Masters Running


Midweek Wed 5-7 runs and w/o's (Read 467 times)


    Beautiful Day. 50 min elliptical hills. jjj
    Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.
      Another day when I might have bailed on running if it weren't for the training plan sitting on the desk next to the computer, not to mention the inspiration I find here. It was in the low 80s when I got home from school at around 5:30 - hottest running weather since last fall. Thought maybe I'd wait and "run later," (like that would have happened), but then heard that there might be thunderstorms later. Also figured that it just might be in the 80s on the morning of the 5K (doh, it's in mid-June!), so out I went for 4 miles. Managed to maintain my usual slug pace; ran 0.5 and walked 0.1 the whole way. HR a little high, but I felt fairly comfortable the whole way. Feet hurt the whole last mile; my Saucony's are officially beat, so I'm going shoe shopping tomorrow! Smile Breger - awesome pic! You looked way better at the end of your marathon than I did at the end of my measley 4 miles today! As I was finishing this evening, I passed a guy getting his lawn chair out of the trunk of his car to watch a little league game in my neighborhood. He said, "I tried jogging to the hoagie shop, but it didn't work out for me." Now I have comedians on my running route. Smile Turns out he's the guy who remodeled my parents' kitchen several years ago - his then-high-school-aged son was his helper. Now the son is grown up, lives in my neighborhood, and the grandson is the little leaguer. How'd the son get so old while I remained so youthful? Wink Eliz


        Bergerbill: fantastic pic of you and your wife... Holly: Do what is right for you and your daughter....when you do the right thing, the right thing happens. Do not let "guilt" make your decision for you. BTB: it would be nice to live where you live. I remember peepers. I miss them. They can be loud. It is a warm one here in DC tonight. I did a 2 mile walk tonight. That was after wearing my fancy ass sandals most of the day today (I wore my running shoes for walking to and from the metro). No drugs, no garmin, no idea of time, just me and my sneaks. My foot is not complaining...yet. I am so very encouraged. I am, once again, going to try and be like the beers, bergerbill and the rest of the early risers. I aim to get out the door and get my walk (or run when I get to that) done before I go to work. I really like getting up and out in the morning, but I also like staying up a night...hmmm work frowns upon naps during the day. Night will have to go for this to work. We shall see (this is not the first time I have tried this). Thanks everyone for sharing your runs, etc. with me today.

        Trails Rock!



          Holly, my condolences on the passing of your stepmom's dad. I have another suggestion on the funeral/recital dilemma: since they are from your side of the family, could you go to the funeral and have your DH take your daughter to her dance recital? And then you could join them after the funeral? DH could take a video so you wouldn't miss DD's dance, and you could share the video with your dad and step-mom later. I went to work for the last time today, finished cleaning out my office, and left about noon. I went to the Boulder Creek trail and ran 12.4 miles at a slug-like 11:22 avg pace. My legs felt like lead, but I really wanted to do a long run today, and am so glad I did. It was in the low 60s and sunny, and I think the warmth was sucking my sproink, because I noticed that when the sun went behind the clouds for miles 8-10 I felt much better. Really pretty out today - everything's getting so green! It actually RAINED at my house today - a sure sign it's spring. It hasn't rained since maybe September - all the precipitation since then has been in the form of snow. Way to stick with the plan, Teresa and Eliz. And Spareribs, too - even in the rain, you're a man with a plan!

          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

            Seems like a lot of people had "character building runs" today. I also had a 6 mile run with very heavy legs . It had rained and the humidity was high so the heat was somewhat of a facter but probably just my 20 miler catching up with me. Anyway 6 in 58:00 about 9:40 pace and my first run in the rain of the year. Big grin Holly , My condolences. My only thought would be that the deceased would not want her to miss this event. Wildchild, A new day in your life. I am somewhat jealous of you. I know this was not your plan but things do work out for" nice people" and you are a "nice people" in my book. Smile Good luck Good runs to everyone

            Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

            Maniac 505

              strange day for me. I was scheduled to pick up my TWIC card today ( I won't explain it, and you don"t need to know, but if you are REALLY board, you can google it) their computer was broken, they said to reschedule, and come back in a couple weeks. Then I was waiting for a bus when a street person was walking down the street screaming at the top of his lungs. not saying anything, just screaming he started to walk by me, saw my Boston jacket and said "Hey, I ran a marathon" took me 4:35, I bet you were faster? I had to quit smoking for 4 months! We spent the next 5 minutes until my bus came by, talking about his marathon training. I think he really staggered thru one? and I did Run two of the Pfitz return to running schedule, (5 minute run, 5 minute walk. Times three I don't feel like a runner yet, but I am getting closer. and the heel is greta Dave

                Thought I'd peek in and say 'hello'. I was without internet service for 4-5 days so it's been a real challenge just trying to catch up and read everything, let alone reply. I really liked all the discussion on time vs distance running and how everyone approaches that. Our group usually runs by time, for both speed work and easy runs. Speed runs (VO2Max & tempo) are sandwiched between 30 mins of w/u and 30 mins c/d for total time ~1.5 hrs. VO2Max runs cap at 5 x 5 mins; tempo runs cap at 40 mins. Our LRs average ~2.5 hours (with 1-2 runs maybe stretching to 3 hours). For me at easy pace, 2.5 hrs translates to ~15-16 miles; 3 hrs to about ~18-20. Once the base is in place, we alternate between 2.0 hrs one weekend and 2.5 hrs the next. I actually find it easier running to time versus distance ... the total mileage seems to look after itself. In short, I seem to get pretty good overall mileage without putting in a lot of really long runs ... which for me is much easier on the body. Quick update on the running/mentor program I'm involved in. The marathon is this Sunday and we have two groups of 5 kids running the relay. They held a "rally" at the Children's Aid Society today and it was very impressive ... a surprise to the kids with most of the office staff showing up. They had signed posters for each kid, some cheerleading, a video of their training journey, medals, etc. Each kid released a helium balloon containing a personal message focused on getting rid of some bad memory or hurt in their life. We went for a short 2-3 km run to end the rally ... in the rain. It was great to see their smiles ... they are pumped for Sunday. They named their group "chronic runners". The coordinator of this program runs with our group. I'll be running her in the last 10k as she attempts to break 4 hrs and possibly BQ. I've been doing some easy running every other day since Boston. A little bit of MP running yesterday in prep for Sunday. Legs are starting to come around. Time to think about running goals for the fall. Some really nice running going on everyone. Hope to catch up on race reports this week. Btb - glad you're on the mend! SR - nice progress! Holly - nice move! Hello to everyone else. PJ

                King of PhotoShop

                  PJH, I wish this post hadn't come at the end of the day, as there is a lot of good material here, running for time, for one, and alternating 2 and 2.5 hour runs each weekend. Also, breaking out runners for different workouts is key. No large group should all do VO2 max work since it is unlikely they will all be in the same stage of development. Check in with us on the 50+ now and then. Thanks. Spareribs
                    ....divechief//.......proof once again, you can find Runners in the Darndest Places....... (he probably told HIS Buddies about meeting you)

                    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                      Ok, so here's another post at the end of the day... I did a nice tempo run tonight. It was longer than 45 minutes. It was fun, fast and kewl. It even had a couple "hills", headwind from an incoming thunderstorm, and end-of-the-5k traffic of walkers, strollers, little kids (a couple on leashes!), and dogs. It was a PBJ Special. (8.25 miles, 1:06, 8 m/m avg pace) I felt like superwoman. Then I had to go to the store and buy milk. *sigh* Superwoman's work is never done. DS2 did a 5k tonight (the one I came upon the end of) and had a greta time with his soccer teammates. He said his time was 24 something, which would be an awesome time for him. But this course isn't "certified" and I've never trusted the distance. And it's an out-and-back course on a narrow bikepath so your return trip meets up with all the back-of-the-pack walkers and strollers... right in the middle of the path. So I don't run this race anymore, I think it's dangerous. But it's perfect for a group of 13 and 14 year old boys trying to outrun each other! My original plan was to run tomorrow morning, but that would be less than 12 hours after a brisk tempo run. Hmmmm, might need to just do an easy treadmill run (keeps me under control). Friend coming tomorrow night with her baby (!) to spend a couple days and attend board meetings. DH still in Denver....