Beginners and Beyond


FriDAILIES (Read 36 times)




    I'll play around with it tonight.


    That's what she said.

    Runner with a riding problem.


      Took an RD.  And a martini.  And watching the news from 30 miles away.


      Poor people still standing at the tarmac. Good thing I'm not traveling this weekend.  Lucky this didn't happen in MIA or  there would be 3 times the number of people still on the tarmac.


      Add this to the long list of things I found out about here on the running forums.


      I don't know, I just don't do news in many forms and miss out on a lot of shit, emphasis on shit; it's depressing.




        Add this to the long list of things I found out about here on the running forums.


        I don't know, I just don't do news in many forms and miss out on a lot of shit, emphasis on shit; it's depressing.

        Ditto. I'm not trying to live in denial but we got rid of our subscription to the newspaper and i rarely watch tv news anymore for exactly the same reason.  I get depressed enough and it just seems constant bombardment. Unless fb tells me I'm not hearing about it. And I'm limiting that as well.


        I'm glad you're safe Damaris.


        *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

         **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



        Former Bad Ass


          Add this to the long list of things I found out about here on the running forums.


          I don't know, I just don't do news in many forms and miss out on a lot of shit, emphasis on shit; it's depressing.


          I don't watch the news either cause they are too depressing and I wouldn't leave the house, but we got all sorts of alerts on our phones and at work from it since we're local.


          I only watch the news when a hurricane is coming...



          Former Bad Ass

            Ditto. I'm not trying to live in denial but we got rid of our subscription to the newspaper and i rarely watch tv news anymore for exactly the same reason.  I get depressed enough and it just seems constant bombardment. Unless fb tells me I'm not hearing about it. And I'm limiting that as well.


            I'm glad you're safe Damaris.




            Half Crazy K 2.0


              Add this to the long list of things I found out about here on the running forums.


              I don't know, I just don't do news in many forms and miss out on a lot of shit, emphasis on shit; it's depressing.


              I found out about the Baltimore riots from Facebook. After I came back from a run. Oh well, at least they were 10 miles away.


              I glance at the news stations, often to see traffic, but yea, it's depressing. Basically local Baltimore news is a tally of the latest shootings, categorized as fatal or not.


                 This is the verbal equivalent to that tornado picture on the front page.


                I just remembered to laugh out loud at this. So, lol.


                  5 on the treadmill


                    Hi. Never mind.

