Beginners and Beyond

Status Quo ThursDAILIES (Read 46 times)




    I ran 8. It was another slow one but it's cool, the further I get away from Sunday and the weeks that preceded it the better off I will be. That is the hope anyway.


    I have a really busy day scheduled at work but a B & B FE afterwards. Those are always a blast.


    How about you?

    Little Blue

      Enjoy your FE!


      I think I'll stick with walking a few slow today.  My heel/achilles is grumpy, probably due to miles and miles of grass cutting.  But tomorrow at this time I'll be headed for a deck rail and sand and surf and adult beverages.


        Will run 5 x (3 mins T w/ 3mins jg)

        I don't really have a hard time getting them done (started to do some faster stuff last week) but my mojo is still not up there. I'm trying to stay in correct running shape until it comes back and I feel like pushing again.


        delicate flower

          Hello Thursday!!  I slept late this morning and it was awesome.  After swimming and running last night, we'll go back to a run-only day today.




            7.6 under the stars. It felt better than the last few days, but my confidence about Saturday is lacking.


            Have a great day folks.

            Runner with a riding problem.


              7.6 under the stars. It felt better than the last few days, but my confidence about Saturday is lacking.



              Do you ever do strides? Sometimes that helps wake my legs up to run faster.


              Former Bad Ass

                Morning!  I have Pilates tonight.  Working in the conference room again but the breathing at the office is getting better, so there is that.



                  Rest day.  Yeah!


                  5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                  10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                  15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                  13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                  26.2 - TBD (someday)


                    7.6 under the stars. It felt better than the last few days, but my confidence about Saturday is lacking.


                    Have a great day folks.


                    I would focus on eating yummy nutritious food, and getting good sleep. Let the body take care of everything else.


                      PR, you've got the whole dailies rooting for you now.  Go and get it!  13.1 will seem short on your mileage.


                      My tempo run last night went well.  I noticed two things with my new toy watch.


                      -My max HR went up to 181?  I'm guessing that 183 isn't my actual max if I hit that during a tempo.  D, I'm really happy with the HRM so far.  It seems pretty even and responds quickly to small changes.  I have a 10K race coming up, we'll see what kind of max HR I get on that one.


                      - At tempo pace, my cadence is good (averaged in the high 180s).  So that's one less thing to worry about. Smile  It's slow when I warm up, that's no surprise!  At easy pace, it's lowish.


                        5.7 around the neighborhood. The cool 45 degree temp felt marvelous!


                          Think I'll run to and from my noon strength training class - 4 miles round trip with an hour of circuit-type strength work in the middle. Got to burn some calories, because we'll eat out tonight after a little "artists' reception" for the 4-H art show that DS is a part of.

                          20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                            So it wasn't enough that I started my run super late, then ran it slower than crap, but then one of my shoe lights fell off during the last mile in the middle of the biggest intersection on my route!


                            I heard it but couldn't check until I made it to the sidewalk for obvious reasons. So now I have to wait a light cycle change to go get the stupid thing, all while hoping no one runs it over.


                            Get to it, it's fine. Can't turn around though because drivers were turning behind me and are idiots. Long story short, that fiasco made me late for work.


                            It was something I considered while deciding if I should go back and get it though. Had I not, I would've had to order another one for $20, so it came down to dollars and sense, er um, cents. Big grin




                                It was something I considered while deciding if I should go back and get it though. Had I not, I would've had to order another one for $20, so it came down to dollars and sense, er um, cents. Big grin


                                I would have totally went back and got it.  I'm the guy that couldn't throw away a $3 sock hat that I wore waiting on a race start in the cold.  It was a perfectly good hat.  And it still is. Smile


                                5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                                10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                                15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                                13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                                26.2 - TBD (someday)