Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)





    Have a great weekend. Cool


      Seeing how the seasons are rapidly changing and we are entering the Fall (prime running weather), I'm giving thought to a few local HMs over the next few weeks.  I have not run one in years and think the faster pace running should be fun.  Planning the first one next weekend and the next several weeks later.


      Not having any set date for 26.2 in the near future my weekly log is without any focus, other than a strict MAF diet.  As such, I thought it would be best to see how a typical training program looks prior to a HM?  Per HH Intermediate II I elected to run 7 yesterday (partial pace run) and 15 today (strictly LSD miles).  Taper during the week.


      Sat - 7.25miles - rolling terrain - HR progression run building to a possible pace run for miles 4-7.  9:54 mm average - 136 bm (ave)/ 162(max).  Pleased with splits for the pace portion of the run.  Started out with paces of 10:32, 10:10 and eventually 9:32 @ 129bmp, then shifted gears and saw 8:33, 8:27, 8:20ish as hr built from 140, 150s and eventually topping out at 160 for a little while.  All felt good and no complaints.


      Sunday - planned lsd miles at sub MAF pace.  I'm thinking of it as a long recovery run which is all about quality time of my feet/ roads.  Off into the cold dark rain to explore.  Its going to be wet one.  Carrying a piece of sweet potato to snack later in the run if need.


      Docket R - my sincere condolences to you and your family.


      Have a great weekend.



      Consistently Slow

        Saturday 4/2 miles-  walk / run

        Walked .5 mile to GA Tech game with out knee brace. Half way there the knee stated hurting.

        Sunday  4 miles- walk. Managed it with out limping Smile

        Run until the trail runs out.

         SCHEDULE 2016--

         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

        unsolicited chatter



        Former Bad Ass

          Hi, guys.  Thanks for the words!


          I did 22 miles this morning with the last 6 @ MP to HMP but adjusted because the heat index was above 93F and the dewpoint was above 75, meh.  Still, 22 at 10:53mm and 152HR was not bad.  The last 6 were at above 160 HR so that's where the number came from.  And the HRM was telling me I was running a 5K in the first 5 miles so I basically ignored it today.  My guess is that the number is a tad high due to the false spikes.


          Although it was a strong run, I felt like crap, I couldn't use my HRM and I am not really confident about Chicago.  My coach is, so I'm going to trust him.  Haha.


          But if I see an 8X in the temps for the Chicago marathon, my hair is going to turn white. Joking



          Consistently Slow

            6 miles  HR 100 / 121 Pain free 1:41:40

            Run until the trail runs out.

             SCHEDULE 2016--

             The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

            unsolicited chatter



            Former Bad Ass

              Hi, guys!


              MIA again, ugh.


              I have not run much this week.  4.36 with hubby on Monday, nothing on Tuesday because it was 105F and 77DP, 8 on Wednesday at 10:47mm and 147HR, and 10 this morning with the last 5 as progressive from MP to HMP at 146HR.  So far, I'm this close to taper I can smell it!


              Have a great rest of the week!



                Out of curiosity how many fellow Low HR Training forum friends are running fall marathons?  Or have plans for 26.2 or greater later in the year?  Tis the season here in NE so I thought I'd ask.


                For myself, I am still in the "patience" phase, however have my sights on returning to a race in January.  In the near future I hope to run a few nearby HMs and slowly introduce periods of > MAF mileage.



                Former Bad Ass

                  I am doing 6 marathons this Fall, starting with Chicago.


                  The number is not a typo.




                    A belated note of sympathy for your and your family's loss.


                    On another note, your truly are a bad ass with 6 marathons this fall.  AMAZING.


                    Consistently Slow

                      I am doing 6 marathons this Fall, starting with Chicago.


                      The number is not a typo.

                      What 6? Are  you doing Flying monkey?

                      Run until the trail runs out.

                       SCHEDULE 2016--

                       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                      unsolicited chatter



                      Consistently Slow

                        10.2 miles HR 125 /158

                        Long version:

                        The mouse( in pocket) and I
                        Me: I think I can walk 6-8
                        Mouse: we are late. Let's run to meet the group.
                        Me: ok
                        We meet the group but my walking partner is late.
                        Mouse: run to the mall and meet him.
                        Me: ok
                        Mouse: run the parking lot. It is asphalt and not concert.
                        Me: ok
                        Mouse: you know if we do 2 miles back to the house will be 4.
                        Me:  ok
                        Me: 2.35 miles. Man this has taking along time.
                        Mouse: wife is out of town. You have nothing but time.
                        Me: ok
                        Me: 4 miles at the driveway to complex.
                        Mouse: do the college route and you will can hit 8 miles or even equally the 9.3 miles run this week.
                        Me: ok, let's not get carried away.
                        Mouse : we made it to the college. It easier to go to the bridge than having to do circles and come up short.
                        Me: ok
                        Me: we made it to the bridge and mile 6. Pain free. Now back to the house for 8.
                        Mouse: mile 7. Let's run behind the college for 9 miles and maybe match the 9.3.
                        Me: ok
                        Me: we missed the the turn to go into the back of the parking lot.
                        Mouse: no problem. Run to the other bridge. It is a mile from the house.
                        Me: ok, good looking out.
                        Mouse: you know if we keep going to the elementary school we will not have to go pass the house for 10.
                        Me: Ok, but when did we decide on 10
                        Me: 8.83 miles the knee feels a twitch.
                        Mouse: no problem. Keep going. 9.3 is just up the hill.
                        Me : ok
                        Me: 9.1 miles. I am limping.
                        Mouse: keep going. You are almost there.
                        Me : ok. I can make it.
                        Me: 9.3 miles. YAY!
                        Mouse : you can not stop on 9.3. You need to do 9.5
                        Me: ok.
                        Me: 9.5 mile mark. Pain and limping. Time for a half mile cool down.

                        Me :10.25 miles. Next time the mouse stays home!

                        Run until the trail runs out.

                         SCHEDULE 2016--

                         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                        unsolicited chatter



                        Former Bad Ass

                          What 6? Are  you doing Flying monkey?


                          I wish.  Unfortunately, I didn't sign up for that one.  I have:




                          Ft. Myers

                          Space Coast

                          West Palm Beach


                          After the first 3, hubby said to stop any big marathons.  I am waiting for news on the London Lottery.  He is so doomed, LOL.


                          Hi!  I did my last long long run before Chicago, 18 miles with the last 16 @ MP +20 seconds by pace.  The HR was great (149 average) and I did them 5 seconds faster than the pace.  This gives me confidence of running a strong HR perfect, asthma absent Chicago Marathon.



                          Former Bad Ass

                            10.2 miles HR 125 /158

                            Long version:

                            The mouse( in pocket) and I
                            Me: I think I can walk 6-8
                            Mouse: we are late. Let's run to meet the group.
                            Me: ok
                            We meet the group but my walking partner is late.
                            Mouse: run to the mall and meet him.
                            Me: ok
                            Mouse: run the parking lot. It is asphalt and not concert.
                            Me: ok
                            Mouse: you know if we do 2 miles back to the house will be 4.
                            Me:  ok
                            Me: 2.35 miles. Man this has taking along time.
                            Mouse: wife is out of town. You have nothing but time.
                            Me: ok
                            Me: 4 miles at the driveway to complex.
                            Mouse: do the college route and you will can hit 8 miles or even equally the 9.3 miles run this week.
                            Me: ok, let's not get carried away.
                            Mouse : we made it to the college. It easier to go to the bridge than having to do circles and come up short.
                            Me: ok
                            Me: we made it to the bridge and mile 6. Pain free. Now back to the house for 8.
                            Mouse: mile 7. Let's run behind the college for 9 miles and maybe match the 9.3.
                            Me: ok
                            Me: we missed the the turn to go into the back of the parking lot.
                            Mouse: no problem. Run to the other bridge. It is a mile from the house.
                            Me: ok, good looking out.
                            Mouse: you know if we keep going to the elementary school we will not have to go pass the house for 10.
                            Me: Ok, but when did we decide on 10
                            Me: 8.83 miles the knee feels a twitch.
                            Mouse: no problem. Keep going. 9.3 is just up the hill.
                            Me : ok
                            Me: 9.1 miles. I am limping.
                            Mouse: keep going. You are almost there.
                            Me : ok. I can make it.
                            Me: 9.3 miles. YAY!
                            Mouse : you can not stop on 9.3. You need to do 9.5
                            Me: ok.
                            Me: 9.5 mile mark. Pain and limping. Time for a half mile cool down.

                            Me :10.25 miles. Next time the mouse stays home!


                            I love the fact that you finished 10.25 miles but sorry about the limping.



                              10.2 miles HR 125 /158

                              Long version:

                              The mouse( in pocket) and I
                              Me: I think I can walk 6-8
                              Mouse: we are late. Let's run to meet the group.
                              Me: ok
                              We meet the group but my walking partner is late.
                              Mouse: run to the mall and meet him.
                              Me: ok
                              Mouse: run the parking lot. It is asphalt and not concert.
                              Me: ok
                              Mouse: you know if we do 2 miles back to the house will be 4.
                              Me:  ok
                              Me: 2.35 miles. Man this has taking along time.
                              Mouse: wife is out of town. You have nothing but time.
                              Me: ok
                              Me: 4 miles at the driveway to complex.
                              Mouse: do the college route and you will can hit 8 miles or even equally the 9.3 miles run this week.
                              Me: ok, let's not get carried away.
                              Mouse : we made it to the college. It easier to go to the bridge than having to do circles and come up short.
                              Me: ok
                              Me: we made it to the bridge and mile 6. Pain free. Now back to the house for 8.
                              Mouse: mile 7. Let's run behind the college for 9 miles and maybe match the 9.3.
                              Me: ok
                              Me: we missed the the turn to go into the back of the parking lot.
                              Mouse: no problem. Run to the other bridge. It is a mile from the house.
                              Me: ok, good looking out.
                              Mouse: you know if we keep going to the elementary school we will not have to go pass the house for 10.
                              Me: Ok, but when did we decide on 10
                              Me: 8.83 miles the knee feels a twitch.
                              Mouse: no problem. Keep going. 9.3 is just up the hill.
                              Me : ok
                              Me: 9.1 miles. I am limping.
                              Mouse: keep going. You are almost there.
                              Me : ok. I can make it.
                              Me: 9.3 miles. YAY!
                              Mouse : you can not stop on 9.3. You need to do 9.5
                              Me: ok.
                              Me: 9.5 mile mark. Pain and limping. Time for a half mile cool down.

                              Me :10.25 miles. Next time the mouse stays home!


                              Haven't you ever been told to not let your mouse make your decisions?


                                Damaris- 6 marathons!  You like to travel, and run!  18 miles with average HR 149- yes, you should be confident.  NIce training.


                                Did my first MAF test post HM this weekend, on local HS track.  After 1 mile warm up the next 5 miles were all 13:22-13:39, with AHR of 118.  Max HR slipped above 125 a couple times when I wasn't watching, still having to walk frequently.  Most of my runs will be on the same 4.4 miles of country road, pre-dawn, until weather forces me inside for the winter.  Hopefully I'll be able to stay outside a good part of the fall.


                                Have a good week all.
