Beginners and Beyond

FriDAILIES (Read 58 times)



      Good morning.


      Hopefully your night went well. I am heading out to jog, and will be back to play later.


      See you!


        I shall run 6-7 later on.


        Former Bad Ass

          Morning!  I have 6 tonight.



          Super B****

            AlterG 8.


            I had a dream (NIGHTMARE) that I went to Israel to run Jerusalem... and apparently forgot to register for the race.

            chasing the impossible


            because i never shut up ... i blog



              Rick, thank you for starting today's thread. Happy running.


              Cyberic99, have a pleasant six-to-seven-miler. The cake was wasted on that twit.


              Damaris, enjoy your six.


              I had another lousy night of sleep last night. I awoke at 1:00. When I had trouble resuming the shuteye position, I decided to do my epilating and some stretching. I fell back asleep around 5:00 and awoke around 7:00.


              7.5 miles and weights after work.


                Apparently 6 is the number of the day. Great run with friends in the cool morning - 55*. And new shoes - Asics Cumulus 17s.

                My Garmin thought I was really moving at one point. While I think the overall distance and time are accurate (6 miles in right at 60 minutes), the splits are just a little wacky:



                4:45 - Yeah, baby!



                9:56 - the only one of these things that's right. Tongue


                I am planning to get to a pilates class this evening, and then DS and I and some friends are doing a fun run, in the dark, in a corn maze. Luckily, they mark off the "wrong" paths so you can't get lost.


                Have a great day, runners!

                20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                  Yo. Bad news is I've been up since 3:00; good news is that it's not due to inability to breathe, just normal insomnia. Definitely improved, but not terribly optimistic about being race-ready in 48 hrs. We'll see how it goes.


                  Happy Friday.



                  Former Bad Ass

                    There is smoke here again. I'll join Davein not breathing.



                      There is smoke here again. I'll join Davein not breathing.



                        Yo. Bad news is I've been up since 3:00; good news is that it's not due to inability to breathe, just normal insomnia. Definitely improved, but not terribly optimistic about being race-ready in 48 hrs. We'll see how it goes.


                        Happy Friday.


                        Wish you the best

                        From the Internet.

                          2.93 miles this morning! Weights and maybe pool later.


                          There is smoke here again. I'll join Davein not breathing.


                          There is no smoke here, but my smoke alarm system started going off while the kid was in the shower (that should have been clue number 1). Panicked, shut off the shower so the kid could get out, called 911... and the alarms stopped. I think it was the steam from the shower, whoops


                          By that point they said they were sending the FD over anyway just to make sure everything was fine, I apologized profusely for being an idiot, they were nice about it. The joys of being both an anxiety sufferer and a homeowner!


                          delicate flower

                            Good morning, all of you beautiful (and sick) people.  Today I have a day off from running.  BOOOOOO, lame.  Got up early with the spousal unit though and hit the pool for some laps.  55 minute, 1 mile slow swim, because that is the only speed I know.  I'll get working that.  At least my endurance has come a long way.  Stopped for gas on the way into work and picked up a delicious GAS STATION coffee.      



                              Morning!  I have 7 this evening with some hill sprints and strides.  At least that should keep things interesting, right?


                              Step- Have a fun maze-run!


                              Dave- We're all pulling for you!