Beginners and Beyond


Supplements (Read 100 times)



    In addition, most people in northern climates could benefit from vit D supplementation.


    Interesting factoid. Humans evolved lighter skin after migrating from Africa into more northern regions such as Europe. Lighter skin absorbs more Vitamin D, necessary since they were not getting nearly as much sunlight up north as their ancestors in Africa.

    Assuming you believe in all that evolution and whatnot.


    Hip Redux


      Interesting factoid. Humans evolved lighter skin after migrating from Africa into more northern regions such as Europe. Lighter skin absorbs more Vitamin D, necessary since they were not getting nearly as much sunlight up north as their ancestors in Africa.

      Assuming you believe in all that evolution and whatnot.


      Also interesting factoid, genetically speaking, people with darker skin may also not need as much vitamin D and typically have lower blood levels than lighter skinned folks.


      Vitamin D is one of those things where there really is enough evidence (which you would know IF YOU LOOKED AT MY PRETTY INFOGRAPHIC) to warrant taking it in certain situations.   If you are curious about your levels, it's an easy blood test too.    It is possible to get lots of sunlight and still not have adequate vitamin D levels.



        I eat a couple of handfuls of these with every meal....other than that, I don't think supplements do anything.....




        marathon pr - 3:16
