Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Second URD.  I sure don't feel like running with all the stress from the ill kitty.


    Tomorrow, a HM with hubby at his pace.  So, 13.1 at sub-MAF.



      How's your cat doing, Damaris?



      11.03 miles


      heart time run


      I used miles 3-7 as a 5-mile MAF test. Making progress.




        wow its cold out.  1 degree F.  Too cold for me this morning so onto the dreadmill for 5m.  Planning on a slow and easy recovery run following this weekend's long runs.


        Had an interesting workout on Sunday which left my legs sore and feeling as if I had finished a race.  21 miles of light rain and dropping temperature turned the roads into a black ice nightmare.  Each step was slip and slide as I was forced to shorten my stride to a quick shuffle or foot glide on the road.  At times I was simply sliding my feet and gliding along.  For the first time of MAF Training I had to walk down a hill (not up) using careful baby steps to avoid fallin down.  Because of the horrible traction I gave all my stability muscles a stressful workout.  Around mile 15 I even noticed a few muscle in my backside which I never felt before on a run.  Due to poor conditions I stepped away from any type of MP and focused solely on HR and not getting hurt.


        Hoping to recover I pulled out the foam roller lasts night before bed and tried to roll out the hot spots in my legs.  Looking forward to a needed recovery or step-back week to rest up before doing it again.



          garmin is acting up, having to run by feel last few days. I think it's working OK. 4.4 yesterday @ -6, 2.4 today @ 15.







            Careful out there, Lab. TM is the perfect winter tool





            3.16 miles




              Lab, the only time I've traveled to a different time zone for a race was the Seattle Marathon, and I arrived about 4 days before the race--part of a vacation for my wife and me. Wasn't a good race, but I don't blame that on the time change. I don't find a travel day to the west coast and PT time too taxing at all.



              I read somewhere pretty recently that racing in a different time zone than the one you're used to can have an effect on race time.. Surprised

                wow its cold out.  1 degree F.  Too cold for me this morning so onto the dreadmill for 5m.  Planning on a slow and easy recovery run following this weekend's long runs.


                Had an interesting workout on Sunday which left my legs sore and feeling as if I had finished a race.  21 miles of light rain and dropping temperature turned the roads into a black ice nightmare.  Each step was slip and slide as I was forced to shorten my stride to a quick shuffle or foot glide on the road.  At times I was simply sliding my feet and gliding along.  For the first time of MAF Training I had to walk down a hill (not up) using careful baby steps to avoid fallin down.  Because of the horrible traction I gave all my stability muscles a stressful workout.  Around mile 15 I even noticed a few muscle in my backside which I never felt before on a run.  Due to poor conditions I stepped away from any type of MP and focused solely on HR and not getting hurt.


                Hoping to recover I pulled out the foam roller lasts night before bed and tried to roll out the hot spots in my legs.  Looking forward to a needed recovery or step-back week to rest up before doing it again.


                wow crazy. I wouldn't have done that run on ice. maybe try this thing I think it's called an ice grip?


                I've yet to try it myself but maybe when I try to run in the woods after snow is no longer fresh Smile

                  LHR run: tuesday short recovery run ~155 HR 8:45 pace. I think that's one of the best so far.. Smile


                  I'm supposed to have MAF at 180 - age + 5, 158 bpm. (I'm not 27 anymore but I haven't been doing this for 5 years so I didn't adjust down yet :P )


                    11.02 miles



                    Have a great weekend!



                    Consistently Slow

                      9.5 miles. 1st run in 11 days. Garmin having issues. Can not get the run to show up.

                      Run until the trail runs out.

                       SCHEDULE 2016--

                       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                      unsolicited chatter



                        9.5 miles. 1st run in 11 days. Garmin having issues. Can not get the run to show up.


                        Which means your run never existed. Any memories of it are false.


                          8:00am and off for 12 miles.  Legs feel a little sore from a shorter MP run yesterday.


                          I am looking forward to the MAF shuffle as its unseasonably warm (57F - rain) and sporting a new pair of shoes.   Although the old pair were doing well with nearly 400 miles I thought it would be wise to plan ahead and switch them out prior to a planned race in January 2014.  Can not wait to get outside and try the new ride.


                          Planning on a hr progression run slowly building towards 126-129bmp.


                          Have a great weekend!


                          Chasing the bus

                            Two miles today, total of 6 for the week. Hurt my back shortly after the ankle/shin thing so I've just been off. Anyway, back is still bad but it doesn't hurt to run. Ankle is still bad, not sure what I'm gonna do with it. Time off didn't help

                            somi think I'll keep trying short runs. Have a good week and merry Christmas all!

                            “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                            Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

                              merry Christmas to all!


                              *goes off to have a short easy run before Christmas Eve Smile*


                              Consistently Slow


                                Which means your run never existed. Any memories of it are false.

                                You are probably right

                                Run until the trail runs out.

                                 SCHEDULE 2016--

                                 The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                                unsolicited chatter
