Masters Running


Sunday 13th Boom- Master Runs (Read 828 times)

The Jogger

    Morning All First run in 6 days, getting over cold/cough again, I hate January. Hopefully, thats my winter bugs done. Hope to start my marathon training at the end of the month for a late May marathon. Anyway, myself, Mrs Roy and Woody did a gentle 2 miler which felt good to get those legs moving again. Good Runs All Roy

      We enjoy hearing about runs with Mrs Roy and Woody.


        Good to have you back on the roads Roy. You too SteveP, though I see nothing about a run there ... Tongue A good one for me today. The longest run I've done since NYC - Was that really over 2 months ago already?16.25 miles easy-paced, but the pace turned out to be 9:04 with an unintended Holly progression run of sorts. Started slow, got a little quicker each mile, ended up the last mile at 8:40 pace. Better still the average HR overall was only 137. Today is a big day in Masters/Boomers land as the Disney, Phoenix, and Houston marathons are all today. Fleet feet to all. Bill

        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        Marathon Maniac #957

          Good Morning! Roy and Breger, nice runs to start us with. SteveP – you do beautiful woodwork. Not only would it NOT be in poor taste for you to make your mother’s urn, I think it would be an extremely loving and appropriate thing to do. Fbgrrl – congratulations on your longest distance yet! Erika – what’s funny about the Santa thing is that, as we were waiting in line at the mall, one of my son’s friends from soccer walked by. I thought DS would be all embarrassed, but he just laughed and waved. I love that he is so secure. I hope it keeps up into his teenaged years. I tried one of mcsolar’s “wave runs” today: 3 mile WU, then alternating miles at :15 faster than MP and :35 slower than MP, or (1 mile@8:30/1 mile@9:20) x 4. (MP is 8:45) On the 4th faster interval my left hamstring started hurting, so I resumed an easy pace for the last 3 more miles. Total distance: 14.35. I swung by my house and ran the last mile with the Dexter-dog. He only has 4” legs, but he easily outpaces me…grrr… Hoping the racers have an excellent day!

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            I swung by my house and ran the last mile with the Dexter-dog. He only has 4” legs,…
            When Dexter-dog started running with Holly a few months ago, he had 6 inch legs. Becareful CNY!
            Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
              Keep dreaming Tramps. You know what they say when you're not the lead dog? The view is always the same. Bill
              Now that’s what I’m talking about. Wink
              A good one for me today. The longest run I've done since NYC - Bill
              See, a little trash talk and within 24 hours you’re out there putting in real miles. I’m gonna have to start charging for these services. Steve—a handcrafted urn sounds like a wonderful idea. CNY—nice avatar! What position does your son play? Roy—glad you’re on the road to recovery. A little core work for me today.

              Be safe. Be kind.


                Morning everyone in the US, afternoon Brits. Roy, in my 2 weeks in England, I have been exposed to colds, flu, bronchitis and norovirus. England is just one big infirmary Big grin Get well! 5 very hilly miles in 20 mph winds in Shropshire. Mile 1 - 9:01 Mile 2 - 8:23 Mile 3 - 7:53 Mile 4 - 7:41 Mile 5 - 7:52 5 miles at 8:10 pace. Good runs everyone!

                Certified Running Coach
                Crocked since 2013

                i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                  CNY Big grin Roy.. glad you're back on the road with Mrs! I had the best run in a looong time today. This 15 mile route that climbs 325 ft I've been running starting at the high pointn(driving there), running back home with Tory (7.5 mi) and then back up to the car. I wanted to keep within my LR training HR 150-155, allowing higher on the uphills. So... 15 miles in 2:04:04 (8:16 pace, AHR 155) and negative split! The best part was pushing up the steepest grade when Solarmix11's "Rocky" comes on followed by "Chariots of Fire". That got me up that hill feeling stronger! Wonder how MC is doing?

                  Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                    Good Morning all, It's a calm before the storm morning here in Massachusetts. I had a mellow-iPOD 8 mile run at 6AM in 1:12 (24F)---grooving along to some Al Jarreau and then all of a sudden some Gregorian chants. Hunh? I had locked the IPOD on shuffle mode and was too lazy to stop and get back to my jazzy run. Anyway, legs still feel good---but I'll watch that leg length issue for my next run with Holly! Thanks for the warning! Too funny... Tramps....thanks for the avatar props. My son was sick of seeing himself in his Luke Skywalker costume from two years ago, so I decided I better get up to date. He plays center most games and sometimes gets put on defense. He has some serious ice speed and is learning to check with enthusiasm now that he is a Pee Wee. He was goalie when he was Mite level and I am so glad that he skates out now. The goalie parents all need blood pressure medication. Off to a hockey game at noon and then hanging out with my super granny. Steve---I agree with all here. If you make the urn, you'll ensure a connection that few can claim. It's an act of love. Okay.....time to get the fleece layers on so I can stand in the rink. I'll leave y'all with this vision...yesterday I cheered exuberantly and raised my arms in victory when my kid scored the goal that tied the game with the best team in the league. It was too bad that I forgot that I had taken the lid off my hot chocolate.....Lovely. I wasn't cold after that at least! Good running my friends, CNYrunner
                      Tramps....thanks for the avatar props. My son was sick of seeing himself in his Luke Skywalker costume from two years ago, so I decided I better get up to date. He plays center most games and sometimes gets put on defense. He has some serious ice speed and is learning to check with enthusiasm now that he is a Pee Wee. He was goalie when he was Mite level and I am so glad that he skates out now. The goalie parents all need blood pressure medication.
                      Brings back memories. Tramps, circa 1973. Scrawny but scrappy left-winger in my best hand-me-down gear.

                      Be safe. Be kind.


                        Oh Tramps, that's a great picture! Nice runs you guys. I find myself wishing I were running that far today, but checking the temp and being glad I'm not!! I was going to do what Holly and Enke have suggested... and I did last week... by starting outside and finishing inside on the TM. I may still do that, just to say I ran outside at -30F!!!!!!! We'll see. It's still dark as a pocket out there (7 a.m.). I'm up because the smoke alarm keeps going off. Batteries must be fading but I can't get the darn thing open!! Thinking of checking some Marathon web sites to check on some runners... MC's bib is #341, hit 10k in 41:41....6:43 pace.
                          I may still do that, just to say I ran outside at -30F!!!!!!! We'll see.
                          Please don't -- we already know you're tough. No need to lose a chunk of ear to prove it! Good photo, Tramps. I was ready yesterday to make a wager with tallrunner about the Wings-Senators game last night. Good thing I didn't Wink. A day off for me, but I'll be out there tomorrow morning...

                          Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                          "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                          The Jogger

                            BAP, remember unless it has the word mountain following it, it's undulating, Shockedhope you don't catch anything and your sister is still running... If you're passing through London, could nip out for a coffee....... Roy

                              Good luck Snow Queen in your LR today. I don't think I have ever experienced a -30 in my life. You are one strong woman to be running in weather like that. I am off for another day of skiing, this time we are traveling to the Methow to enjoy their powder. I hope I can keep up with the ripper today. At least the scenery will be spectacular. Good luck weekend runners. Good long runs guys. Great to see you are taking a day off Rochrunner, sometimes we forget that total day off is also an intricate part of the training program. Holly, I did the "wave run" the other day too and it felt terrific at the end. It is like doing speed work without being wasted at the end. How often will you be running the "wave run?". I was thinking to incorporate it as part of one of my easy days, but not to push it too much like I did the first time I tried it.

                              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                              King of PhotoShop

                                Good Morning! Roy and Breger, nice runs to start us with. SteveP – you do beautiful woodwork. Not only would it NOT be in poor taste for you to make your mother’s urn, I think it would be an extremely loving and appropriate thing to do. Fbgrrl – congratulations on your longest distance yet! Erika – what’s funny about the Santa thing is that, as we were waiting in line at the mall, one of my son’s friends from soccer walked by. I thought DS would be all embarrassed, but he just laughed and waved. I love that he is so secure. I hope it keeps up into his teenaged years. I tried one of mcsolar’s “wave runs” today: 3 mile WU, then alternating miles at :15 faster than MP and :35 slower than MP, or (1 mile@8:30/1 mile@9:20) x 4. (MP is 8:45) On the 4th faster interval my left hamstring started hurting, so I resumed an easy pace for the last 3 more miles. Total distance: 14.35. I swung by my house and ran the last mile with the Dexter-dog. He only has 4” legs, but he easily outpaces me…grrr… Hoping the racers have an excellent day!
                                MCSolar's wave run? Spareribs