Masters Running


Sat 26 th Jan Daily Thread (Read 534 times)

The Jogger

    Morning Gang Just a little 3 miler with the boss and Woody up the trail. Giving me 24 for this week, so starting to make a bit of progress again. First of 9 days off work so should be able to up the mileage to a more normal figure. 3m 33:08 @ 11:03 pace AHR 142 64% Good Runs And Races All Roy

    Hill Runner

      Good morning Roy, A pleasant morning to run here in the Carolinas, 32F & overcast...only 55 days 'til sping. It's a Leap Year. Smile 10 miles of hills @ 9:05 pace (155 AHR)...uneventful morning. Good runs to all today.

      Upcoming Races:

      Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
      Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
      Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

      Marathon Maniac #957

        ...only 55 days 'til sping. It's a Leap Year. Smile
        Bless your heart, Peter, for starting my day off on that bright note. Smile Good morning to you, Roy, and to everyone else. 8.15 easy-paced miles for me today, but with 8 x 100m striders thrown in (ave pace 9:49, ave HR 127). Off to the kids' swim lessons. Happy Saturday!

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

          8 easy (Red Sox tickets on sale at 10am online... Smile)
            Good Morning Everyone, 15F with fresh inch of snow the very crunchy kind, I love that noise, still snowing lightly. It's beautiful out so did 5 miles in the neighborhood with DW Big grin . Pancakes for breakfast cause I'm a good boy! Big grin Big grin Big grin Have a Great weekend

            Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


              Easy 12,874 meters @ 8:55 pace. “Metric moment,” I liked that yesterday. Smile Dale—I’m working my way up to those longer intervals. Since I’m not doing a marathon this Spring, I’m trying to keep mileage steady and easing my way into more speed work. Came back from my run and DW was looking out the window with our binoculars. She pointed out to me that there was a beautiful fox curled up sleeping at the base of a big old oak tree in our back yard. Have a good weekend.

              Be safe. Be kind.


                morning everybody, dale, I'm glad your schedule is allowing some nice runs! Peter, how's your foot? spring is almost here. my dh keeps me informed on a regular basis on how many days there are till trout season. Roy, I hope you enjoy your time off. Holly, nice garden picture. Sarge, yum. wonder why I didn't get some. Tramps, that's neat about the fox. assorted exercises this morning. will leave it at that.
                  morning everybody, dale, I'm glad your schedule is allowing some nice runs! .
                  thanks, Deb. assorted exercises sounds like housework...ha. Smile
                    , Sarge, yum. wonder why I didn't get some. dg I hope you meant the pancakes! Shocked

                    Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

                      Hi everyone. 4 miles this morning at 9:52 pace. I was out sorta late last night at a work-related dinner, and am back at work this morning. Sigh. I'm definitely taking tomorrow off. I didn't get a chance to post yesterday, but we loved the Marathon movie Thursday night. Can't wait to get it on DVD and watch it again. It did make me a little sad (again) about being sidelined at Chicago in 2006. I guess I need to try again.

                      aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

                      Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason


                        6 miles in 1:05 on the treadmill. Good runs all

                          Good Saturday morning Boomers. 9.1 miles on the treadmill this morning in 87:10. Today's run puts me over 100 for the month with a few days to go! Big grin Looking forward to a break in the weather so I can run outside tomorrow. Happy trails, everyone.
                            Hello all, Hockey game at 6:30 AM this morning and then 20 miles in 3:01 (9:03 pace) with miles 13-18 at 7:50ish pace. Weak winter sun doing its best to peep in between the clouds today---26F, calm wind. Ran with two friends and the chatter was constant. I am tired and can't believe it's just past noon here. I want to burrow back under the quilts, but there are errands to run, a kid to chauffeur and then I am going to hang out with my granny this afternoon. Sleep will have to wait. Good running and Happy Saturday to all. CNYrunner
                              Beautiful partly-sunny, still day. Temps in high 20s. 5 miles at comfortable (for this turtle) pace. Let the 5000K pace bunny get too far ahead of me to catch up today - will get him (her?) tomorrow, though! Still amazed that I can honestly log 5 miles as an "easy" run. Good runs, all. Smile Eliz


                              i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                                Sarge. pancakes sound good. We just watched "Pleasntville" the other night for the millionth time.. Remember the stack of pancakes? 15 miler today. Decided to get extra sleep, eat breakfast and do the run starting at 10:30. Never done this before. Turned out to be IRC 40-50F!. Started with 7.5 miles net downhill (300 ft drop) with Tory and then ran back uphill. 15 miles in 2:06:36 (8:26, AHR 154 (target 150-155)) First half downhill 1:04:07 (8:32) second half uphill 1:02:30 (8:20). Felt wunderbar! Have great runs!

                                Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova
