Marathon Trainers

10/13-10/20 (Read 248 times)

Oh Mighty Wing

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!


      Good luck Murphy. Sorry I missed you on the race list. I think you wll have a much better marathon than last time. Good Luck!



        Murphy is doing AWESOME!! Hit the half in 2:22 with a predicted 4:44 finish if he holds it together.

        I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.


          Go Murphy Go. I'm not leaving to go run until he's in. Hurry Murphy!


          Oh Mighty Wing

            Mile 20: 3:43:31 Finish - 5:16:10 GREAT JOB MURPHY!!!!


              BIG, BIG THAN BIG IMPROVEMENT from last marathon. Great work Murphy! Ok, I'm going on my zen run now.



                Nice job Murphy! Can't wait to hear the report.


                  Kimmie, every time I see your avatar it makes me want to dress up like a girl, something I don't do often. You look so very pretty in that picture. Murphy, report in dam it. Wink I ran 8 miles at marathon pace today. Ufta, that was work today...good think it was NOT 26.2 miles. I might hit 1500 miles for year next week though. Smile


                  Oh Mighty Wing

                    wow Bugs! Awesome!!!


                      Bugs, I've done the math and there is NO WAY I reach 1500 this year. I will hit 1000 though this week or during my marathon on Sunday. I did 3.5 today at below MP for the middle 2 miles. Legs were feeling sluggish and tweaky and wanted to let out a bit. Will probably do an easy 4 1/2 tomorrow. Cut Murphy a break. The man just ran a marathon Wink Where is Peach? She owes us a checkin. Cash, glad to hear the swimming has gone well. I really should do more of that but my thoughts on crosstraining are well established. Will likely start up the crossfit stuff again after the race though.

                      I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.


                        Great job Bugs. I'm only 6.7 miles behind that bunny now, and after the 4 or 5 tonight, will be darn close. Marathon Race Reports, my favorite. Can't wait for that check-in.

                          That's a huge PR for Murphy, isn't it? He'll be sub-5 soon, maybe even at Vegas! I'm very happy for him and look forward to the RR. My total mileage for October is like 73... worst monthly total I've ever had (that I've recorded). I know there's still a couple weeks left in the month, but since I've pretty much backed off running I'm not sure what'll happen. I had a good lead on that stupid 2000 mile pace bunny, but he's gaining on me now!!! I managed my 2 hours in the pool today. The best part was half an hour into it when I realized my MIL was in the lane next to me. At 72 (I think... maybe 74?), she has a strong and graceful stroke that explains her master's swimming top times she sets at every meet. We had a couple of brief chats, but it did help pass the time just watching her. No "slash-o-matic" from her, just smooth efficient swimming. It was fun. Then the last half hour was with the open swim crowd... lots of loud kids and some bullet-headed guys with big bellies who loved to do the cannonball jumps off the diving board when I was nearby. Angry Finished with a couple of laps of swimming to let my legs do something different in the water. Amazing how good the foot feels in the water, but the first step on land reminds me I'm not 100%. (but overall... feels much better now!) Now to work on cleaning the garage....

                          Oh Mighty Wing

                            Erika - glad the pool is helping your foot. It's funny that you mention your low because I was just thinking today that I've already doubled my hours run in September. You will be back at it in no time!! For now just get your foot healthy!


                              Erika, Honestly I just hope your foot doesn't bother you in the race. NYC with all the crowds is a great marathon (I think) just to take in the crowds and sites...and come back without crutches. Dave, Glad to hear you are running again. I really think a little running before marathon each day is good. Brian, you will beat me to the finish. I had no yearly miles goals, and to be honest they mean little IMO. I've been analzying my logs. I ran the least my first year and ran my best races. (I've ran better marathons but only because I've gained experience in the marathon). BUT I felt I was starting to run my best ever when I would train for a marathon within three months of running a marathon, however I've got injured each time. I don't think I will run another marathon in 2008. My feet need to recover, and frankly I don't want to fly somewhere to run a "3:57" with no one waiting for me at the finishline. I've ran 18 races this year...THAT's ENOUGH! I'm thinking of seeing a naturopath for food intollerences. I had excessive pitstops for GI stops this year. I read that this is what Paula Radcliffee did, and well we all know she pooped during races. I KNOW they will say I'm allergic to dairy, how will I live without that. (Soy really sucks.) I made a feelble attempt at hill bounding today, harder than it sounds, and I really felt like a kid skipping. I might have to buy Nobby's video, or better yet get to meet him in person so he can show me how. For my next marathon I'm going to try his approach of base, hills, and then marathon specific work. I'm also switching to the running everyday approach, with some days just recovery jogs. My running would have been better this year had I done a recovery jog before some key runs. I have a good friend who also wants to run Fargo, and she's got a coach making her a plan that peaks at 70 mpw. Yuck. I have no faith that would work for me. I mean you can say "ya I avg'd XX amounts of miles per week...blah, blah, but bottom line its what you do on race day that counts." I know had I had better weather at TCM, and no health issues I would have broke four hours. Bottom line though, I am in great aerobic shape, but lack the muscle strength to run the marathon I want. Now hopefully in the next year I can run fast, without hurting my feet.


                              Oh Mighty Wing

                                Bugs - yeah it definitly is harder than it seems. also with running every day - be prepared to possibly feel like you are going backwards for a couple weeks as yor body adjusts and you figure out recovry running.