Low HR Training

"Race Report & Upcoming Races" Thread (Read 7776 times)


    Awesome, Nathan! Congrats on the PR!

    You started perfectly, and then ran a great race.






    I did it!  Beat my age in a 10K!  44:51!!!!  Big grin


    It was about as humid as it can get and I was a bit worried about that, 94% humidity isn't something that I normally run in.  But it was 65 degrees and overcast and a light cross breeze for 95% of the race so I think that more than made up for the humidity.


    Started out a tiny bit too fast right at the gun, my runkeeper app gave me a 1 minute split pace of 6:50 something so I tried to slow it down a little bit and get into a groove.  I guess I did!  I'm amazed at how consistent my splits are.  The first 3 or 4 miles I kept waiting for it to get harder, but I was just rocking along and my HRM kept telling me that I could keep this up.  I didn't start crossing what I think my lactate threshold HR is until mile after the halfway mark and I knew I could keep that up as long as it didn't spike.  Skipped the first aid station and then next one wasn't until the 3 mile mark.  Just took a sip of water to moisten my mouth and poured another cup on my head.  Still feeling good through mile 4 and 5, really getting confident, but not wanting to push it and blow up and miss my goal.


    Another sip of water at mile 5.2 and another cup of water on my head and just kept rocking it on in.  There was a guy ahead of me that was keeping a good constant pace and I just tried to stay about the same distance out from him.  My split on mile 6 shows to be my slowest, I actually thought I was picking it up a little bit on that mile and my runkeeper app was telling me the same thing, but somehow when the GPS track got logged it shows a slowdown right before the 6 mile mark, I guess maybe I did slow down some there unintentionally.  Started having to work at it and my breathing was getting labored, but my HRM was still telling me I was in good shape and when I turned the corner with about 300 yards to go.  I was a little worried that my phone GPS could be off a bit, but I had been matching up with the mile markers pretty well so I wasn't really concerned.


    Started to pick it up and bring it in, still had some left in the tank for sure.  Saw the clock and it was a little closer than I had intended, I guess my GPS was off a little bit so I really had to hammer it on in the last 100 yards or so but came in under the clock as it ticked to 44:5X.  I was very happy.  Had to push it that last bit and was for sure feeling it from that, but I was really surprised at how well everything had gone otherwise.


    Here's my splits, pretty consistent!


    Splits (GPS Interval)
     TypeDistance Split settingsDurationTotal DurationPaceAvg HRMax HRNotes
    1 Manual 1 mi 7:13.81 7:13.81 7:14 165 174  
    2 Manual 1 mi 7:14.94 14:28.75 7:15 172 176  
    3 Manual 1 mi 7:13.26 21:42.01 7:14 174 179  
    4 Manual 1 mi 7:13.2 28:55.21 7:14 177 183  
    5 Manual 1 mi 7:14.51 36:09.72 7:15 179 188  
    6 Manual 1 mi 7:17.62 43:27.34 7:18 181 186  
    7 Manual 0.24 mi 1:32.66 45:00 6:27 186 192


    I was pretty confident at about 4 miles in because my HR was lagging about 1 mile from last couple 10K races.  My overall avg HR actually ended up lower by a couple beats than my last 10K.


    Finished 1st in my Clydesdale division and 16th overall out of about 100 runners.  Pretty happy to meet my goal.  I really didn't know whether I was going to be able to do it or not when the gun went off to start the race.


    Very happy to make this goal, at one point I thought it was unreachable for me.


    Thanks, Nathan


    Consistently Slow

      Nathan ,Wow. Congrats Excellent splits. It is thrilling when all the hard work pays off.

      I see <3:30 marathon in your near future.

      Run until the trail runs out.

       SCHEDULE 2016--

       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

      unsolicited chatter


        I know I've been a ghost around here lately, but still lurking.  Also haven't been keeping my log up to date, but still on the low HR train 100% Cool


        Short race report...had my first race since April this past Sunday.  It was a sprint distance duathlon (5K run, 13 mi bike, 5K run).  It was awesome painful fun!  Goal was to run both 5Ks at about the same pace and not leave anything on the table.  Wanted to average 21 mph on the bike.  Found some expert duathlon advice online from Joe Friel to take your standalone 5K pace and add 45-60 seconds for this distance duathlon.  Haven't raced a 5K since the spring, but estimate current 5K ability near 6:00, so set 6:45 as the duathlon goal.  Ran the 5Ks at 6:42 (170 HR) and 6:44 (171 HR), respectively, and went 20.3 mph (166 HR) on the bike.  Thought the bike would be a little better, but that was the best I could do, so I'm happy!  Based on HR, it looks like I ran even effort for both 5Ks, but trust me, that second run at 171 felt like 180-185.  Had something to do with going from bike to run, feeling like I had concrete blocks for feet, lol.  That's all I had to give without making it a miserable post-race experience, so I couldn't be happier.  Placed 3rd overall (small field of about 40).  I'll definitely do a couple more of these next year.


        Now on to fall running races!  5K, 10K and HM all coming up in the next 8 weeks.



        PRs:  5k - (20:42) 3/9/2013 18:55 (9/28/13)

                   10k - (42:42) 3/23/2013 39:11 (10/26/13) course was short @ 6.0 mi :)

                   10 mi - (1:12:10) 4/6/2013

                   HM - (1:34:38) 4/27/2013


        Consistently Slow

          Eric WTG. Training  is working.

          Run until the trail runs out.

           SCHEDULE 2016--

           The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

          unsolicited chatter



            Fox Cities HM RR; ran it with my 29 y/o son on my 60th BD, 9/22


            It was a GLORIOUS morning, 40 degrees and sunny, but never got hot.  We headed out into the rising sun @ 0700.

            I had planned to start out a little slower than goal pace, then pick it up in the second third of the race, then try to push faster than goal pace for the last 3-4 miles.  It's a very flat course, just 3 overpassess or bridges that have usual gentle rise/fall.  The largest was in mile 3, and I pushed it harder and passed a number of folks.   At about mile 10, when I needed to start pushing, my left hip/piriformis/butt cheek started to ache badly, felt like it might start cramping.  Wasn't sure I would be able to pick up the pace, but managed a small push, as you can see.


            Here are the split paces:

            mile 1-10:35

            mile 2-10:23

            mile 3-9:54 (pushing it up/down the overpass)











            & 8:08 for the last 0.12


            Average heart rate for the race- 165, MHR=185

            Heart rate mostly in 150-160's first 8 miles, then in 170's miles 9&10; when I started to push it went over 180 and peaked at the 185 the last 0.12.


            chip time 2:13:46, just about 5 minutes faster than Door County HM in early May, and 23 minutes faster than first HM a year ago.  Pace was 10:13.  Very happy with that.

            12/41 for 60-64 men, 744/1107 for men, 1564/2773 total finishers


            the winning time was freakin' 1:05:41   The marathon winner was just about 2:30.


            My son, who did minimal training,  stayed with me every step of the way!   As we finished I grabbed his hand and we held our arms overhead as we crossed the mat together.  Our times were exactly the same, but they gave me the place before him; age has it's privileges I guess.  Wink   So proud of him, able to do that with minimal training.  After the race he kept saying "and Dad kept going faster at the end of the race",  like what does he thing he's doing!


            So now I'll restart low heart rate training, using 125 as my MAF goal until I can do the treadmill test to confirm.  I'm concerned the med I take that raises HR may make it less effective for me, but I won't know unless I try.  There were a couple races I'd considered in November, but I'll forgo that and just do LHR training, maybe volunteer at the races.


            I'll be posting her more often for feedback as I try to find my way in this.  Thanks for all your input.







              Dan - great race and report.  WTG.  Congrats on a well planned race and strong finish.  Enjoyed reading your report.  It must have been so exciting to run with your son and cross the line together.  What a great birthday present. I liked your race strategy of holding back initially and then stepping the HR up during the later stages of the race.   Best of luck as you return to the patience phase until your next race.



                Panhandle Half Marathon Race Report


                This summer my running was pretty focused on making my goal of running under 45 minutes in a 10K race since I was 45 years old this year.  I wrote a blog post about meeting that goal when I ran the Shallowwater Stampede back in early September.  My remaining running goals for the year are to simply keep my streak of running at least 100 miles each month going (I’ve run at least 100 miles every month since March of 2011), and end the year of 2013 with over 2,000 miles logged.


                With that said, a race that really interested me was The Panhandle Marathon and Half Marathon.  Lubbock hasn’t had a local marathon for at least 10 years, and last year they held the inaugural Panhandle Marathon and Half Marathon, but it was during my annual elk hunting trip to Wyoming.  This year they moved it back a week and I was going to be home in time to run in it, although I wouldn’t be able to prepare very well for it since for at least a week I would be either hunting or driving and probably not able to get any running in.  I decided that although I might be able to run the marathon and finish it, I really doubted I would have a very good time, and more than likely I would really have to struggle just to finish, so I decided I would run the half marathon and try to set a new personal record.


                After meeting my goal time on my 10K race on September 14th, I ran 4 miles a couple days after the race, then 10 days in a row that I didn’t run at all, then after getting back from my very successful Wyoming Elk hunt I got in one 6 mile easy run 3 days before the race and then the day before the race I ran 3 miles with 6 – 15 second strides thrown in.  So in the 2 weeks from my goal 10K race to the half marathon I ran a whopping 13 miles.  Now I needed to run 13.1 miles and was going to try to do it in my personal best time!


                Okay, long introduction but that gets us to race day.  The weather forecast was about as close to perfect as you could want, 47 degrees and a light 5 mph breeze at the start, warming to about 60 degrees by the time I should be finishing.  Tried not to do anything out of the ordinary.  Up early, light breakfast, go to the race and was able to do my packet pickup that morning.  Weather was perfect.  Things were pretty well organized, watched the marathoners get started at 7:30, got my bib and my shirt, did about a mile of easy jogging to get warmed up.  There were a little over 500 runners for the half marathon last year, and as we were lining up for the start it looked like at least that many again this year.  Enjoyed talking with several folks from the local running club, several of the women that run about the same pace that I do were there and we discussed our target times and fun stuff like that.


                Here’s a picture of the crowd looking back behind me.


                And here’s the starting line.



                Before you know it they are counting down to the start and the horn goes off.  They actually had some pacers, but that was a little mixed up at the start.  The 1:40 pacer was toward the back of the pack and the 2:20 pacer was pretty close to the front.  Those were the only 2 pacers that I saw, although the others could have been mixed in there somewhere.  I was debating on what pace to start out at, and according to the race predictors I might be able to run a 1:40, but anything under a 1:50 was going to be a PR so I figured I would try to end up somewhere between them.   I ended up closer to the front and figured that the 1:40 pacer would catch me pretty quickly and I would try to keep a visual on him for a while and see how things turned out.  I was pretty confident I could get a PR, and willing to risk it a little on the possibility of surprising myself and pulling off a really good number even on the limited amount of running I’d done the 2 weeks before the race.  If I blew up, I could still probably suck it up and drag myself in at a PR pretty easily.


                The race started and I fell in a pretty good rhythm with one of the women from the local running group that I had been talking to.  She was going a little faster than I wanted, but pretty close.  If I ran 7:45 splits all the way in it would be right around that 1:40 mark and I wanted to see if I could pull it off.  The first few miles of the race seemed like nothing but a series of twists and turns through the downtown area of Lubbock.  Looking back on the route there were 15 turns in the first 2 miles of the race.  My GPS tends to cut corners on routes like that so it was telling me I was turning out some 7:50 splits, but after I went back and corrected the corner cutting it showed that my splits for mile 1 was a 7:50, but mile 2 dropped down to 7:24.  Too fast, but I didn’t know it because my GPS was telling me I was right on pace.


                The crowd support was very surprising to me because generally the races that I’ve run or been a spectator at in Lubbock the crowd support is very limited.  Through the first couple miles there were pretty much spectators every ¼ mile at least, holding signs, ringing bells, etc.  It was really nice.  Saw several signs that made me grin and a few even got a quick chuckle out of me.


                We finally got out of the twists and turns and had a nice long straightaway for all of mile 3.  Back to some twist and turns, but at least these were along a road that actually had some curves to it instead of just going back and forth around square city blocks.  The next mile was a slight downhill and then into some slight rollers, one of the nicest areas to run in the city of Lubbock in my opinion.  The splits for miles 3 through 5 are all very solid at 7:38, 7:39 and 7:40.  A little faster than I was planning, but feeling good and it was slightly downhill throughout those miles and I would for sure be losing some time going back up later on so I wasn’t too worried about it.  My heart rate was a little higher than I wanted, but not terrible, still under my lactate threshold on average.


                Mile 6 had a little bigger hill to go up and down and then around one of the canyon lakes for miles 7, 8 and 9.  Still one of the prettier places to run in Lubbock, but a few noticeable ups and downs mixed in here.  This is where I started feeling the big layoff and the mistake of running some hard strides the day before the race after a long layoff as well.  My legs were feeling heavy and I don’t remember that before in a race, usually it’s just my cardio that gets me, but my legs were letting me know they were getting tired on this one as well.  The 1:40 pacer caught up with me somewhere in there I think real close to the halfway mark between miles 6 and 7.  I hung with him for a while and he had about 4 or 5 others with him, but then they started pulling away at about mile 8 and were getting pretty far ahead of me by mile 9.  My heart rate pushed over my lactate threshold keeping up with the pacer toward the end of mile 6 and then stayed over it for the duration of the race.  Had some pretty good spikes on some hills in there and my avg HR hit 179 on mile 8 and then 180 on mile 9 and kept climbing the rest of the race.  My splits were slowing with mile 6 at a 7:54, then mile 7 at 7:54, mile 8 at 7:58 and mile 9 at 8:00 on the dot.


                Mile 10 was back up and over a decent little hill, then mile 11 was mostly uphill climbing back up and out of the bottom.  I was really starting to have to work at it by this time even though my pace was slowing.  Mile 10 was 8:12 and with the uphill climb on mile 11 it was my slowest split of the race at 8:22.


                Miles 12 and 13 had some more downtown run around the block twists and turns but not as bad as at the start.  Just 7 turns in this 2 mile stretch.  I was really having to push it now and even pushing it I wasn’t tearing anything up by any means.  Mile 12 picked up to an 8:02 split, but I was pushing redline and slowed back down to a 8:13 split on mile 13.  I still had a tiny bit left at the end and kicked it in the last little bit at a 7:28 pace, but I was totally expended crossing the finish line.  My max HR got up to 193 at the finish which is as high as I have gotten it in a long time.


                My official time ended up at 1:44:25 which was a new personal record by over 5 minutes.  My official average pace was 7:58 which is pretty crazy to me.  I finished 41st out of 506 runners overall and 3rd out of 20 in the 45 – 49 age group.  That’s my age group, not the Clydesdale division.  Pretty happy with that especially with the overly optimistic start and just hanging on there at the end.


                Looking back at my HR numbers, my HR crossed what I think is my lactate threshold right around the midway point of the race and kept climbing the rest of the way.  The last 5 miles of the race it averaged at least 180 and actually mile 12 was a 184 average and I hit 191 for a little on that mile before being forced to slow down a little bit on mile 13.  My average HR for the entire race was 176 which was actually higher than my average HR from my goal 10K race just a couple weeks earlier.  It’s supposed to be the other way around.  One thing I think I can say for sure is that I gave it pretty much everything I had.


                Here’s my splits with HR information if you are interested.

                Splits (GPS Interval)
                 TypeDistance Split settingsDurationTotal DurationPaceAvg HRMax HRNotes
                1 Manual 1 mi 7:49.39 7:49.39 7:50 161 176  
                2 Manual 1 mi 7:23.66 15:13.05 7:24 170 177  
                3 Manual 1 mi 7:37.46 22:50.51 7:38 171 176  
                4 Manual 1 mi 7:38.83 30:29.34 7:39 172 179  
                5 Manual 1 mi 7:39.31 38:08.65 7:40 172 175  
                6 Manual 1 mi 7:53.2 46:01.85 7:54 173 180  
                7 Manual 1 mi 7:53.33 53:55.18 7:54 176 178  
                8 Manual 1 mi 7:57.59 1:01:52.77 7:58 179 186  
                9 Manual 1 mi 7:59.47 1:09:52.24 8:00 180 186  
                10 Manual 1 mi 8:11.77 1:18:04.01 8:12 181 185  
                11 Manual 1 mi 8:21.18 1:26:25.19 8:22 182 187  
                12 Manual 1 mi 8:01.76 1:34:26.95 8:02 184 191  
                13 Manual 1 mi 8:12.52 1:42:39.47 8:13 183 186  
                14 Manual 0.22 mi 1:38.52 1:44:17.99 7:28 187 193

                One interesting thing is that the lady from the running club that I ran the first 3 or 4 miles with before she pulled away from me ended up winning the women’s race with a time of 1:41:02.


                Forgot to have someone take a picture of me with my age group award, and my family wasn’t able to make it because they were at church so I ended up just taking a picture of myself in the mirror.



                Here’s my race shirt and all the bling from the race.



                Overall a pretty positive experience.  Again, I was impressed overall with the crowd support during the race.  The marathon only had 146 runners and I think if I had kept going the crowd support for the full marathon would have dwindled pretty quickly, but with a little over 500 runners in the half marathon that is a pretty good sized race for here.  The event ran pretty smoothly, but if you were looking for a big expo with lots of vendors and things like that you would have been really disappointed.  The post race food was decent with the usual bananas and bagels and some pretty tasty breakfast burritos as well.  Not much for bling, just the shirt in the registration bag, but usually most of the other stuff in the registration bag ends up in the trash anyway so no big loss there.


                Overall I'm still pretty stoked.  Felt like I did about as good as I could have and this still leaves me with a number that can be beat if I decide I want to really work at it and set a goal half marathon to race sometime in the next few years.  I think if I had hung a 1:40ish number up there on this it would be a long time or maybe never before I would be able to beat it.  Sounds like a good excuse anyway.



                Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


                  Congratulations on the 1:44 PR, Nathan!

                  You keep  getting better and better every race.

                  3rd place! Bringing home the hardware.

                  WTGCool  Good report--good read.



                    I agree, great race and report, Nathan!  No doubt you will keep getting fitter and faster at the rate you have been improving!



                    PRs:  5k - (20:42) 3/9/2013 18:55 (9/28/13)

                               10k - (42:42) 3/23/2013 39:11 (10/26/13) course was short @ 6.0 mi :)

                               10 mi - (1:12:10) 4/6/2013

                               HM - (1:34:38) 4/27/2013


                      Thanks guys.  Ran my first and only 5K of the year this morning.


                      Perfect weather this morning!  47 degrees, 48% humidity, wind NW at 4 mph!  Just beautiful!


                      Was able to pull it off.  Shooting to break 21:30 as my A goal and ended up with an official time of 21:27!


                      Here's my splits:


                      Splits (GPS Interval)
                       TypeDistance Split settingsDurationTotal DurationPaceAvg HRMax HRNotes
                      1 Manual 1 mi 7:00.78 7:00.78 7:01 168 181  
                      2 Manual 1 mi 6:55.58 13:56.36 6:56 178 183  
                      3 Manual 1 mi 6:50.93 20:47.29 6:51 182 185  
                      4 Manual 0.12 mi 0:46.7 21:33.99 6:30 184 187


                      Was able to pace myself about exactly like I wanted, the first half was slightly uphill to a turnaround and then back down.  Felt good for the first mile, not too bad on the second mile and thought I wasn't going to make it there at the end.  The crazy thing on these shorter races is that my heart rate ended up averaging the same as on my half marathon.  I guess it is because that first mile it take a little to climb up.  I came really close to getting a side stitch toward the end but just ended up with a little ache.  I'm just not used to breathing that hard for that long.


                      Very happy to be able to pull it off though!  Won the Clydesdale division by over 3 minutes, actually would have won my age group because the really fast guy in my age group won the overall masters category with an 18:36!  Finished 19th overall out of somewhere around 300 runners.



                      Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                      Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


                      Consistently Slow

                        Nathan - Great pacing. WTG!

                        Run until the trail runs out.

                         SCHEDULE 2016--

                         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                        unsolicited chatter


                          congrats to everyone! Smile


                          I had a HM race not all-out in warm weather in september but it's PR anyway at 1:35:22, avg HR 190, yeah it was not all-out, I guess all-out optimal HR would be maybe 192-ish? I was still very fresh in the last mile too. so probably in 1:32 shape for colder weather.


                          I'm doing first marathon this sunday Big grin wish me luck!! I was hoping for a low 3:2x time but it seems the weather will be warmer and a lot more humid than I expected and I've just managed to avoid a cold too, so with all that together I'll be happy to be sub-3:30 at all... well inside 3:35 at least I hope, we'll see Cool


                          Consistently Slow

                            Cmon -Race predictor 3:21:00. If you race all out <3:20 looks doable. You have been racing great.  I am sure you will come back with  a glowing  report.

                            Run until the trail runs out.

                             SCHEDULE 2016--

                             The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                            unsolicited chatter


                              Cmon -Race predictor 3:21:00. If you race all out <3:20 looks doable. You have been racing great.  I am sure you will come back with  a glowing  report.


                              Thanks! Cool You're nice and yes, on a day in my best shape and in best weather I would have expected about that time.


                              Now I was in a bad-ish shape, I think I didn't do the taper right (yes shame on me! :P) and/or I almost got a cold last weekend that maybe was still affecting me because my HR/pace relationship was about 25sec off per mile! And the weather wasn't being that nice either, killing maybe another 15sec/mile off. I also did not go all-out for the whole distance, I didn't want to totally destroy my legs for a first marathon.


                              So yeah, all excuses aside, *DRUM ROLL* it was a 3:38 time. But I'm okay with that time because it was a nice experience overall... and this is not bad for a first. Uh I think in the old system this would have been a BQ Tongue


                              Nice experience truly, even if it wasn't without a little suffering, see below for more on that Smile Buuut, I was thinking to myself near the end of the race that I could do this again. I never really had leg pain except a bit of pain for the last kilometer where I let myself speed up. That was okay too... btw I didn't want to go all out for the last few miles as there was really no hard goal to get Smile


                              Yes I did let myself slow after the first 10miles because I could see I was in a really bad shape. My HR was climbing like crazy and totally unexplicably. I was feeling total complete shit in very humid air and then felt worse in the sun which finally came out from behind the clouds at mile 8 or so. Then I was feeling dizzy-ish after just 8 miles and my legs went a bit "rigid" after 9miles and so I was surprised I could last without that much slowing. I dunno what that was, I could still keep the pace without too much effort yet but legs were feeling strange at times. I was doing a steady 8min/mile pace for first 10-11 miles, which was supposed to be a conservative start but turned out to be an impossible pace for this day. I truly thought the wheels were going to totally fall off. At mile 11, I thought I was going to have to DNF or something because how could it all go so wrong so early in the race?


                              At the 8:35 pace I consciously made myself slow to, going by HR and feel really, my legs were fluid though so I think that saved me, I could have gone even longer at that pace!! Big grin But ugh the dizziness stayed with me the whole time and I dunno what that was?! Anyhow it was tolerable. It also helped there that I started drinking water, from mile 9 only though, maybe should've started sooner because that helped a loooot in the weather. In my training runs I didn't really need water but this was worse weather than that. I was dying when without water. I think I was also more dizzy without water. I dunno if eating gels would have helped anything. I didn't dare to experiment with my stomach, didn't feel hungry anyway. At mile 9, I tried a little bit of banana and that almost screwed my stomach so I didn't take the gels that I was carrying with me. I even lost one of them along the way haha. :/ I will also say that the thought of my family not seeing me later in the race (they showed up in several places hehe it was cool!) wasn't a nice thought so that also helped a bit with my spirits.


                              And then at 20miles, the dreaded real bonk still didn't come even at a HR of 189, and it never came and I was feeling much better, not physically of course but mentally much better. I was basically alright for the last third of the race, mentally all great, physically not really worsening in shape. I will admit it helped mentally that I didn't try to push too hard. That at least kept my HR even, just right below AT. And the last kilometer I picked up, that was so good, passing even more people, though I was passing people all the time during the race anyway, and then I even threw in a bit of a "sprint" for the finish line Big grin


                              I was told I looked pretty good and I felt pretty good and never really ran out of energy Smile My legs also don't feel worse than after a half marathon, so far anyway Smile A bit of stretching, bit of rest and now I can go downstairs no problem lol. (Lol I'll see tomorrow though but this level of soreness is normal after just a half marathon race.)


                              It's weird though, it never really truly hit me that I was going to do a real full marathon and I don't think I ever had a different approach mentally than for a simple half marathon. I mean I'm happy sure but I dunno, I could've done this in a training run too :/ I was even tempted to go on after doing 30 km in training once. I was seriously tempted to go 12.2 more km to make it the full distance heh. I would've got a much better time lol. Tongue But here it was nice to see the lots of other runners and the atmosphere was all cool and it's an official race after all. Tongue


                              Some splits: per kilometer, pace and HR data... just to scare everyone with my crazy HR Smile

                              162, 170, 170, 173, 175, 175, 176, 175, 178, 178, 179, 179, 179, 181, 180, 182, 183 -- at 8min/mile pace

                              182, 183, 183, 183, 183, 184 -- at 8:20 pace, it needed attention to get the legs to slow down but had to do that before it'd be too late

                              182, 184, 187, 187, 189, 189, 187, 188, 188, 189, 189, 188, 188, 188, 190, 188, 190, 188, 190 at a pretty even 8:35 pace

                              last kilometer HR 192 at 8:07 pace +195m at HR of 196 7:16 pace "sprinting" Smile

                              Total 183 avg HR at 8:20 avg pace, positive split of 1:46:47 + 1:51:56 (4.6% slowing)


                              Not nice numbers or pace but that's what I had today; just as a comparison, in training in normal shape 8min/mile pace is 163-165-ish HR Sad after 90mins of running maybe 168-ish HR... and that HR does feel much easier for the legs too! So yeah this is just what I had today Smile


                              I'll do this distance again after I feel sure I can do a much better time, definitely going to aim for sub-3:20 next time, and I want a better experience for the first half of the distance because it was terrible after just 8 miles as I said above Smile But yeah I got better after 14 miles at the slower pace. Just the goddamn dizziness from time to time and constantly feeling a bit unwell was bothering me a bit, whatever it was... I would like to make sure to avoid that too. Any thoughts?


                              Thanks for reading Wink Cool


                              Consistently Slow

                                Congrats on a great 1st marathon.  Ran a 3:38 while sick. WTG. That is my PR. HR is shockingly high. You ran a smart race. It must be nice to cruise at an 8:20 pace. Sub 3:20 is in the bag. Just watch the taper.

                                Run until the trail runs out.

                                 SCHEDULE 2016--

                                 The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                                unsolicited chatter
