Flying Pig 2010


Any Piggies still checking this site??? (Read 206 times)


Moving right along....

    I want to know how everyone did!!! Bearcat, where are you???? Was a beautiful day for a marathon wasn't it?? Jen
    By failing to prepare, you are prepairing to fail. Benjamin Franklin
      Still here... 3:39:44, perfect day for running.
        Excellent race Thomas your improvement has been fantastic. Keep up the hard work. Best wishes on future races and congratulations on this one Smile I did the half and was happy to finish pain free and feeling good. My last 3 long races didn't go very good due to a hip problem. I think maybe I'm ready to turn the corner and start working on some speed. I'll never come close my PR's from my early 40's but I love to run and enjoy the challenge of races. The hills weren't as steep as I expected but the crowd support was very good. It was a very nicely managed race. I will consider it in the future even though it's a 4.5 hourdrive for me.

        Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


          Still Here, Hope everyone had as much fun as we did. DW and I ran the half, finished in 2:14:18. A PR for me at this distance so i'm happy with it. The change in the weather was unbelievable, ideal conditions for us.
            Still lurking. The Pig went fairly well for me. Chip time 3:39:58 - adjusted time 3:37:53. A PIG PR for me but missed my marathon PR by about 3 minutes. I was on pace to set a new marathon PR until mile 23 and I just ran out of gas. That was frustrating but still had a great time over the weekend. Kevin
            Don't let the fat fool you .....

            Run like a kid again!

              I'm not sure how to feel about this race. I set a new PR of 3:48(unadjusted time) but felt I could have done so much better if my knees felt good. I was running a good race but really held back in the second half. It was the first time I never had to walk during a marathon. It was a perfect day and I enjoyed it a lot. I just felt like I left a lot on the course. However, with that said it was a better feeling then having to do everything I could just to finish. I know I should be happy I just can't be. I only knocked off six minutes from last year and trained a lot harder for it this year. Anyway, enough whining. Sounds like a lot of you had a great run. The crowd support really was great. I only wish I would have gotten to meet some of you before or during the race. So what is next for everyone? I am thinking a local 5K at the beg of June called the firecraker 5K and then a half at the end of July in Columbus. I need to pick a fall marathon within driving distance and somehow that stupid 1500 mile bunny passed me. I got catch that stupid rabbit Big grin
                2011 Goals:
                Sub 19 5K (19:24 5K July 14th 2010)
                Marathon under 3:05:59 BQ (3:11:10 Indy 2010)
                I'm signing for the Hatfield McCoy marathon in 5 weeks. Already have reservations for the lodge in Logan, WV.
                  I'm not sure how to feel about this race. I set a new PR of 3:48(unadjusted time) but felt I could have done so much better if my knees felt good. I was running a good race but really held back in the second half. It was the first time I never had to walk during a marathon. It was a perfect day and I enjoyed it a lot. I just felt like I left a lot on the course. However, with that said it was a better feeling then having to do everything I could just to finish. I know I should be happy I just can't be. I only knocked off six minutes from last year and trained a lot harder for it this year. Anyway, enough whining. Sounds like a lot of you had a great run. The crowd support really was great. I only wish I would have gotten to meet some of you before or during the race. So what is next for everyone? I am thinking a local 5K at the beg of June called the firecraker 5K and then a half at the end of July in Columbus. I need to pick a fall marathon within driving distance and somehow that stupid 1500 mile bunny passed me. I got catch that stupid rabbit Big grin
                  Same here- it was my first marathon and I held back in fear of the unchartered waters of the last 10k, but I never felt fatigued. I accomplished all of my goals but I had so much in the tank at the end, never got tired, and was not the least bit sore afterward. So, now I am beating myself up a little because in hindsight I know I could have done better. You'd think I'd be happy with a negative split and a 9:00-ish pace since most of my long runs were in the 11:00-13:00 pace range. I will probably try again in the fall and push a little harder if I can get the training in during the summer.