Beginners and Beyond


United Cerebral Palsy "Life Without Limits" Half RR (Read 82 times)


    UCP Life Without Limits Half Marathon

    Florence, Alabama


    My 5th Half


    Short story

    Time:  2:03:37

    Pace: 9:26

    13/19 AG

    174/377 OA


    Pre race


    Longer story with a few pics;

    First and foremost, this run was dedicated to our friend TJ Norby. Robert and Angie, I hope you don’t mind me mentioning you guys. As most of you know from following their posts on FB, he suffers from Cerebral Palsy. All the race proceeds go to United Cerebral Palsy of NW Alabama to help children and their families. Here is their website  , and here is the website of the race . The organization had a goal to reach $30,000, and they exceeded that despite the cold weather for the start of the race. It was 32 degrees at 8:00 am with no wind, and called for 46 degrees by 10:00 am with full sun. It was a beautiful day for a run.


    I was planning to start around a 9:00 mm pace, and maybe pick it up if I felt okay through the race, hoping for an 8:48-8:58 overall pace, with a 1:55-1:57 finish time. I had been trying to follow a plan, but the quality runs just weren’t there due to dealing with PF all summer. I have been “racing” too much, my work schedule is rotating shifts, have worked 60 hours/week for the last 2 months. My ultimate goal has been to survive these races, treating them as a form of speed work, all in preparation for my Dec 14 first full marathon.  The last 2 races I would call a success, with a 15K time of 1:20:37 for an 8:40 pace, and a 5K time of 23:50 for a 7:36 pace. This HM is a different story. I wouldn’t call it a failure, but it was very tough and I think I’ve learned a lesson or two.


    The course is absolutely gorgeous! This is a relatively flat course and crosses the Tennessee River twice. It has a few very small short rolling hills, but none of them were of any measure, at least to me. A lot of the course is run on paved trails of the local power company called TVA that manages the dams along the river. Here is a YouTube video of the course .  If you have trouble with the link, go to You Tube and search Life Without Limits Half Course. This will be your fastest half marathon ever! Another really touching point of this race, is that at every mile marker, there is a picture of a child that has CP. How can you not be motivated to keep going when you see all these sweet kids.


    I had met a coworker there, and we sort of talked about running together, but that didn’t last long. I did a 2 mile WU, with the last ½ mile with my friend. Once we took off, he jetted out in front of me, and I never seen him again until the finish. He run a huge PR of 1:41 something, with his last half being 1:58. I started out way, way too fast as you can see from my splits. Somewhere around mile 7-8, my R foot started going numb (11:08 mile). I had to stop twice to adjust my sock and laces. This has happened to me before, and it’s just a something I deal with. I usually turn my socks inside out, or switch them to the other foot, and loosen the laces even more than they already are. By mile 10-11, my foot was fine. I almost think I need a wider shoe sometimes, but meh, it doesn’t happen all that often.


    Once I recovered from the shoe problem, I started getting what felt like a side stitch. I did the opposite foot exhale thing, but it didn’t change much. This was odd because I don’t usually get side stitches, and from reading about those that do, I think mine was something different because of the location. It was on my left side, front of my stomach, just below my ribs. I am almost inclined to think it is Crohn’s related. The reason I say this, is today, during church, and even while writing this report, this pain is hitting me again. It is the type of double over pain that I’ve experienced in the past. Don’t worry; I have a doctor’s appointment on Thursday with my GI doctor, so I will let him know. During the last 2 miles, I had to walk a little to see if this pain in my side would ease up. At any rate, I finished the race running with a 7:37 clip at the end.


    Here are my splits;

    Mile 1 – 8:03 (way too fast)

    Mile 2 – 8:09 (still too fast)

    Mile 3 – 8:30

    Mile 4 – 8:40 (still trying to pull back)

    Mile 5 – 9:07

    Mile 6 – 9:05 (much better)

    Mile 7 – 9:35

    Mile 8 – 11:08 (foot, sock, shoe problem, 2 stops)

    Mile 9 – 9:53

    Mile 10 – 9:27

    Mile 11 – 9:44 (settling in for the finish)

    Mile 12 – 10:40 (side started hurting, walking a little)

    Mile 13 – 10:27

    Point 1 – 7:37

    Lessons learned

    1. Don’t go out too fast(I have a chance to redeem this on Nov 9th , with another half)
    2. I am burning the candles at both ends, and therefore, shouldn't expect as much as I do. I can’t help this though, due to me being competitive, and wanting to push myself.
    3. This course will be my PR attempt next year.

    There is one more thing that I want to talk about here; I couldn’t leave this out, because it touched my heart. I had this little “bib” made of TJ that I wore on my back. I had 2 different runners come up behind me and asked what the story was behind my bib. I told them how Robert31320 and I met on the forums, and that we have become FB friends, and their only son has Cerebral Palsy, and that I asked Robert if I could run in honor of TJ. One guy even God blessed me, for being so nice. And after I told him my colon cancer story, he was even more amazed. This same guy is running the marathon that I am, and I hope I run into him again. I had another couple behind me for a bit and I kind of heard them talking about it, although they didn’t say anything to me.



    When I crossed the finish line and got my medal, I just couldn’t help but to think about sending it to TJ. I went back to the area where the medals were being handed out, and as I talked to this wonderful lady, I asked her if it was possible to get another medal so I could send one to TJ. I told her the story, showed her my bib of TJ, and she almost started crying. She was so overwhelmed and touched by the story, that she graciously gave me an additional medal. This is the care package that will be mailed to TJ. I didn’t get her name at that time, so I went to the website, found a name, and sent an email hoping it was her. Her name is Julie, and here is her response.


    Here is the medal that TJ will be getting


    Robert, I sure hope you guys can make it for the 2014 Life Without Limits Half, it sounds like Julie wants your story.




     I am not sure if you are the person I spoke to today, but someone gave me an additional medal to mail to my friend in Savanna GA, and I would like to know if that was you. I feel really bad for not getting your name, because I wanted to send a personal thank you. I had a little "bib" made with pictures of TJ on my back. That was such a kind gesture of you, and it will mean so much to his family. I surely hope they can make the trip next year. He made a statement to me once, that there were not enough people that "do" for Cerebral Palsy, and it really meant a lot that I run in honor for his son. If this was not you, could you direct me?


    Thank you,




    Her response;


    It was me. I would've given you 5 of those medals, sir. 

    This is why we do this event. Our teachers and therapists do what we do because we LOVE these kiddos and support these families. 

    I sincerely hope this family comes next year. It would be our pleasure if he wanted to be our feature runner/team. They usually get a 2-3 minute head start. 


    You just let me know and I will make the accommodations. 


    Thank you, thank you, for running today!  I wish I had taken a picture of your 'bib'. Do you mind if I send your email on and possibly put it on our site? 


    Just want people to be reminded of 'why' we 'run'. 


    Thank you so much for reaching out!  Don't you dare send me a written note. Your email is more than enough. 


    Blessings to you,




    This RR has the most meaning by far, of any that I’ve done. It wasn’t about any PR, or about how well I run my splits, or what pain I endured, or if it was too hot, or too cold. It was about people reaching out to others that sometimes need a lift in life. Parents of children with special needs are some of the strongest people we know. I could list at least a dozen people here on the forums and IRL that fit this category, but this story is for TJ.









    Thanks for reading,



    Team TJ

      Our initial reaction, SPEECHLESS!


      You sir, have no idea how much this means to our family!  We are thankful to you for doing this more than we could ever write here.


      Please thank Ms. Julie for being willing to give you the additional medal for TJ...and you can let her know we are ALL IN for 2014.  As a matter of fact, we were looking at the details of the race last night and starting our plans to be there next year .  After all, who hasn't desired to vacation in NW Alabama - and what a great reason to do it!


      I'm sure as this really sinks in it will feel even more amazing!


      Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!

      Running for TJ because he can't.



      Caretaker/Overlook Hotel

        Very cool!!  Awesome story, too!!


        I don't get much success from the opposite-foot thing either.  Probably was just a side stitch because I've had them just below the ribs like that too.  (diaphram spasm, etc.)


        Experiment with socks, too!!  Balega are good ones if you want to try something really good for races.  (I hate sock, foot, shoe, lace issues.  They're all annoying!)


        Congrats again!!!  Big grin


        Jack K.

        uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

          Speechless. Hog, I was going to comment on your race, but that can wait. What a great story. Man, that really made me feel good. I've read robert's posts over the months and know that TJ is a cool kid. That was just great, my friend. Oh, the race. Aside from your shoe problem, I think you did ok. You recognized your mistakes and I know you will not go out too fast next time. Also, working the night shift does you no good when training for a big race. Shake it off and get it next time. Great RR!


          delicate flower

            Well how awesome is that!?  That is just way too cool.  Smile  You are awesome, Mitch!  2014 should be a very memorable experience.


            As far as the race goes, sorry you missed your goal but you definitely had everything working against you.  What can ya do?  I always say though that as bad as a run may go, am I still grateful that I am healthy enough to cover the distance.



              Robert, you are welcome! I couldn't have done this without you and Angie, and all your stories and pictures of TJ.


              Red, I have several different styles of the Balega socks, it can happen on any pair, or any pair of shoes too. It's just weird. I also use the Swiftwic socks, but they don't offer much protection for the longer runs. They are great in the summer time. Thanks.


              Jack, Thank you for the kind words.


                Well how awesome is that!?  That is just way too cool.  Smile  You are awesome, Mitch!  2014 should be a very memorable experience.


                As far as the race goes, sorry you missed your goal but you definitely had everything working against you.  What can ya do?  I always say though that as bad as a run may go, am I still grateful that I am healthy enough to cover the distance.


                Phil, I'm not going to lie, there was one point that I felt like giving up and just walking the rest of the way in. But to see those kids pictures, and to know that so many people can't walk, much less run, I couldn't stop.

                Just B.S.

                  That is just supremely awesome! you are a great guy and congrats on a great race!

                  Jess runs for bacon

                    My cold heart just thawed a little Smile Thank you for sharing Mitch (and slow down next time!)


                    Smaller By The Day

                      Mitch - I did not know the story before I read this RR.  You've been in inspiration to me for some time now, and this just reinforces that for me.  Your dedication to family, friends, hard work and competitive spirit are impressive.  That RR is so emotional that it's hard to talk about the race itself.  My boss and I haven't hammered out the details for next year, but I'm definitely finding a race that I can run with you next year once this pesky marathon is out of the way.


                      Weight 100 pounds lost

                      5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

                      10K 48:59 April 2013

                      HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

                      MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013

                        Definitely not a failure!  Any race where you learn something is a success.


                        You sound like a nice guy, but I have to tell you, after reading this I'm more interested in hearing about TJ.  I've missed hearing about his back story, and clearly he's an inspiring guy.


                        Wickedly Average



                          A nice run, Mitch. But an even nicer underlying story! You did such a great thing there beyond just running the race.


                          You're a good man, Mitch! A very good man!

                          Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

                          5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54

                            Mitch - simply amazing.  God bless you.

                            “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T.S. Eliot


                              Awood, I seem a post on FB that people already signing up for Oak Barrel, I almost went and pulled the plug. Keep in touch with me as to your work, I'd like to plan that first weekend in April, but I'm open for anything.


                              Granite, there's a story somewhere about TJ. I can't remember if it's here on RA, or on FB, but I'll let Robert be the one to tell you the whole story.

                              Bin Running

                                Sir, you are awesome! What a great story. Inspiring and humbling at the same time.. Loved the specially made bib.. Proud for Team TJ.

                                2015 Races

                                2XU HM - 29 Mar
