Beginners and Beyond

Freezing FRIDAILIES (Read 50 times)


    Hmmm just so damn much going on with work!


    Tell me  about it. I am staying late off the clock for a few just to get shit done so I don't have to deal with it first thing Monday morning.


      Debbie-downer alert.  I've been in a running slump lately.   I just can't seem to shake off all the little aches and pains I seemed to have acquired since my marathon.   I thought I was making progress, but my first real temp run last week left me feeling stiff-hipped and achy again.   I am debating  whether just to take a week or two off.


      I was keeping it to myself, but according to LRB it's a sin not to post , so I might as well share my whining.


      Your marathon was in December, if I remember correctly? It's very possible that your body and mind require a good 3 months before you feel your normal running self again. They don't say that we can only run 2 good marathons per year for nothing. My last one was on November 2nd and I only started feeling like I was running normally again about 2 weeks ago... Whether mental or physical, running was just not the thing for me for the last 2 1/2 months. Sometimes, we have to respect ourselves and not force things. Try not to stress over it and just run lightly for a little while.

      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


        Wow! A dailies almost all about running! And I chose to take a URD Sad I just didn't feel like going out.

        And tomorrow I'm flying. Will I have the strength and will power to run tomorrow?


        Make sure to tune in to the Saturdailies to find out!


          Wow! A dailies almost all about running! And I chose to take a URD Sad I just didn't feel like going out.

          And tomorrow I'm flying. Will I have the strength and will power to run tomorrow?


          Make sure to tune in to the Saturdailies to find out!


          Do you have to bend your head when you walk in an airplane? Could you do jumping jacks in there? Can you try tomorrow and take a selfie while trying and then post it here after? Pleeease!


          Ok, time to try running a few miles. I think I have cabin fever.

          PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                  Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

          18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


            No quote, just an answer to lily. No jumping jacks, you got me laughing with that. Only aisle seats, or emergency exits for my poor legs, and yes I have to tilt my head in airplanes in general.



              You know better than that! 


              I actually suffered a setback during a quality run myself and dialed it back so I feel you on that.  You may just need to do a pelvic realignment to reset your hip. Have you tried that?


              What is a pelvic realignment?  Sounds painful!

              Life is good.


                 What is a pelvic realignment?  Sounds painful!


                It's actually very simple. I'll explain when I get home

                I'm driving at the moment. 



                  Your marathon was in December, if I remember correctly? It's very possible that your body and mind require a good 3 months before you feel your normal running self again. They don't say that we can only run 2 good marathons per year for nothing. My last one was on November 2nd and I only started feeling like I was running normally again about 2 weeks ago... Whether mental or physical, running was just not the thing for me for the last 2 1/2 months. Sometimes, we have to respect ourselves and not force things. Try not to stress over it and just run lightly for a little while.


                  Yes to all of this.  I feel like it takes forever to get back to the point where I was pre-marathon.  Marathons fuck you up for awhile.



                    I don't know if it's smart of me to give all my TM secrets... Hmm... Meh... you're already faster than me anyway, might as well share.  I would do one workout a week, during an easy run, with hill intervals. They would vary according to my mood or the length of the run. Sometimes they were mile intervals, sometimes they were just a bunch of 800m intervals, but at an higher incline. The Boston hills are between 3 and 5% incline, btw. Nothing big.


                    I'm not looking to steal your secrets, I promise! I just wondered if you didn't think much of the hills because you prepared for worse.



                      Yes to all of this.  I feel like it takes forever to get back to the point where I was pre-marathon.  Marathons fuck you up for awhile.

                      + a billion.



                        Little Blue


                          It's actually very simple. I'll explain when I get home

                          I'm driving at the moment


                          STOP IT!!!    Either drive or post, but not both!  We like you here!

                          Little Blue

                            Wow! A dailies almost all about running! And I chose to take a URD Sad I just didn't feel like going out.

                            And tomorrow I'm flying. Will I have the strength and will power to run tomorrow?


                            Make sure to tune in to the Saturdailies to find out!


                            Try the FreeSoul method - get no sleep, then get up at 0:dark:30 and run.


                            Throw in a little kid for added motivation.



                              What is a pelvic realignment?  Sounds painful!

                              I told my wife she was getting a pelvic realignment on our honeymoon. She was not amused.


                              And 4.5 easy for me today.


                              5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                              10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                              15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                              13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                              26.2 - TBD (someday)