Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


    Did a slow 14 miler last Tuesday withing MAF zone. Yesterday a mix of some speedwork ending with a few miles within MAF zone. I know that the book says that you spoil everything with speedwork outside the MAF zone :-(


    Tomorrow a 27-29 miler and I will try to keep that within MAF but I guess it will take me ages!


      I've took a few off days. Will resume with a long walk tomorrow.

      Enjoy Friday's Crusted Salt comic.




        1 9:35.4 1.00 9:35
        2 9:17.3 1.00 9:17
        3 9:09.1 1.00 9:09
        4 9:10.7 1.00 9:11
        5 9:26.3 1.00 9:26

        Best MAF numbers yet!    It took 5 months but I went from averaging 10:30's over 5 miles to 9:20"s!!!   It's weird that mile 3 was my fastest, I was probably all warmed up by then.      It was dark so I wasn't always looking at my HR, but I did see that I was about 8 beats below maf in the beginning.    average HR: 140,  3 beats below MAF.

        The best part is that in the last 2 months, my fat burning metabolism really kicked in.   I was slowly losing weight from 209 to 190, but now it's really coming off!   My goal was 185, I'm below 180 now!!!    I've kept the gym work up so as not to lose too much muscle.



        Damn I feel great!!!!

        Slow and Steady

          Freakin' awesome, dude! Way to go. Feels great to be seeing some serious results, huh??? Big grin


          1 9:35.4 1.00 9:35
          2 9:17.3 1.00 9:17
          3 9:09.1 1.00 9:09
          4 9:10.7 1.00 9:11
          5 9:26.3 1.00 9:26

          Best MAF numbers yet!    It took 5 months but I went from averaging 10:30's over 5 miles to 9:20"s!!!   It's weird that mile 3 was my fastest, I was probably all warmed up by then.      It was dark so I wasn't always looking at my HR, but I did see that I was about 8 beats below maf in the beginning.    average HR: 140,  3 beats below MAF.

          The best part is that in the last 2 months, my fat burning metabolism really kicked in.   I was slowly losing weight from 209 to 190, but now it's really coming off!   My goal was 185, I'm below 180 now!!!    I've kept the gym work up so as not to lose too much muscle.



          Damn I feel great!!!!

          Eric S.

          Trail Mix ||| dailymile ||| RA log

          Goals: 50km, 50-miler, 100km, 100-miler


            @runslowwalksalot: great job! I noticed your average but do you also ook at the HFmax during the run? I had an average of 124 the other day but still with a HRmax out of the MAF zone so I tend to look at noth figures now since the average doesnt day it all?


              Yup, there was a small hill, and I turned on my garmin light (it was 5:00 A.M.) to check my HR, and I was slightly out of MAF, So I walked till I was well below.   I'm also wondering How much of my speed increase is due to being so much lighter.   I also hadn't run the 2 days prior, so that may have had an effect as well.    Even heading out the door I just knew I was going to have a good run.     Numbers aside, I LOVE RUNNING!!!   I never thought I' say that, I used to hate it.

              A friend of mine is quite the triathlete and personal trainer and due to the lack of steep local hills to run down  has had me do some pickups once a week for running efficiency.    That with TRX class has had me not 100% MAF in all of my cardio exercises during the week, but I'm still at least 90% in low zone 2 in everything I do

              It's a shame that the wife didn't similar results.   she actually gained weight running 11:30's-12:00's and after a couple of months went back to her home in zone 3.


              I signed up for my 1st marathon, Richmond, in November.   I'm going to keep base building till 4 months out when my training program starts.     I'm not looking forward to warmer weather and slowing down on my runs again. UGH!


                Well, I did my 27 miler today. It was hot but pretty much OK actually. My hubby was on the bike and my doggy was running along and partly in her doggyride behind the biks. This way we could do the full route together. I was happy, did it within MAF for the first time. So.. I was SLOW! I used a run walk run ratio as well, set it at 2/1 (2 minutes run and 1 minute walk) and made sure my HR would not go beyond 137. When we had to catch the small ferry over the river I had to run faster and that lap my HR was slightly higher at the end :-)


                HR average 130 (almost no drifting), pace exactly the same for all laps (albeit really slow) at 12.30 min/miles


                Arrived back at the car smiling and absolutely not tired or anything. I tried generation Ucan as food during the run, bloodsugar at the start 5.7 and at the end.... 5.7


                  1 9:35.4 1.00 9:35
                  2 9:17.3 1.00 9:17
                  3 9:09.1 1.00 9:09
                  4 9:10.7 1.00 9:11
                  5 9:26.3 1.00 9:26



                  Wow. WTG! 

                  Slow and Steady

                    A nice slow 7.5-miler on a very hot day here in the tropics. Marathon is in one week! I'm not sure how many days I'll run in the next week. Maybe a 4-miler on Tuesday, and my monthly MAF test on Thursday, and then one or two milers on Saturday, the day before the marathon? How does that sound?

                    Eric S.

                    Trail Mix ||| dailymile ||| RA log

                    Goals: 50km, 50-miler, 100km, 100-miler


                    Consistently Slow

                      1 9:35.4 1.00 9:35
                      2 9:17.3 1.00 9:17
                      3 9:09.1 1.00 9:09
                      4 9:10.7 1.00 9:11
                      5 9:26.3 1.00 9:26

                      Best MAF numbers yet!    It took 5 months but I went from averaging 10:30's over 5 miles to 9:20"s!!!   It's weird that mile 3 was my fastest, I was probably all warmed up by then.      It was dark so I wasn't always looking at my HR, but I did see that I was about 8 beats below maf in the beginning.    average HR: 140,  3 beats below MAF.

                      The best part is that in the last 2 months, my fat burning metabolism really kicked in.   I was slowly losing weight from 209 to 190, but now it's really coming off!   My goal was 185, I'm below 180 now!!!    I've kept the gym work up so as not to lose too much muscle.



                      Damn I feel great!!!!


                      Run until the trail runs out.

                       SCHEDULE 2016--

                       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                      unsolicited chatter



                      Consistently Slow

                        A nice slow 7.5-miler on a very hot day here in the tropics. Marathon is in one week! I'm not sure how many days I'll run in the next week. Maybe a 4-miler on Tuesday, and my monthly MAF test on Thursday, and then one or two milers on Saturday, the day before the marathon? How does that sound?


                        I would skip the 6 mile MAFF test this close to a marathon. 3 miles with a few 60 meter repeats instead to fire up the fast twitch fibers. Do the test on Monday if you must.

                        Run until the trail runs out.

                         SCHEDULE 2016--

                         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                        unsolicited chatter


                        Slow and Steady

                          My MAF test is usually a 5km, so it seems that would fall within your recommendation (mostly). The marathon is Sunday, so I think Monday will be off! Big grin



                          I would skip the 6 mile MAFF test this close to a marathon. 3 miles with a few 60 meter repeats instead to fire up the fast twitch fibers. Do the test on Monday if you must.

                          Eric S.

                          Trail Mix ||| dailymile ||| RA log

                          Goals: 50km, 50-miler, 100km, 100-miler


                          Consistently Slow

                            My MAF test is usually a 5km, so it seems that would fall within your recommendation (mostly). The marathon is Sunday, so I think Monday will be off! Big grin


                            Is there runner tracking?


                            I like the notes on the summary page. Great way to keep track of MAFF test!

                            Run until the trail runs out.

                             SCHEDULE 2016--

                             The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                            unsolicited chatter


                            Slow and Steady

                              No runner tracking, but I will most likely post somewhere in this forum (and in my running log, link below) later that day. This is the race. I don't expect to be very fast as I haven't done very much anaerobic training at all...been running at MAF pace almost exclusively. On race day I'll be ditching the HR monitor and just going by feel. Of my 4 marathons, my PR is 4:33 and my worst is 5:17, both of which were within a 4-month span in 2001. (My most recent was in 2009 which I ran in 5:16.) It's been super hot and humid here, but at least the race starts at 3:00am so I'll beat some of the hot sun.


                              Is there runner tracking?

                              Eric S.

                              Trail Mix ||| dailymile ||| RA log

                              Goals: 50km, 50-miler, 100km, 100-miler


                              Consistently Slow

                                No runner tracking, but I will most likely post somewhere in this forum (and in my running log, link below) later that day. This is the race. I don't expect to be very fast as I haven't done very much anaerobic training at all...been running at MAF pace almost exclusively. On race day I'll be ditching the HR monitor and just going by feel. Of my 4 marathons, my PR is 4:33 and my worst is 5:17, both of which were within a 4-month span in 2001. (My most recent was in 2009 which I ran in 5:16.) It's been super hot and humid here, but at least the race starts at 3:00am so I'll beat some of the hot sun.



                                $40 US .if my conversion is right. Too bad airfare is not that cheap!

                                Run until the trail runs out.

                                 SCHEDULE 2016--

                                 The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                                unsolicited chatter
