Flying Pig 2010


This forum is SOOOOOOOOOOO quiet! (Read 321 times)


Moving right along....

    With just 2 months to go....I'm wondering how everyone their training is going...if I'm the only on who gets the winter blues....if anyone wanted to quit within the last two weeks, and what everyone's run for this Saturday is??? Anyone out there???
    By failing to prepare, you are prepairing to fail. Benjamin Franklin

    Imminent Catastrophe

      Yeah, I'm still here. I planned to run the Pig because I PR'ed last year and had a great time. This year I've had problems with my foot and haven't been able to train much, not even base mileage, so it's not likely that I could run well at the Pig, and since I ran it last year and already have Ohio and Kentucky marathons, I'm wondering whether I should run it at all.

      "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

       "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

      "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


      √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

      Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

      Western States 100 June 2016


        I'm still hanging in there, although it's been difficult to get the mileage in. Last weekend was a 15 mile run and it was tiresome because there was about an inch of soft snow. My hips were very sore the next day. This weekend is 17 miles and I'm hoping the snow and ice will all be gone. it's not the long runs on the weekend so much since I run with some friends, but those pre-dawn middle of the week sessions that are challenging to squeeze in. We have just had so much snow and ice this year and I do not have a treadmill. You are definitely not the only one who gets the winter blues. SadFebruary, although the shortest month on the calendar, always seems to drag. Hang in there, Spring will be here soon. How is your training going?
          Training is going great-no aches, no pains. I'll be doing the first 20 miler of the training plan I'm following this weekend. It will be the first of the 3 20 mile runs I'll be doiing before I begin my taper. The weather in Pittsburgh has been worse than usual-we've had extremely cold temperatures even by our standards, and snow and ice have been a constant battle. Running on a treadmill is no fun, but I turned those runs into my tempo or interval work for the week, so they weren't so bad. Other than juggling my personal life, finishing my MBA, working full time, and training for this marathon all together, the training has actually been the most fun I've had training for any race. Just hope the race goes as well as the training has so far.

          Imminent Catastrophe

            ....Other than juggling my personal life, finishing my MBA, working full time, and training for this marathon all together, the training has actually been the most fun I've had training for any race...
            So, not much going on in your life, leaves you with lots of free time, huh? Wink

            "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

             "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

            "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


            √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

            Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

            Western States 100 June 2016

              So, not much going on in your life, leaves you with lots of free time, huh? Wink
              If I'm not running I'm going crazy, so it's not too much as long as you're good at time management, which basically means virtually no television for me until this marathon is over. My wife has been supportive, so that has made a huge difference. Wish I had time for a little more fun, but I figure I'll have the summer months to do that-better to train for a marathon when the weather is garbage rather than when the weather gets nicer in May and June. BTW, had my first of the three 20 mile runs of the training program I'm following. Felt real strong, like I could have run the final 6.2 pretty easily. I'm thinking a sub 3:30 might be possible, but I'm not banking on it yet.
                Alright JC 8 weeks to go and your 1st 20 miler was easy Shocked I always crash and burn on those long runs, so of course I also crashed on the marathon. Cry That's why I'm only doing the half. Wink Young and determined, you will do great but don't forget to enjoy it!

                Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

                  Hi guys - Liam here in Dublin. Been doing exams myself so am a little behind on my own training, but completed a 10 Mile Race yesterday in 83:50 (8:23 pace) which went reasonably well and can now get back on track. Arriving in Cincy on the Thursday before the race and look forward to meeting folk on my trip Smile Liam

                  Run like a kid again!

                    Well considering that we just had a foot of snow in my area all has gone pretty well so far. I just took that foot of snow as a challenge and ran with my Yax Traks on and rock. Now my pace was much slower but I had the road to myself for the most part on Saturday. Sunday I ran on an indoor track and did 8 miles worth of intervals which I needed to get in anyway. I've gotten two flat 20 mile runs in and have been doing some decent hill work. I have been pretty happy with my pace of my runs but feel I might be doing them too fast. I'm trying not to over do it. I ran a race a week ago that was a 10k and had a 7:30 pace (new PR). Amazing though that I was spent after the race and to BQ I would have to do that for 20 more miles!!!! My next big challenge is the 22nd when the 3rd of my 20's comes into play but it will have some good hills in it and then a 15K on the 30th. PerfessrR - You should do the pig. It is the 10th year annivesary. It is supposed to be really special. I hope the foot feels better. You need to make sure you get all of the flying medals this year. Flying Monkey and the Flying Pig.
                      2011 Goals:
                      Sub 19 5K (19:24 5K July 14th 2010)
                      Marathon under 3:05:59 BQ (3:11:10 Indy 2010)

                    Moving right along....

                      I thought I was the only one crazy enough to use the indoor track for the long run!!!LOL We got 16" where I live and since the 15 mile group run on Saturday was cancelled, I too had to use the track. I did the first 5 miles on it and thought maybe to break it up I would go to the TM----NOT!!! I lasted 3 miles on it --back to the track again for the remaining 7 miles. I even broke the rules of going one way---only to have several people tell me I was going the wrong way. I just laughed at them. BEARCAT!!! Which gym do you use??? UA???? Here's hoping for no more snow this season!
                      By failing to prepare, you are prepairing to fail. Benjamin Franklin
                        Greetings from Louisville! A measly 13" of snow down here on Friday/Saturday. Between the snow killing the 20 mile long run hopes, and the Louisville "Triple Crown of Running" (5k,10k, and 10 miler in March), being properly prepared for the Pig is going to be a challenge. My last 20 miler was on asphalt and concrete that had frozen from heavy fog. I'm looking forward to a late spring marathon now.

                          13" of snow? ShockedBlech! I'm stoked because today it's supposed to hit 52 (Central Illinois). Last weekend we were wearing those ninja-mask things on our long run because the wind chill was close to zero. Tonight I may break out the shorts.
                            Interestingly enough, most of the snow down here disappeared from the roads within 24 hours. Looks like Louisville's going to have to wait another day for mid-50s, although I'd happily strike out in shorts and t-shirt today if I hadn't wanted to get 9 miles in this morning. Maybe I'll do 5 and 5 tomorrow.

                            Run like a kid again!

                              Tenacious: I run on the indoor track at the Mason Rec Center in Mason Ohio (It is north of Cincinnati). Is UA Upper Arlington? Now we all run to the beat of a different drummer but what made you want to go the opposite direction? Didn't you worry about running into other people? Personally you would have been driving me insane if I was on the track with you. It's like driving the wrong side of the road. Bad enough I have to worry about walkers walking in the jog only lane. However, the roads are meant for driving and I run on them so I try to be nice to the walkers in my lane. If only I could honk when I was running around them Smile I am guessing their is more to this story. Confused
                                2011 Goals:
                                Sub 19 5K (19:24 5K July 14th 2010)
                                Marathon under 3:05:59 BQ (3:11:10 Indy 2010)

                              Moving right along....

                                Tenacious: I run on the indoor track at the Mason Rec Center in Mason Ohio (It is north of Cincinnati). Is UA Upper Arlington? Now we all run to the beat of a different drummer but what made you want to go the opposite direction? Didn't you worry about running into other people? Personally you would have been driving me insane if I was on the track with you. It's like driving the wrong side of the road. Bad enough I have to worry about walkers walking in the jog only lane. However, the roads are meant for driving and I run on them so I try to be nice to the walkers in my lane. If only I could honk when I was running around them Smile I am guessing their is more to this story. Confused
                                No, UA is Urban Active. I live about 50 miles south of Cincinnati and Urban Active is the new gym in Florence. Beautiful!! But obviously not training minded when it comes to the track. Going the same direction on a tight track that takes 11 laps to make a mile is just pounding on the same muscles. It's like riding a horse in a round have to change directions so the horse doesn't become sore on one side. I realize it probably made some people annoyed....but I was very curtious and got out of their way. What they didn't realize was that they may only be on that track for 22 laps, but I was on it for 122 laps. And even though I would change directions for short periods, I just about trashed my knee from all the pounding I did when going the "assigned" direction. I'm just hopeful that the knee will hold out for my 16 miler----on the hills of Cincy---this weekend!
                                By failing to prepare, you are prepairing to fail. Benjamin Franklin