Masters Running


Monday Feb. 4 Master-Boomers (Read 578 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good Morning! Guess I’ll start, since I don’t see anyone else yet. WRFB – congratulations on your PR week. No run for me today. These tired legs need a rest day. X-training instead: one-legged squats, dead lifts, lateral raises, glute raises, upright rows, butterflies, triceps extensions, and another new 14-minute ab/core video. Amazing how many ways they have of tormenting you challenging your core. Try this: front plank, face down on elbows, feet wider than shoulders, then slowly lift one arm at a time to the side, forcing you to switch to a 3-point balance. Can I hear an OUCH, OUCH….

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

    King of PhotoShop

      I think you get more work out of lifting one leg and holding for 30 seconds, then switching legs. That 3 point position hurts my elbows. Okay, easy answers to easy questions: Row between houses: Feud Bath suds: Ale (It's what they drink in Bath, in England) Child's device: Oven (Julia used it to cook.) I'm not actually in KC; I'm in Overland Kansas. Dreary day. Off to work. Spareribs

        Good morning Holly! Where are all the other Boomers? Must have stayed up late partying after the Giants upsent last night. What a finish! 4.2 miles in 39:10 on the dreadmill this morning. Sore legs, no sproink, long day of work ahead. Your core exercises sound like a real workout, Holly. I've enrolled in a core class staring next week. I'm sure it will help my running, but also hope it will shrink the actual "core" a little! Good Monday runs, everyone. Jeanne
          Wow - some great goddess runs yesterday with long (and cold) ones by Holly, PDR, and Erika - maybe others. I really wish I could have done them with you. Not just for the company (which would be nice!), but just to be running at all. I shouldn't complain. I've only been out of commission a couple of weeks, but it's easily the longest running layoff for me in several years. I've promised myself that my formula will be pain-free + one week before starting to run again, so on that basis I'll be jogging next Sunday or Monday. The problem is that my way of dealing with pain has always been to deny that it exists, so even if I feel a twinge today I'll probably lie to myself and say that I was imagining it. Confused Anyone else play this game? Good runs to everyone today! I'll keep checking in once in a while and try not to be too envious. Cool

          Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

          "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

          Marathon Maniac #3309

            Good Mornng Holly and who ever beats me before I post. Sat was suppose to be my long run day, but there was toooo much ice still on the steets to run safely, so I rode my cycling trainer 2 hours HARD. Then Sun I got in a nice long 12 miler. Today the temps are suppose to reach 60...yes 60 degrees Big grin 10 mile tempo run planned tonight...can't wait to run in warm weather for what seems like forever. Rest those tired legs Holly, and have a good X-training day! Have a good Monday Boom Masters Tim

            Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


              I shouldn't complain. I've only been out of commission a couple of weeks, but it's easily the longest running layoff for me in several years. I've promised myself that my formula will be pain-free + one week before starting to run again, so on that basis I'll be jogging next Sunday or Monday. The problem is that my way of dealing with pain has always been to deny that it exists, so even if I feel a twinge today I'll probably lie to myself and say that I was imagining it. Confused Anyone else play this game?
              Yep, all the time...going on month 10 of PF and AT and still lying... Big grin Foot was sore this morning when I woke up. It looks like this will be a rest week for me. Again. Cry

              Trails Rock!

                Morning, all! Holly - Have you done the plank/hip dips? You do a regular plank and alternate touching your left and right hip bones to thefloor. Probably not as challenging as the 3-point balance, but it adds another dimension to the pain ;-). Doug - yes, I play the "oh that wasn't a real pain" game as well. Tim - I'm envious of your 60 degrees - I'm so ready for spring!!! I had a wonderful 15 miler yesterday - sunny and beautiful with no wind. So much better than the previous week. I was tempted to do more miles but decided to quit while I was ahead. 6.47 hilly miles this morning - another windless morning with temps in the high 20's. The sunrise over the sound was stunning. Good runs to all!

                Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                  Good Morning! Congrats on all the nice runs over the weekend! Rest/Xtrain day so ran 2 Magical Healing Miles for Tory to get the healing blood flowing, 10:09 pace AHR 133. Then hamstring and hip flexor strengthening and 2x20 pushups and 30 situps. Have great runs!

                  Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    Row between houses: Feud Bath suds: Ale (It's what they drink in Bath, in England) Child's device: Oven (Julia used it to cook.)
                    I turned up “ale” as a possible answer, but thought I was wrong. “Row between houses” made me think of an alley. I’m out of crossword-puzzle practice. Sue – I haven’t tried that one. Here’s another excruciating challenging exercise from this morning’s video. Bend your knees into a squat position, like you are lowering yourself into a chair. Hold that, and, hands behind head, curl into a crunch position, just as if you were lying on the floor doing crunches. Try about 20 of those and feel your lower back work

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                      Woke up Sunday feeling lousy. Not sure what I've got. I even wondered if I might have gotten some food poisoning since it seemed to be mostly stomach issues. Anyway, missed my long Sunday run and was a slug all day recuperating. Better today but not yet back to normal. I managed an easy 5-miler to stretch my legs. Started raining 5 minutes after I left the house. Impressive defensive line from the Giants. That was painful to watch. ETA: Nice run yesterday, WRFB. Erika, those are some nasty temps to run in! Impressive.

                      Be safe. Be kind.

                      Hill Runner

                        Good morning all. A rest day for me today after my LR and tree cutting/ land clearing yesterday almost all day. I'm getting things prepared to start start on my grape growing project this spring. Does anyone else here grow grapes?

                        Upcoming Races:

                        Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                        Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                        Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                          Morning all, Some good runs out there and nice workouts too. Hang in there Rochrunner and Runningindc----I'll hope for healing. Today's run was a confidence builder---all about holding pace and form while not breathing like the last phase of childbirth. 10.5 miles in 1:26 overall, first mile in 10 minutes for warm-up, next 8.5 miles in 7:35-7:45 and then the final mile in 10 minutes to shake it out. Overcast skies at 8 AM and 28F at the start--35F at the finish. My son calls this MF month----No! Not THAT MF....Melt-Freeze month. My internal chanting during this run went something like: " Light feet, Light feet, head up, head up, Don't fall, Don't fall, Whoa! SH--, Light feet and so forth." I had one Fred Flinstone moment (when he is driving and his feet are spinning) but stayed upright and felt good. The butt bruise is now purple and green---just like when my studio art professor had us do all our projects in the secondary color wheel colors for a few weeks. I am always interested in reading about the weight/cross training and abs. workouts. For some good quad burn and core muscle engagement----do wall sits---I am trying to get up to Kathrine Switzer level (in her book "Marathon Woman"). Where she can sit up against the wall for 4 minutes. I usually fall apart at 90 seconds, but I am getting there. Happy Monday to all CNYrunner

                            Impressive defensive line from the Giants. That was painful to watch.
                            Favorite line this morning - "Tom Brady was taking so many hard hits that by the end of the game he looked like Tom Petty" Dead bty


                              A little sore today, but not tired at least. At Rgreen's recommendation, I've just started using the Walkfits to lay this last bit of PF to rest. I'll keep you up on the progress. Rest and walk day. JJJ
                              Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.
                                5 @ 7:53... Not much more to say...
                                Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip