Beginners and Beyond

Status Quo ThursDAILIES (Read 46 times)


Barking Mad To Run

    4.1 miles this morning in the sweet 61 degree temperature at 5:30 a.m.   Glad I did my run/walk this morning because once again our after work temp is heading into the 90s.  Our normal highs for October usually run in the 70s and 80s.   Mother Nature hates Texas this year for some reason.


    On a sadder note, looks like it's time for my oldest kitty to move into the next world, she seems to be giving me and Gail the signs...we can tell she's not really 'herself' anymore.   Got to make arrangements with the vet.  We got her when she was 5 months old and have had her ever since...she turned 15 this year.  Gail says she is more "my' cat than hers, as Lulu is the one at the shelter who picked me, lol; and when I am at home, she follows me around wherever I move in the house.  When I come home from work, and she hears the garage door opening, she waits by the inner door to the house to greet me as I come in.  Sometimes she's more like a dog than a cat, lol. It will be hard to let her go, but I know it's the right thing to do, don't want to see her suffer more.

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


    Former Bad Ass

      I'm sorry to hear, Scotty.



        9:30. Lunchtime yet?



        Former Bad Ass

          9:30. Lunchtime yet?


          I just came back from lunch.  Just sayin'.



            9:30. Lunchtime yet?


            Not for you, but breakfast works just fine if you eat enough of it.


              I just came back from lunch.  Just sayin'.


              As did I and it wasn't enough. I'll be doing it again shortly. Hopefully this time I get it right.



                As did I and it wasn't enough. I'll be doing it again shortly. Hopefully this time I get it right.


                This happened to me yesterday. I ate lunch and an hour later I was hungry again. 



                  This happened to me yesterday. I ate lunch and an hour later I was hungry again. 


                  I'm gonna fix it, with something tasty, and delectable. I just haven't decided exactly what yet. Smile


                  Former Bad Ass

                    I could not stop eating yesterday and I was even hungry and tired during my run.  Still lost 2lbs.  Weird.


                    Now I have a meeting at 2:15 (the sole reason I didn't work from home, FFS).  I'm going to fall asleep and be hungry by then for sure.



                      sorry about your cat Scotty...those things are never easy.

                      lrb - 20 bucks...I'm going back for it too


                      7 total this night and soccer with my older son later...have a great day everyone!

                      marathon pr - 3:16


                        IMM is only 3 weeks away.



                            I'm actually not even really freaked out.  Or burnt out.  Weird.


                              I'm actually not even really freaked out.  Or burnt out.  Weird.


                              Me neither, it's awesome.


                              I'm really happy to see my 7 day mileage total drop below 60 for the first time in ages though. At 3.5 weeks, it was the longest I've ever gone.


                              Do I get a cookie? Big grin

                              You Rang?

                                Sorry to hear about your cat Scotty..... These things are not easy.


                                Mr. Higdon says hills today.  In training cycles past, I'd always taken those annotations on training plans as suggestions and then gone an run on the beach. Not so  this time.  i understand that the LA marathon course is somewhat hilly, so I found a hill and I'm going to run over it this evening after work.  Should be about three miles.


                                PR: 5k 25:01 (10/15) 10k: 57:44 (7/14) HM: 1:57 (5/15) FM: 4:55 (1/15)