Masters Running


Hump Day - March 16 (Read 462 times)

Mike E

MM #5615

    Yeah, Mary, that is a cute locked in cages...with dogs...what could be cuter?


    Gee...Holly...nobody's ever said that about me before...yes, I think I like it here...I like it very much.


    Hey--I was wondering if anybody is, or has ever, run the Hogeye Marathon in Fayetteville, Arkansas?


    The Dovenator

      Mary, love the little boy and his puppy in the crate... thank you for sharing!


      Posie: I'm having a hard time pulling the trigger on the Seattle RnR. There are two other small, cheap marathonswithin driving distance the same weekend that are calling my name. Still, how can I resist dancing and running with my favorite butterfly? I'll try to get my cheap self to register tonight.

      "it's just like having fun, but different"


        Holly, I was thinking the same but opted not to say anything. glad you spoke up on my behalf also.


        welcome back to the world of running Beegler!


        that is such a cute photo! and what a good puppy keeping his human boy company while he's in time out. Dogs really are our best friends.


        Mariposai - you have a couple of exciting marathons this summer! Newport AND Seattle with your son! How far apart are those two? they must only be a couple weeks, right?


        I haven't run since Saturday. . . and I'm supposed to be in training. I feel like I'm following the Tet training plan. We've just had crazy weather here - heavy rain, thunderstorms, winds, power outages, etc. I'll try and get in a run at some point today. Maybe a RAL if it clears up, or a RAW. 


        I appreciate the additional input from Dive and Rasmussen in yesterdays daily and to Perch for correcting me on the 8 foot axis tilt comment I made. guess I got my numbers mixed up.


        Have a greta day!  Hope no one has carpy runs. Joking



          Darling puppy picture, Mary! (seems like a small cage/crate for her though...?) She reminds me of B'Nellie!


          That's great news from the PT, Jlynne. Nice and easy on the re-entry. I like tomwhite's idea. Hey tw, you can send me volumes III & IV to get me started.


          And a good re-entry plan for Byll! So good to see you running but even more important it's so good to see you planning for your future runs. That says a lot about how you're feeling, ya know? Hey, I thought we might be able to head to Orlando next month and was hoping we could swing a visit, but the trip didn't get approved. One of these days...


          Happy 29th anniversary, Carolyn! You guys must be doing something right.


          Welcome, Mike E! I don't think I ever said hi. Greetings from the far north, where I bitch about snow and ice far longer than anyone else, but have IRC all summer while you guys are melting in the HHH. (there's another one for you!)


          Hey Marathon Derrick! Glad to see you back here! Another vote for nice and easy as you get back into it after all these months. That's a good workout plan, we've been hearing about Holly doing the P90X workouts and they sound pretty tough. Would be interesting to hear how you do them with the added weights. (Holly, aren't they normally done just with your body weight?)


          Happy Taper, Perch! You're going to rock that race this weekend. Really.


          Hi Nancy! What a score on those skis! I love a good deal... Smile We need to work out some deets soon on Newport. No rush, I'm just getting excited about it!


          Another picture perfect day here. We've hardly seen clouds in about 2 weeks, it's just been spectacular. The northern lights have been amazing, but we've been asleep. Best shows are around 2 a.m. and I'm not seeing anything at that point in the night. DH sent me this link to a flickr slide show of the lights taken on March 9. Absolutely stunning. I've seen the northern lights all my life, but this was an amazing display. I just wish it would warm up just a teensy bit more though to melt the ice. We still have thick ice on the roads from the freezing rain last November! It's polished to a high sheen now, and even parts of the bike paths are too slick even with screw shoes. Still... I got in 5.5 miles last night at just under 8:25 pace which was pretty good for all the slipping and sliding I was doing, and the uphill trip home. Tonight I'll RAW and I think I'll do 8-10 with some tempo miles in there just for fun.

            And a good re-entry plan for Byll! So good to see you running but even more important it's so good to see you planning for your future runs. That says a lot about how you're feeling, ya know? Hey, I thought we might be able to head to Orlando next month and was hoping we could swing a visit, but the trip didn't get approved. One of these days...


            We I have missed you posting Erika.  And if you ever get within a time zone or so, we'll meet up somehow.


            My back issues have me thinking my long distance running days may be over.  This appears to be my "new normal".  But even if that turns out to be the case (and I haven't given up on it yet) I will continue to run, even if it is not many miles per week and no long races.  Gotta keep my slim, trim Girlish figure ya know!


            I like Tammy "Time Out" comment.  I never had a Dog, but there were times when he was younger that I wanted to put DS somewhere similar.



            "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

              Nice see some folks on the mend.


              EZ 5.2 RAL...and a drive-by post.

              Be safe. Be kind.

                perchcreek no doubt things are bad.  But move that power plant to one of many other countries and there would be no hope.  I am just keeping my fingers crossed that with all the effort they are undoubtedly putting into this that the plant will soon be back under control.


                Holly S. I am in Austria at the moment in a small mountain town called Tröpolach.


                Mariposai the TM was in fine shape.  The fact that all the television stations are German was a bit of a problem!  Geez I have trouble with English!


                fatozzig I will change the avatar after a "good" race.  Right now I am a lot more day-to-day than you might think from my miles.  Alas, it all could come to a crashing end any day.  But I am working on trying to avoid that fate!


                Back to the conference!  Bye all.

                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                  Good afternoon.  Great photo Mary!  Never thought of crate training my kids but maybe not a bad idea.... is there a teen age size crate?Big grin


                  Hello and welcome to Mike E.


                  Twocat in Austria? I am jealous, well except for the rain.  i don't get to go to conferences in Austria.


                  Just to keep Mike E. in shape,  I RAL on the TM.  Not IRC outside, plus I neeeded to get to work early and wanted to get some faster stuff in.  Moderate progression tempo. Not feeling the love today; high mileage week last week and busy work and also weekend schedules have left me kind of worn out. Losing that hour did not help either.


                  The workout was: 1 mile @ 8:34, 1 mile @ 8:12, 1 mile at 7:53, 2.5  miles @ 7:47, 1 mile @ 7:41 then a short cool down. 7.4 total.  Got it done.


                  Nice to see Erika.   That slide show is fabulous.   The northern lights are visible here sometimes, but in the city there is too much ambient light and the last couple of times, it has been cloudy or snowing.


                  Nice running everyone!


                    Dove, I too gulped when I saw the price for the marathon, but being DS#1's first marathon in this country and the one he really wanted to do I decided to go ahead and register.  I need to find the dove-posie rock and roll picture to send to him.


                    Tamster, two marathons in two week, too bad I am already a marathon maniac Roll eyes. One will be ran fast, the otherone at dance/walk/run pace.

                    Erika, I will text you later. Looking forward to Newport too.


                    Another lesson for MikeE. When it is very cold out side and you need to wear a lot of clothing to stay warm during your run, you Erika-up.Blush.

                    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                    Marathon Maniac #957


                      we've been hearing about Holly doing the P90X workouts and they sound pretty tough. Would be interesting to hear how you do them with the added weights. (Holly, aren't they normally done just with your body weight?)




                      Erika - many of the exercises are done with weights, but it depends on what disc (there are 12 discs with different workouts).  The Chest and Back is mostly different types of push-ups and pull ups, but many of the other exercises are done with various weighted dumbbells, or bands if you have those.  Fantastic light show, btw.  I have to show that to the kids tonight.

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                      MM #6177

                        Hi everyone. Quickie post since I need to get out the door soon, catching a train into Manhattan for a scotch whiskey tasting this evening. I have no clue what that entails, other than that I was warned it was a scotch tasting and not a scotch drinking event. Oh my, I suppose my reputation precedes me.... Blush


                        Have had the people of Japan and others affected by the disaster situation there on my mind quite a bit today. Also on my mind today has been my appointment tomorrow with the breast surgeon. I figure the sooner I can schedule my surgery the better, and if I had to forfeit one of my upcoming races, it would be the half marathon in April. That one is in three weeks; the relay is six weeks later. And it's the relay that really means more to me, I think. So we'll see.


                        Ran 9.3 EZ miles today with my new shoes. Felt great!


                        Sorry for no personal shout-outs, but know I've got all of you in my heart, my runner friends. Smile Peace.

                          Derrick - So when I saw you on your walk-by greeting at the Crim, that was the last time you ran? Well, meet us this year -- same place, same time -- and we hope you'll be running with us again. Losing 40 lbs using free weights??? That must be a helluva workout!


                          After a sluggish solo 5-miler yesterday, I was a bit apprehensive when I saw who showed up for today's morning run: 3 ironman-level athletes (well, 2 ironmen and 1 ironwoman). But I actually led the field most of the way for 7 miles with one of them, and it was nice to get some compliments afterwards about my running.

                          It was just done raining when we started, but by the halfway point the sun came out and it felt downright hot (i.e., I was overdressed!). I got so energized by the breaking weather that, after we went out for breakfast, I got home and did a number of season-changeover chores, including putting the summer wheels & tires back on my car. It's getting here, folks!


                          Keep up your running and posting, all my old friends here. This post is just to let you know that I DO look in and spy on you once in a while. Any slacking and I'll be all over you! :-)

                          Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                          "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                            The first time I saw the Northern Lights I had just stumbled out of a bar rather inebriated and thought I was hallucinating.  There was pink in addition to the green and maybe even another colour.


                            29 years, woohoo Wildchild.  Wait, you got married at 10?


                            Ran 7.5 miles very easy, in the glorious sunshine, and about 47F. Smile  Next time I will have to wear my sunglasses, to prevent those squint lines!  I ran into that personal trainer I met last weekend and she was bugging me to call her.  I said sure.....(nope!)  I just can't afford it.  After that I noticed my pace was 1:30 faster.  I guess I was subconsciously trying to get away from her.

                            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                              ...Hi Roch//.........better check in more often or....




                              ....well, we won't know what you're up to






                              picturing Om in Kilts.....




                              re-reading that,

                               I meant in a NICE way.

                              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                                wild, congrats to you and your husband on your anniversary.  jlynne, neat that your PT cleared you to run.  hopeful, great picture.  derrick, good to hear from you and that you are back running.  breger, great that you are building back up.  roch, good to hear from you.


                                Nice long runs for Slo, mike, and Twocat.


                                This morning, it was in the low to mid 30s with just a little wind.  I got in 5 miles in Ludington in a little over 54 minutes for a 10:51 pace.  Steve, I've never run the whole route out to the state park but, years ago, my brother and I ran out by the state park.  I'd like to go back and run in the state park and include the trail/road out to the lighthouse.


                                A good day and good runs for all.


