Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)

Chasing the bus

    Clay, congrats on the full monkey! Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving.


    Ran my 5k turkey trot, my pace was less than amazing (27 min.), for all that I peaked my HR (181). Oh well, snow, ice, a crowded start, and no speed work for months.


    Finished my week at 33 miles. I'm also apparently running a holiday streak. To plagiarize someone from the streak thread, my niggling pains are threatening to become full fledged injuries. Looking forward to 36 next week while still streaking. Have a good week all!

    “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
    Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


      I picked a bad time to do another MAF test.  I changed my goal HR to 120-130 after reading Mark Allen's info.  Even with that, my pace was slower than the last test.  Frustrated, then I realized it's probably due to 2 things.  1) not being fully recovered from my respiratory infection and 2) running mid- day when I had more caffeine in me than when I run first thing in the morning.


      O well, after 4.5+ at the track I jogged to the local River Walk and did about 3.5 more, 8.1 total today.  Good way to start December.







        Back from a long trip with a nice case of jet lag. Didn't run at all as I was too exhausted from walking 8-10 miles a day.  Got my first run in today.

        3.62 miles

        57 minutes

        back to itCool

        Chasing the bus

          And I'm off the wagon... Pain on the inside of shin. I've  never had shin splints there before, feels like nothing but bone there, but hoping not stress fracture. Taking off a couple of days and then I'll try again, but I'm done running every day...


          Have a good weekend all!


          “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
          Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


          Consistently Slow

            3 miles yesterday. Forgot to bring the Garmin. Will run Honolulu by feel. Need to check to see if there is a 6:00 pace group.

            Run until the trail runs out.

             SCHEDULE 2016--

             The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

            unsolicited chatter



            Consistently Slow

              Honolulu marathon. Left the Garmin on the counter at home.   5:44:02 -- 81F.

              Run until the trail runs out.

               SCHEDULE 2016--

               The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

              unsolicited chatter



                Nice job in Honolulu.  I'm guessing the run was rather pretty and a lot of fun.


                I had a decent weekend logging miles and following MAF.  The weather was cold, however with extra layers all was OK.  On Saturday, I slowly increased my HR and ran the last 3 miles at MP (MAF+10 to +15).  On Sunday I went back to a pure MAF progression run.  My LHR pace has certainly improved from last year and all is going well.


                I have a general question regarding cross country travel for a race.  I'm thinking about how much a 9+ hour travel day may take out of you and whether there is benefit to travel an extra day in advance in order to make sure you are well rested and ready to go on race morning.  For a race start on Sunday morning I'm thinking of travelling on either Thursday or Friday with the ultimate goal of a good night rest on Friday.


                I'm curious how others work travel into their pre-race schedules or program and question if this is a real concern?  At this point all the training is done and its likely more about rest leading up to race day.



                  Ron, that must have been a great running vacation!

                  Congrats on another notch in your marathon belt.Cool


                  Lab, the only time I've traveled to a different time zone for a race was the Seattle Marathon, and I arrived about 4 days before the race--part of a vacation for my wife and me. Wasn't a good race, but I don't blame that on the time change. I don't find a travel day to the west coast and PT time too taxing at all.




                  7.52 miles  2:00:00

                  2.52 miles 0:40:00


                  Getting back to it.



                  Former Bad Ass

                    Honolulu marathon. Left the Garmin on the counter at home.   5:44:02 -- 81F.


                    Nice.  I used to live there and miss it.  I need to sign up for that one in the next 2-3 years.


                    Hi, guys.  Sorry I have been MIA.  Did the Space Coast Marathon on the first, and then did not run much last week.  Just didn't feel like it.  Went to Chicago with hubby for the weekend and we ran 6 in the snow on Sunday.  My asthma was doing great.  Got here on Monday night and almost got an asthma attack.  Highs of 85F and DPs of 73 in December is killing me!  Did 5 miles last night too fast but with the stress of one of my kitties in the hospital, it was bound to happen.


                    Hoping for 6-8 today with a better HR reading.



                      Congrats on another marathon finish, Aerobideity Damaris. I hope your kitty heals up and gets pouncing again. I'm not sure you're going to take much rest, but you surely deserve it.




                      10.39 miles



                      Getting back to the fitness I had before the time off. Still a bit to go.




                      Former Bad Ass

                        Congrats on another marathon finish, Aerobideity Damaris. I hope your kitty heals up and gets pouncing again. I'm not sure you're going to take much rest, but you surely deserve it.




                        10.39 miles



                        Getting back to the fitness I had before the time off. Still a bit to go.




                        I don't know how I'll survive getting surgery and NOT running for 3-6 weeks!!!!!!!!!



                          Due to the cold temperature I have taken it indoors for the past few mornings and am logging miles on the dreadmill.   Although I'm getting the mileage in It simply is not the same as being outdoors, however it is nice not having to worry about the black ice or figid conditions.


                          My indoor weekly runs have been 5, 10, 5 at 1% incline.


                          To help break up the 10 miler I found myself playing with the percent incline (up/down) to see the impact on HR.  I also stretched a few MAF rules by going +10 to +20 bmp near miles 8 and 9 to simulate a little MP work.  Fun, fun....



                          Former Bad Ass

                            I did 5 last night at 155HR, da fuck?  My HR is too high, I'm too stressed about my kitty, so today, I picked her up from the hospital and I am treating myself to a day off.  Tomorrow, I have 8 with strides and hopefully, all the stress will go away miraculously.  Ha.


                            It was a good run that felt easy; just too high on the HR thing.  Did I mention it was 81F and 73 dewpoint?  In December?  No?  Yes, I'm complaining.  Summer for 11 months so far.



                              81º, EnduroGoddess Damaris? Sure is hot in Endurolympia.




                              fortee minutes




                              p.s. my toolbar in the message composer here  at RA has no color anymore

                              It's like I've left OZ and gone back to Kansas.



                                10.01 miles

                                used miles 3-7 as MAF test

                                getting there
