Beginners and Beyond

Status Quo ThursDAILIES (Read 46 times)


    I ran 8 tonight.  4 miles with Bruno and then we had nosework class for 2 hours. Somehow he still isn't tired.  But I am.


    A long run will tighten him right up. lol



      A long run will tighten him right up. lol


      Maybe I should have taken him for all 8.


        Maybe I should have taken him for all 8.


        It's something possibly to build up to over the course of the season, before the freezing season that is. lol



          It's something possibly to build up to over the course of the season, before the freezing season that is. lol


          I had him up to 7 or 8 last spring. But then he took a little break.  I plan to run him in the freezing season as that's the easiest way for me to exercise him when it's miserable out!



            I had him up to 7 or 8 last spring. But then he took a little break.  I plan to run him in the freezing season as that's the easiest way for me to exercise him when it's miserable out!


            I meant the freezing season for YOU, last winter was just awful to run in some weekends!



              I meant the freezing season for YOU, last winter was just awful to run in some weekends!

              Yes it was. And to make matters worse, I had stupidly signed up for an April marathon. 


              No spring marathon for me this year. I am done with that shit.



                I met up with hog4life, his wife and Kim BaLion. 3 hours later they kicked us out of the joint!


                PICS, PEOPLE!!

                You can let me know what I missed by moving away. 



                  Yes it was. And to make matters worse, I had stupidly signed up for an April marathon


                  No spring marathon for me this year. I am done with that shit.


                  Yeah, that's how people usually refer to it. 



                    Running 2 miles to the Y, with the 25 mph wind to my back before doing strength training = decent pace with almost no effort.

                    running home 2 miles after strength training straight into 25 mph wind = 45 secs/mile slower than the first half. :P


                    Filet mignon, zinfandel, crispy potatoes, and a wedge salad with bacon and bleu cheese = worth every calorie.

                    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                      April marathon? Who the hell would register for such an event?


                        There was a guy in my half last weekend running with his dog. He was not hanging at the back of the pack, he was right next to me. And not off to the side, he was right in the thick of things, early on when people were still kind of bunched together. I was sort of irritated - if someone trips over that dog, they are going to be pissed. He was still there a couple miles in, but then I lost track of them. Not sure what they ended up doing. A dog can't run 13 miles, can it?



                          pril marathon? Who the hell would register for such an event?


                          Someone who succumbed to tremendous peer pressure.




                            Someone who succumbed to tremendous peer pressure.


                              A dog can't run 13 miles, can it?


                              There is an endurance test for dogs called the AD (Ausdauerprüfung), which is a 20km run - 12.5 miles or so.  The handler bikes alongside the dog during this test.  It sounds like any healthy young GSD can do it.



                                Someone who succumbed to tremendous peer pressure.


                                I'm glad I did it. But I'm also glad I don't have to do it again.