Masters Running


Monday March 1 (Holly's Day!) - Master Angry Runs and Workouts (Read 643 times)

    Happy First of March Holly!


    I am so angry and frustrated by the way yesterday's race ended.  I just know I had a big PR going and probably a placement in my AG.  So today I went out and ran the miles I couldn't run yesterday and couldn't help myself.  I ran these miles today Angry.  6 miles at 8:37 pace.


    Enough whining about a frustrating race.  You'll hear no more out of me about that one.



    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


      Good morning good people. Yep, I think this is going to be Holly's week. The first of March today with a job offer by Friday, doubling her salary and 6 weeks of vacation a year.


      Bill, so sorry to read about your bad luck yesterday. You know it's there, and that had to be so disheartening for you. Next race. Those were some fast, angry miles this morning!


      Hope Deb is feeling better today.


      A beautiful morning here - bright sun but still only 16°. A 6 mile progression run this morning starting with a 09:57 pace and ending with 8:27, then some inclined lunges and core work.


      Did an easy 3 miler in the snow yesterday, then spent the rest of the day cleaning after DS#2 moved out.  I hope he keeps his new place cleaner than the one he left. What a mess! And the carpet - ugggh. Where did I go wrong?!

        Happy Holly's Day. (are we supposed to do something to commemorate?)


        Sorry Bill about your race.


        For me, I finally got out for a run. Bad things come in 3's, right? In the last 30 days I got laid off, injured my ankle during the peak training weeks for Boston, and had a 50 foot pine tree fall on my car. So February kinda sucked. But, I got a new and better job the day after my last day at my old job. The tree is off my car and, incredibly, there is nary a scratch on it. And I finally got out for a run yesterday and it didn't hurt. (Big exhale).


        It was only 4.36 miles at a very easy 9:52 pace but I was encouraged. The ankle is not a problem at all but the shin will need time to get used to impact. It's got a weird achiness to it today. More ice and I'll get back out for another easy one tomorrow. Doc even said I could try to run part of Stu's 30K if I feel up to it.


        It's March! Spring is around the corner, the days are getting longer. It's always darkest before it turns pitch black and we're past the pitch, right?!!!


        Marathon Maniac #957

          I am so angry and frustrated by the way yesterday's race ended.  I just know I had a big PR going and probably a placement in my AG. 


          Oh Bill - I know that everyone here understands exactly how you are feeling.  So often things can throw a wrench right into your race, in spite of awesome training and potential for a great PR.  Is there any way you can find another HM soon to try again?

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

          Marathon Maniac #957

            Yep, I think this is going to be Holly's week. The first of March today with a job offer by Friday, doubling her salary and 6 weeks of vacation a year.



            Wouldn't that be nice?    But I won't hear anything for at least 3 weeks.  I'll let you know either way.


            EGH3 - very kewl how your February lemons turned into lemonade!


            I just need to take a moment to say     YAYYY!!!!  MARCH IS HERE!!!  Okay, I know it's still in the 30's out there, but around these parts March really does come "in like a lion and out like a lamb."  Here's to the lamb days coming soon!


            X-training day for me today: 1 recovery mile on the TM @ 10:42, followed by lateral raises, shoulder presses, reverse flies, butterflies, glute raises, stability ball crunches and 60 push-ups.


            Happy First Day of March!!


            (just to let you know, Holly's Day isn't until NEXT Monday....)

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


            Trails are hard!

              Mari (O employment counselor extraordinaire) perhaps you can wait till the end of the season and scoop up the demo's at a greatly reduced price?


              EG--sounds like things are looking up for you all around.


              Happy Monday to all.  yoga tonight for me.

              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


              i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                Byll.. I would be disappointed (pi$$ed) too. But it's just one race and you are running well these days.  Look at the Big Picture.  We all have to remember to do that.  Geesh, a year ago I could run that distance in 7:20's but today I'd be lucky with 9:00.  The point is, your running is great and you can really enjoy the gift!


                EGH.. you are on a roll now!


                5 miles EZ in 47:00 (9:24 pace, AHR 149).  This run felt much better than those recently.  I think I know why.  I've been doing that Pushup Challenge before my runs.  Yesterday I had a good 15 mile run and saved the pushups for after the run.  Boy were they hard to do.  This leads me to believe the upper body really does get a workout during running (arm swinging). Today 40+20 pushups after the run!



                Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                  Morning, gang!!


                  Byll - maybe you should get angry before your next race - that might keep the stitches at bay. 


                  Jlynne - nice run this morning - though a bit cold.


                  George - great to hear the car wasn't even scratched - wishing you a much better March!  Good 4.36 miles!!!


                  Holly -  I second your Yah, March is here!!!


                  Enke - yep, 3 hours on the torture machine.  I thought I was going to die the last 15 minutes.   Then I jumped on one of those club treadmills with the built in fans - heavenly!!  Good run!!


                  Helen - wish I had several 5 Guys close to me - I have to drive quite a ways which is probably a good thing or I'd be as big as a house.  Good luck with your 15K!!


                  OK, enough talk of the cheeseburgers - mine is but a fleeting memory as I go back into healthy weight loss mode (dadgumit ;-( ).  I RAN on the treadmill this morning!!  Well, OK, I alternated 5 minutes of incline walking with 5 minutes of slow (11:00 minute mile pace) running.  Total of 25 minutes (2.7 miles) jogging and 30 minutes walking (1.5 miles).  Then an additional 20 minutes on the elliptical.  My legs were a little dead from yesterday's elliptical workout, but it felt good to run again.   The foot feels OK right now - we'll see how it does as the day goes on.   The bars in my running log were getting big and fat - with today's addition they are skinny again - yeah!


                  Good runs all!

                  Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous


                    Holly—nice 20 miler yesterday!  Does anybody actually keep pace going uphill?  I try to keep even effort (by my breathing) but I definitely slow down.

                    Bruce—nice 18-miler and a great contact to have made.

                    Twocat—neat party…but that food sounds deadly!

                    stumpy—hang in there; sorry about the shin

                    fussy—nice run and good luck on next week’s 15K!

                    enke—great game, wasn’t it?   And a nice run for you.

                    Carolyn—that trail is about 15 miles away, so it’s easy access.  I’ll definitely be doing it again when I need a change of scenery.  Patience with that leg of yours.

                    Erika—tough one yesterday; I hope Spring reaches you soon.  I liked the image of “dragging a tire” behind you; I’ve definitely had those runs!

                    Karin—congrats on the race PR!

                    Steve—nice run in the snow

                    Deep breath, Byll.  “Ommmmmm.”  Relax.  Save that energy for Boston.  Like Perch says, big picture.

                    George—glad to hear things have turned around for you!


                    Yesterday’s hockey game provided a great finish to the Olympics; exciting game, overtime, a clean uncontroversial goal to end it all--what else can you ask for?  Crosby got to redeem himself for an otherwise mediocre tournament and the Canadians got to add to their impressive pile of gold.  (Congrats!) But, in my eyes, the young US team was the story, exceeding all expectations heading into the Olympics.  And how can you not love Ryan Miller's play? 


                    Thanks for the nice comments about my race yesterday.  Easy 5.25 miles on tired legs today.  Dare I say it? It felt like a touch of Spring might be in the air.  Massive melting this past weekend; our roof is almost snow-free.

                    Be safe. Be kind.


                      Yesterday’s hockey game provided a great finish to the Olympics; exciting game, overtime, a clean uncontroversial goal to end it all--what else can you ask for?  Crosby got to redeem himself for an otherwise mediocre tournament and the Canadians got to add to their impressive pile of gold.  (Congrats!) But, in my eyes, the young US team was the story, exceeding all expectations heading into the Olympics.  And how can you not love Ryan Miller's play? 


                       It was a great Olympics all around. Vancouver really overcame a lot of bad mojo at the beginning to put on a a grat Olympic performance. and the hockey was awesome. I still would've liked the bigger, Olympic-sized ice sheet but you can't complain a bit about the quality of play. It was awesome.



                        March is here and I got a card from the court house telling me that this is my lucky month for jury duty.

                        What is 5 Guys?

                        Holly, I keep meaning to answer your question about keeping your legs warm in cold weather. For single digits I normally wear two silk underpants and my "Hind" tights plus my ski socks that comes to just below my knees. I also have a light weight jacket that comes down just below my buttocks, which keeps my buttocks protected. I normally feel pretty warm unless there is wind, then I just add another pair of pants and just wobble during the whole run.

                         {{{{Erika}}} how was your hydration and nutrition prior to this run? Sorry to hear about it being so hard.

                        {{{{dg}}}} thinking of you sistahhh. How are you feeling today?

                         4 easy miles this morning and the legs still feels good after skiing and a rather nice LR yesterday. I am taking tomorrow off as a way to say thanks to the body.

                        Stumpy, good idea. I may even have to just wait and look for one on ebay, we will see, I now have a pair of HEAD that is fairly decent, so I would have a hard time justifying to buy the Athomics, but man...that baby was sweeeeet. I was even able to ski thru mogul fields like a true snow goddess, which I am not.

                        BQByll, we all go thru feelings like that. It is OK to vent it here. That is the problem with racing, we can prepare all we want, but race day is a beast of it's own.

                        "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                        Marathon Maniac #957

                          Erika— I liked the image of “dragging a tire” behind you; I’ve definitely had those runs!



                          Me, too!


                          Mariposai - I like the idea of wearing two layers of the silk longjohns - still lightweight but warmer.  My biggest problem is my butt and the backs of my thighs - they get cold and then my legs feel so stiff.  Yesterday I stopped at my house at mile 16 and put on a pair of cotten shorts under my pants - my poor behind was so cold!  And it was 31 degrees, not even that cold out, but I had been out in it long enough for the cold to seep in.  Maybe, like Timbo suggested, I need to wear a pair of bicycle shorts under my running pants - they have padding in the right places....


                          How do you make your letters blue?

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."




                            Jeanne - nice progression run today!  Why didn't you make DS2 clean up after himself?

                            George (and everyone else) - here's hoping March is a big improvement over February! Congrats on finding a better job after you got laid off.

                            Holly - I hope you get that job offer!  It's a county job, so probably not double your current salary, right? But all those county employee perks. And hopefully a nicer  boss.

                            Sue - good luck with your return to running!  I know what you mean about those big fat bars on the running log...

                            Karin - congrats on the PR yesterday!  And as part of a 20-miler, too!  Wow.

                            Erika - sorry you had a carpy run yesterday - congrats on sticking it out for 18 miles.  I know the feeling of dragging a tire - sometimes my dogs want to stop and I keep running, and it's like pulling an anchor.


                            I've never heard of 5 Guys, but I don't eat red meat so I wouldn't go there anyway.


                            Another rest day for me, taking advantage of another snowy day to rest my leg. Supposed to be 50° and sunny tomorrow - looking forward to running in shorts!

                            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.



                              4 miles in rain, clouds, sun and gusty winds- a little of everything for March 1. Wore my Canadian flag shorts and got a big thumbs up from a passing cyclist.                            


                                Wore my Canadian flag shorts                             

                                 Henry--until your post the other day, I didn't know you grew up in Canada.  Where?  Were you born there? (All four of my grandparents were from Quebec.)

                                Be safe. Be kind.
