Masters Running


Tuesday Dec. 8 Master Runs, Workouts (Read 396 times)


    Holly, last night and this morning it feels pretty good. I'm pretty sure it's tendon-related, but sure can't figure out the cause. I just need to baby it for a little bit. With Boston just over 4 months out, my expectations for the race are being scaled back every day. I can't imagine building up to 40-50+ mpw anytime soon.

      Byll, if a masters woman passes someone, did the person get "mastered" or "chicked?"


      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        Mariposai - thanks for the "before" photo - there were still leaves on the trees - it looks relatively warm.   I'm still sad that they would cut down such a magnificent tree - seems like a crime to me. 


        Jlynne - yes, it's the Rockefeller tree - with 30,000 lights to boot.


        Craneium - "toast" - I think I like your wife ;-).


        henrun and marj - so sorry to hear about Larry - what a tremendous loss.


        Walt - you are going to have arms of steel by the time you are finished - what a beautiful piece.


        dg - nice interval run!!


        {{{{{{Erika}}}}}} - healing vibes..........

        Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

          5 GA miles in front of "The Big Storm" that is supposed to come tonight and tomorrow.  A few inches of snow and its big news these days. We live in Michigan not Florida a foot maybe I worry a little but 3 to 5 inches not so much.

          Anyway this was my run without looking at my watch day and going easy by what it feels like. Today it was 8:45 average. I am enjoying these days and think I will keep Tuesdays with this kind of run. I also use it as form day and really concentrate on my form throughout the entire run.

          Now Wildchild, she has some real snow!!!

          Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

            evan, healing vibes for your foot problem.  hopeful, I'm glad to hear your mom is feeling better today.  dg, neat cartoon yesterday.  holly, good luck in getting your toot problem resolved.


            Nice long runs for jlynne and sue.  Good job on the speedwork for holly and dg.


            This morning, it was in the low 20s and calm.  Literally the lull before the storm.  I'm glad that tomorrow is a walking day and not a scheduled running day.  I have my fingers crossed for Thursday.  At any rate, I got in 8 miles in about 1:18 for a 9:45 pace.


            A good day and good runs for all.



              Erika, the table gets finished with a mixture of oil and varnish; then I paste wax it once it's installed. And I use power tools all the time....but the client wanted a hand planed top; it's going into a post-and-beam sorta kitchen nook.


              It's turning out nicely:


                i didn't know Larry Olsen personally but I'd run races with him over the last 30 years.

                  Holly has a toot problem? (sorry Tom, couldn't resist...)


                  Walt, I'd say so...very nice indeed. I hope we get a picture of the final product!


                  22 minutes (2.45 miles) on the ellipti-hell, then 22 minutes of weights and a bit of stretching. I wonder what it is about that shaky feeling post-weight workout that feels so good? Just lets you know you pushed things, but not too much. I like that. Wanted to do some abs/core stuff but ran out of time.


                    Walt, your work bench and tool rooms minds me so much of my house back home. My father is a carpenter and makes all kinds of furniture. At times I miss that fragrant odor of wood.



                    I should follow Erika's example and do some weights tomorrow. I have been a sloth about weights.


                    8 miles in the cold wind. 4 miles going up in 46 minutes, 4 miles running back home in 34'. The sun was gorgeous, but it was so windy out there it was not even fun to run. Now back to the paints.


                    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                      Walt - that table is absolutely beautiful. It's been great to see the "work in progress." Please post a picture when it's finished. I hope your clients appreciate the quality of your work.


                      We're in the middle of a huge snowstorm here right now. It's headed East. Look out everyone - time to dust off the YaxTrax!

                        breger1 I am pretty the youngin you passed did not think "mastered."  More like WTF!


                        SueT48 my policy when trying to get anywhere in NYC is to stay far, far away from that tree and the associated car and people gridlock.


                        Jylnne if you need a storm for tomorrow too just come to NYC.  It is supposed to pour in the morning.  I hope you have your Yak Tracks ready!


                        Holly S. it's true, after awhile in the cold weather you sort of forget how nice running in warm weather is and then mistake freezing cold for ok!  When I have been going out for a walk all I can say is my fingers are ice cold!

                        Mariposai have you thought of doing like different colors on different walls?  Just a thought . . . never say anybody do that . . . wonder why? 


                        hopeful4ever bummer about the vote.  But good news on your mom is way more important.


                        WaltRB well reading the temperature reports today makes not running seem not quite so bad . . .  Stunning table!


                        Craneium and that leads me to wonder what she thinks during a, err, marital spat . . . toast has a lot of uses!


                        henrun it is always sad to lose somebody especially at what seems like a fairly young age. 


                        TammyinGP boy you are busy!  I hope the pipe fix works!


                        Aamos single digits!  Please do not send it this way!


                        evanflein I can always count on a weather report from you to make me think, "Hey it is pretty warm here!"  I know you are having foot problems so I hope you are on the mend.


                        wildchild reading of a store without the smarts to have their location right on their web page is just hysterical!  Normally places want customers to be able to find them!


                        dg. nice intervals.  I have also been meaning to comment you are a real sweety!


                        hallar yea your big storm is about to be my big storm.  As to concentrating on form, 8 miles is a long time to be concentrating on anything!


                        tselbs what is this the biggest storm ever?  What part of the country is not being hit today and tomorrow?



                        Today was strength training at the gym.  Not very exciting.  The big news is it was free.  I managed to get a one month free pass to this gym that expired last week.  Today I went in prepared to pay for a one day pass.  It turns out they have a rule against issuing a one day (paid) pass after a one month free pass.  So they wanted to know why I did not pay for a month's pass.  I told them this was my last day to use the gym I am leaving this week and not returning to the area.  All true.  So rather than have to deal with their rule they just gave me a free pass for the day!  This is why lots of rules can be really counterproductive!  Although, in this case, pretty productive from my viewpoint!


                        Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                        Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                          Mariposai have you thought of doing like different colors on different walls?  Just a thought . . . never say anybody do that . . . wonder why? 


                           that is exactly what I am doing ... are you sure you don't have telepathic eyes? I am using Pratt & Lambert's "classic suede" on the wall where I have my big mirror. It should go well with the Monet's "Water Lilies" print I purchased at the Metropolitan Museum.

                          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                            Awesome pics today.  Love the "after and before" photos of the Rockefeller Center tree, and what a beautiful table that's going to be.

                            School concert is FINISHED!!! Whoo hoo!  As always, the kiddos rose to the occasion and a good time was had by all.

                            But get this - after running 7.2 and 4 the previous two days (my LR was 4 a mere 3 weeks ago) nothing hurt today even in dress shoes during the concert!!!  So now I'm thinking that this whole consistently running 4x per week and mixing long, short, easy, and hard really works.  (Duh!)  

                            Another crazy day tomorrow with school, a rehearsal, and then another rehearsal, but I get to run again on Thursday!  Smile





                              Eliz, your concert schedule sounds exhausting, but fun!  DD had a choir rehearsal after school for their winter concert, which is next Tuesday. I'm looking forward to it.

                              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                                So Twocat... does that mean you're moving??

                                3.4 easy miles on the treadmill tonight. Get this... no sign of the problem that brought me to a halt on Sunday. Weird, huh? Different shoes, btw... Sunday I was wearing my Nimbus, same as Saturday. Today I wore my speedstars. I think the Nimbus give me pressure spots that cause trouble. Hmmm.
