Lydiard Training


2013 "Brag" Thread (Read 17 times)

    Wow.  I'm shivering just looking at that photo and contemplating a 14 mile "dash" in that kind of cold.  You are one tough "Dood!"


    I guess the good news with that kind of race is that you're automatically in the "more miles than degrees club" just by showing up, unless you start running backwards...

      Awesome numbers, neighbor SubDood.


      I don't miss the freezing weather of the midwest. You are a hardy soul.


      Since you beat me in terms of numbers and badassery, I'll have to brag on my scenery. Here's where I ran yesterday:


        Man, is that place for real? It is soooo beautiful there, it looks like you uploaded a postcard!  Where is that, exactly? I want to run there.

        I give, you win!!


        And I don't know about "badassery," more like "dumbassery." Honestly, if 2 of my close friends (one of whom had never run a race before) hadn't also signed up, I would have slept in and run on the treadmill later.  Peer pressure is an awesome force.


        Awesome numbers, neighbor SubDood.


        I don't miss the freezing weather of the midwest. You are a hardy soul.


        Since you beat me in terms of numbers and badassery, I'll have to brag on my scenery. Here's where I ran yesterday:


          Oh, and when it comes to "badassery" and/or "dumbassery," this guy is in a completely different league:


          polar skivvies

            Oh, and when it comes to "badassery" and/or "dumbassery," this guy is in a completely different league:


            polar skivvies




            The pic I posted is the Punchbowl Bridge at Lake Crescent:


            Come on out sometime!




              The pic I posted is the Punchbowl Bridge at Lake Crescent:


              Come on out sometime!

              I would love to. I gotta start planning ahead for a family trip out that way some day. I Googled and found lots of pictures of people jumping off that bridge into the water. Seems like that would be an amazing finishing touch on a beautiful run in that area.


              11.5 mile Out-and-Back this morning ... on the treadmill. Blechh!!!


              Half Fanatic 12680

                This is a brag post, but it’s also a thank you post. It’s a brag post because 2013 was an incredible running year for me. It’s a thank you post because I don’t think it would’ve happened without this little forum. I have an almost irrational sense of accountability here. I’m compelled to run, and to post about running, and to learn, and to try to help others learn from what I’ve learned. I’ve learned so much from this group! So, THANK YOU, everyone, for making 2013 a really great year!


                Tomorrow, barring any last minute disasters, I will:

                • Extend my current running streak to 77 days – easily my longest such streak;
                • Run more than 300 miles in a month for the first time ever;
                • Continue a string of personal weekly mileage records over the last 4 weeks;
                • Hit 2,620 miles for 2013, my last minute goal, which equals the distance of 100 marathons.

                I hope everyone had a safe, enjoyable holiday season, and has a wonderful, happy new year’s! May 2014 bring you happiness and success in all your endeavors, running-related and otherwise.


                Congratulations, SubDood! A lot to be proud of.


                Reflecting back on 2013, it's been year of small triumphs for me a lots of miles. I logged an all time high of 2335 miles and by Jan. 1 had a 23-day streak going, my longest ever. I ran 2 marathons, 3 half-marathons, 1 triathlon, and qualified for both Boston and New York in 2014. I achieved a 5K PR which I'm especially proud of since I expected to be slowing down at this point, not getting faster. I also finished my first metric century bike ride.


                Goals for 2014 include finishing the Boston Marathon this time (I was stopped at mile 25.5 in 2013), running the NYC Marathon again, doing more triathlons, and completing a century bike ride. I don't know if I have more PRs left in me, but I will be trying for them. Didn't runharriet say something about resetting the PR clock? I'm planning to reset my PR clock when I reach 60 in April, so I'll have a bunch of new post-60 PRs by the end of the year.


                Thanks to everyone contributing to this forum for all the words of advice and encouragement!


