Masters Running


40/40 Thread for week ending 1/6 (Read 859 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Here's what I got for last week's totals. If I missed anyone, or got the number wrong, let me know: Rasmussenmp - 80 We’re happy to share you with Kick Twocat - 58.86 Only 2 weeks into marathon training and already at nearly 60 mile-weeks CNYrunner - 55.1 Nice LR with great weather and a friend to share it PJH - 52.1 With a Boxing Day race PR Holly - 49.2 Tossed in an extra running day to combat holiday overeat Pfriese - 45.4 Nice and solid Perch - 44.3 And the knee is fine again – whew! SirWalksalot - 42.43 Disappointed in 5K, but that looks pretty darn speedy to me! Way5yom - 42 Heading into taper mode Tramps - 40.1 No need to sneak in, the door’s always open for you. Evenflein - 35.5 New treadmill, and nobody deserves one more So, here's the plan for me this week: DONE! Mon: weights and abs Tues: 12 mile hill workout Wed: 5.1 miles Thurs: 8 miles w/intervals and 2@MP Fri: weights and abs Sat: 7.15 miles Sun: 16.75 miles - DONE! Total: 49 miles

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      Good Morning Holly and fellow runners! Here's the plan for the week (coach is getting we go) 12/31-----4 mile shake-out run with 10 strides in last mile ---weights and abs actual--4.2 with strides 31 minutes 1/1-------6 miles at 8:15 pace actual 12.6 in 1:50 with 5x 4 minutes at 5k pace last mile in 7:08 1/2-------12 miles with 5 x 6 minutes at 5k pace with 2 minute rest in between each speed -up---weights and abs actual 6 miles in 51 minutes---not quite 8:15 pace, but coped with snow cover as best I could---weights and abs 1/3-------OFF actual---OFF Big grin 1/4------9 mile big loop workout (2.5 mile WU, 4 x .75 mile loop at 7:15 pace, .25 shuffle jog recovery, 2.5 mile plus CD---weights and abs actual 9.3 with 4 x .75 at 6:48-7:15 pace 1/5-----4-6 mile run or x-country ski actual x-country ski of 90 minutes weights and abs and then ran an easy 4 after I saw the Boston marathon card in the mail today 1/6-----15-18 with miles 9-13 at marathon pace actual 18.3 with miles 9-13 at 7:55-8:10 pace Total----50-55 actual 54.4 running miles and 8 cross-country skiing miles Happy running and training to all whether it's 40 miles or not this week. CNYrunner
        Thanks, Holly! Plan / actual MON 6.3 TUES core WED 6.2 including 4 @ tempo (7:25) THUR 7.5 FRI 6.5 with first try at intervals in ages 5x800 @ 5K (w/400 recovery) SAT core SUN 14 got swamped by work; no run Sad 26.5 (ouch)

        Be safe. Be kind.

        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

          Thanks Holly! Mon - 8 mi w/ 4@LT (did 8.2 mi @7:43 with 4 mi LT@7:26) Tue - 6 mi GA (did 6.7 mi with 3.1 race PR instead) Wed - 6 recovery (did 6 mi @9:20 AHR 152) Thu - Rest/X-train (rested) Fri - 8 mi GA (did 8.2 mi @8:15 AHR 160) Sat - 6 mi Recovery (did 6 mi @9:55 AHR 144) Sun - 17 mi LR (did 17.2 mi @8:42 AHR 156) Total 50's ish Actual 52.3 mi ... good mix this week

          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

            Holly...good work... Week beginning December 31 Week 1 of Pfitz (24 week/55 mpw) Schedule Mesocycle 4, Taper and Race Goal Race - Chevron Houston Marathon, January 13, 2008 Weeks to Goal Race - 2 E Pace - 9:26 - 11:12 (1-2 minutes slower than MP) LR pace - 8:26 - 9:12 (110%-120% of MP) MLR pace - 8:26 - 9:12 (110%-120% of MP) GA - 9:00 (Getting in the miles) MP - 7:40 (Based on current VDOT), revised 7:48 Tempo - 7:13 - 7:24 (15K - 1/2 Marathon pace), revised 7:30 VO2Max – 6:46 (5K race pace) Monday Rest – Complete Tuesday 7 GA plus speed miles with 8X100 strides – Complete Wednesday – 8 VO2Max miles with 3X1600 at 5K pace, jog 2 minutes in between – Complete, ran 2X1600 at 6:49. Thursday Rest – Complete Friday 5 Recovery plus speed miles with 6X100 strides – Complete Saturday Rest – Complete Sunday 12 MLR – Complete, right legs feels very sore, after this run I felt like I had been running a marathon. Weekly Mileage Plan – 32 miles. Weekly Mileage Actual – 32 miles. This week’s goal – Wednesday will be difficult, enough said. Weekly Summary – My legs do not do not feel as fresh as I would hope. I will try to back off a little more next week.

              Actuals for the week ... Mon - 6.0 ez @ 9:58 Tues - 9.0 ez @ 10:00 ... on the TM Wed - 9.1 ez @ 9:51 ...brrrrr! Thurs - 9.0 w/3.1 @ tempo/lactate pace 8:05 Fri - rest day Sat - 12.3 @ 9:46 ...2 hrs Sun - 5.4 @ 9:53 Total = 50.8
                Thanks again for keeping this up Holly.
                Monday1515.16My first table entry!
                Tuesday55.24Rain, rain go away.
                Wednesday1316.13Supposed to be frigid tomorrow. So change of plans. I am moving the 11 miler to Friday. Today I added three miles that I plan to subtract from tomorrow's run, which will now be 6 miles.
                Thursday116.21Cold, so cold! Just 9 degrees out so it was a 10K on the dreadmill. Sad
                Friday911.25When will winter ever end! Cry Another run in freezing temperatures.
                Saturday00Tough run but I made it!
                Sunday6.26.210K race.
                Look at that a table! Shocked I am a happy puppy! In case anybody else wants to try here is a template: <#table> <#tr> <#td>Day<#> <#td>Plan<#> <#td>Actual<#> <#td>Commentary<#> <#> <#tr> <#td>Monday<#> <#td>Number 1<#> <#td>Number 2<#> <#td>Text<#> <#> <#> To use this template you need to do the following: (1) Remove the # symbols. (2) Remove ALL of the line breaks. Yep, all of them or your table will have more of them than you can ever imagine! So you will end up with one long string of code. I would post what it should look like but it creates a really wide page! You should also remove the spaces. These are in the template to make it easy for a person to read. Alas, the computer botches it up. Yes, tables are a pain but apparently they can be done.</#></#></#></#td></#></#td></#></#td></#></#td></#tr></#></#></#td></#></#td></#></#td></#></#td></#tr></#table>

                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                  Geez, my miles look wimpy next to you guys. Roll eyes Ok, let's see if this table thing works (sure looks strange in the posting screen!) Thanks 2Kat! Looks great!
                  Monday5 miles5.07First run on new treadmill!
                  TuesdayXT13.6 milesStationary Bike, 50 mins (switched XT day with Monday)
                  Wednesday6 miles8.59 milesAvg pace 9:19, used HRM, annoying!
                  Thursday5 miles5.14 milesProgressive run on TM, 9:14 m/m to 8:20 m/m
                  FridayRest Day!Done
                  Saturday6-8 miles8Progressive tempo run on the TM, miles 2-7 at or above MP
                  Sunday18 miles19 miles16.4 miles outside, last 2.6 on the treadmill. Got tired of dealing with snow and traffic
                  Total for the week 45.8 miles running (yeah me!); 13.6 on the stationary bike

                    Not going to make 40 miles this week, will need one of those free's taper-time! M------------------> 5 miles - done T------------------> rest day - done W-----------------> rest day - done Th-----------------> 7 miles - done F------------------> 5.1 miles - done Sa----------------> 11.5 miles - done Su----------------> rest day - done ____________________________________________________ Total--------------> 28.6 miles - DONE Holly, thanks for the 40/40 tallies and comments. Paul
                      I'll make 40 this week but not much more, as I have a 10K race Sunday and I'll be easing off going into that, and won't have any LR. But regardless, here goes. Treadmill, easy pace
                      Monday8 miles with 8x100m striders8 miles with 9x100m stridersGood End to 2007
                      Tuesday11 miles easy10.7 miles easy (8:55)Good Start to 2008
                      Wednesday7 miles with 4x800m intervals8 miles with 4 at tempo paceCOLD ... tempo miles were run at 8:02, 8:05, 7:59, and 7:41
                      Thursday6 miles recovery0 milesDecided to move the rest day
                      Friday5 miles recovery6.3 miles8:55 min/mile in a cold, driving rain
                      SaturdayPlanned Rest Day4.25 miles
                      Sunday10K Race plus 2-3 miles warm up7.75 miles10K PR, 47:44 (7:41 min/mile)
                      Totals:45ish45 miles

                      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                        Sad I doubt I'll get to forty this week, but I'll try... M...........0 T...........0 W..........0 T...........0 F...........0 S...........6.75 S...........3m WU/ 5k (20.46)/ 1 m WD............then later: 8.5 miles total:22-ish. My girls' Mom was out of town, so I had them for the better part of the week. Good thing I started my goal mileage 1 week early. Can I still hang with you cool 40/40ers? I promise to do better next week. Thanks for keeping the tally, Holly. Swalot


                          Thanks Holly for keeping us motivated Six weeks till the Mercedes Marathon on 2/10 Seven weeks till the Pensacola Marathon on 2/17. Mon: Rest - Done Tues: 8 miles w/ strides - 9.0 miles (8:18 pace) including 10x30sec @9.0 mph with 2:30 @ 7.0 mph recovery, Ave HR 132, Max HR 152 Wed: 14 miles w/7m @ tempo - 15.0 miles (7:48 pace) including 3 x 2.5m (18:31, 18:11, 17:55) Ave HR 144, Max HR 161 Thurs: 5 miles (plus massage) - 4.0 miles (8:37 pace) recovery Fri: 12 miles - 13.0 miles (8:03 pace) aerobic Sat: 6 miles - 7.0 miles (8:36 pace) recovery Sun: 21 miles w/ hills - 22.0 miles (8:29 pace) including hills, +1249/-1119 feet. Total: 70.0 miles

                          Marathon Maniac #530 Mike (My Indian name is "Runs for Beer")


                            Undecided So this is where the thread ran away to. Been very sick but I have turned the corner. The damage in a few critical lost long runs last week may not be recoverable before Carlsbad 1/20, but at least I feel like a human again. I have heard of walking pnemonia, I think I had the running variety. Hope everyone is well, - for someone who have been less than regular - this whole transition thing has taken some adjustments. Less than 2 degrees this evening from upstate NY. Anyway - keep me on the list - I will try to stay in tune with this new location Monday 4.5 total - 5K in 25:02 simply dying, wheezing and coughing Tyuesday 6.0 total in 65 minutes, trail shoes on the road in a blizzard thru over a foot of blowing snow Wednesday 5.0 in 41:07 - FINALLY a strong loop and solid run - I am getting over this illnessSmile Thursday 5.0 in 41:47 - solid run in 2 degrees F - struggled to breath thru the frozen mask last 1.5 miles Friday - Travel and Running Rest day Saturday - 6 EZPZ Hills Sunday - 15-20 Weather and health dependent. Total to date: 20.5 Estimated finish - possibly 46.5 Cheers ! PTS

                                PJH in the section that looks like: <#tr> <#td>Monday<#> <#td>Number 1<#> <#td>Number 2<#> <#td>Text<#> <#> replace the "Number 1," the "Number 2," and "Text" with whatever you like. It will then show up as part of the table. To create new rows copy the above and change the "Monday" to the other days of the week or the word "Total" or "Fuzzy Bear" or whatever you like. Each <#td><#> creates a column and each <#tr><#> a row. Whatever you put in the middle of each pair is what gets displayed in the cell. Just be sure that you have the same number of columns in each row. I am not sure how the browser will render things if you do not. Hopefully this will solve your problem. If not just let us know. About deleting a post: there was a thread somewhere here on RH about deleting a post. Apparently you cannot do it. The best you can do is edit the post and erase everything that is in it.</#></#tr></#></#td></#></#></#td></#></#td></#></#td></#></#td></#tr>

                                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->
