minutes, AAA wouldn't have even dispatched a truck by then. Smile


                          My running blog

                          Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                          Barking Mad To Run

                            Plunge a toilet

                            Does it count if you plunge yourself into the toilet?  If so, then I got adulthood down!  

                            "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                            Barking Mad To Run


                              I will never grow up.




                              As I've gotten older, I now take the two digits in my age and add them up.  This year I turned 6 + 0 = 6...and that's the age I plan to act this whole year!    I'll never grow up!

                              "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

                              From the Internet.

                                I've never had to deal with a cancelled flight, not sure I would know what to do.


                                I had to learn hospital corners when I went to sleep away camp. I thought everyone did. How can you not know what a hospital corner is?


                                Do any old houses still have fuse boxes? I don't think so. I don't even think you can buy fuses anymore. I don't know and I don't want to find out. Nor do I want my kids to find out.


                                I spent my summers outside playing in the dirt at home instead of at sleep away camp, that must be why I don't know what hospital corners are :P


                                LRB - I fold my fitted sheets the same way, I figure it just makes them easier to distinguish from flat sheets - grab one blob and one nicely-folded sheet per bed!


                                I'm a car snob so I only drive stick, and my mommy and daddy still maintain a AAA Gold membership for me so I let the pros take care of all the jump-starting and tire-changing stuff. I also made the adult decision not to own clothes that require ironing or use the 10-minutes-in-the-dryer method of de-wrinkling.
