Masters Running

Weekly Newbies - all runners welcome - good times here (Read 1591 times)


Trails are hard!

    Laurie--whatever your name may be, it's not exactly surprising that you feel like dog $%$t at the moment.  That's an awful lot of emotional trauma.  Even if he had done it right (not sure it's possible, but......) it wouldn't have been easy.  treat yourself nice until you find someone to do it for you.  Sorry I can't offer much else in the way of advice.


    Ear infection for me at the moment and possible cold on the horizon.  I'm hoping not, but DW just finished with one that lasted 2 weeks, so I'm sure it's on its way.  only 2.3 on the TM this morning (it is nice to be able to be inside in this weather) but just felt worn out.  Think I'll have an impromptu rest day tomorrow.


    And I think I'll go to bed early, too.  Night all.

    Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



      Laurie - {{big hugs}}  I'm so sorry, one day at a time okay?  hang in there!

        Laurie,  {{BIG HUG}} Thinking of you, sending support, and hoping each day is a little bit easier.

        Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

        Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

          You all take care. I will stop back here from time to time. Going to throw in the towel on running for a while. Leg is just not healing. I am going to continue cycling, swimming and hiking. I dont have much to offer you right now and dont want to bring the group down with me.


          You folks are the best. Keep running.



          Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


            Sorry to be so behind again...


            Linda,   I'm glad your TM run felt great~    What a great approach.  Running for run???  That is just so radical!  Wink.  i'd love to hear about the other things you're doing.      -- You had 4 'spots'??   oww.   Getting up & down is the hardest for me too, but it's getting a lot better.    & that's ok that you forgot about it... we all have so much going on.


            Happyfeat I love your avatar.  Smile


            Mike, good try (thanks) but I'd already fallen.   Your pictures are beautiful.  Kevin is right, you do have a good eye.  So glad to finally see some of them!     How's your ultra training coming along?    (ok keep thinking of me as running etc, maybe that will help me get back there!)


            Kevin, are you better?   Glad you found another half.   I have to find another race too. 


            Laurie, (((( )))).   You've had so much to deal with for a long time now!   Big time stress at work, long term injuries, besides just the usual difficulties in being a single parent.   No wonder this is extra tough.   Please take care of yourself.   Sometimes at my lowest times I try to view it like I'm taking care of someone else... & do whatever little things seem like they might help, because otherwise I wouldn't bother to do them for myself.    eek, that sounds dumb.   I can't believe I typed it on the wwweb.   Oh well.     Hopefully spring will help.   How are your girls? 


            I'm doing better, though I"m sorer today.  no big deal, they just say if you're worse the next day, then do less!  so I am, at least sort of.   just a few exercises here & there.   the household things I have to do use up all the functionality I have at the moment. 

              Hi, kids.  I'm sneaking back into RA and running (after a little more walking).  Won't be around this weekend due to limited 'net access, but just wanted to give y'all a shout out for a super weekend.




                Good afternoon everyone,


                Hey Eliz.  Its great to see you.  You don't have to sneak back.  Come on in.


                Laurie,  Keep your chin up.


                Kevin, Hope you're feeling better.


                Deb,  My ultra training.  lol.  well I've got another 18 months or so to train.  So, I guess I'm right on schedule.


                My friend is running in the Strolling Jim 40 miler in South middle Tenn. the first weekend in May.  I  think I'm going to try to go watch, cheer him on and grab a few pictures.


                10 miles this morning






                  Happy Easter Everyone!

                  Trails are hard!

                    Thanks, Mike.  Same to you.  Generally feeling well--the ear went away quicker than normal, for which I was thankful.  I'm back in the sore hammy club.  presently sitting on an ice bag to try and quiet it down.  5.1 at just over 10MM pace.  Gorgeous day, nice run, just a llittle harder than  I hoped.  but 5 is 5 and I can see it getting better.  HR seems to be getting a little better for the same pace, so I think I'm getting a little aheade.


                    Off to the neighbor's for Easter dinner and WAY too much to eat.  Yum.


                    have a great week,all.  (this means you, too, Laurie, if you're poking arouund)

                    Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                      Yeah I lurk. You guys provide some normalcy in my train wreck of a life.


                      Good luck ultra marathon man Mike.


                      Hey Eliz!!! Been wondering where you have been.


                      Hello to all. I did manage a fairly pain free two days ago. 24 mins. Maybe my leg just needs a little more strengthening so it can run pain free. What do you think?



                      Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                        Hey all -


                        I'm a slug.  Hanging my head in shame Sad     I have a 5K Saturday and I haven't run at all in 1 1/2 weeks...  too many things pulling at me.


                        Debbie - I think I'm in midlife transition, crisis or whatever you call it... doing counseling for awhile now which is helping a lot.  I'm also taking a correspondence tax class that I need - in order to sit for a tax preparers exam to get licensed.  Then, I'm going to get licensed as a enrolled agent.  This is kind of a round about way to have the licenses that I'm missing because I don't have a CPA & can't practice as one..  but I have as much or more experience in corporate tax than most CPA's do.. so that's what I'm doing.. and then there is work, kids, husband etc..  lots going on & running seems to be losing out right now.


                        Oh & just booked plane tix to go see my dad next month - he is doing really well Smile  so encouraging!


                          LInda....   "counseling for awhile now ....  I'm also taking a correspondence tax class that I need - in order to sit for a tax preparers exam to get licensed.  Then, I'm going to get licensed as a enrolled agent. .. and then there is work, kids, husband etc.. ".    some slug.   oh, I know how you feel.   too well!! But rearranging the pieces sometimes takes time.  and a lot of energy.   don't be hard on yourself please!!!!     tell yourself what you'd tell somebody else.   Are you still going to run the 5K?   Might be fun.   Will anyone you know be there?    That is great news about your dad!!


                          Laurie, here's a link that has what sounds to me like a very gentle progressive approach to hamstring strengthening.  I've never had the patience to follow it, but you've been dealing with this so long that maybe it will sound good to you.   You can be our health reporter.    Look at it, at least!  just for me, because it took a long time this morning for me to find this again.


                          Kevin, yes 5 is 5 and it sounds like you're going in the right  direction.   yay!


                          MIke, how many this morning?   nice 10 miler the other day! 


                          Eliz, nice you poked your head in.   How's your AT?  What happened, how'd you hurt it again?   (((( ))))


                          1/2 mile run yesterday, broken up in to 4 parts.   oh, well.   I walked 30 min. & biked 30 minutes & did a few weight machines.  this will take a while but that's no surprise. 


                          Happyfeat, are your glutes firing?   I saw a link the other day that really fit , but I can't remember where it was right now.


                            Checking avatar...kitten hanging from branch...that's my current state...ugh! don't feel I should be writing anything to anyone...tired...of a lot of things....on my way to California tomorrow for my dad's 80th birthday party/family reunion on Saturday. Set to be an outdoor picnic in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco  and the forecast is for rain the whole weekend - just perfect. Top that with recently pudging out and all my pants look like tights I'm having trouble deciding what to wear/pack. I didn't run last night so I could  fight with my closet, hoping to settle the issue...but didn't. At this rate, I don't even want to go!


                            Oh yeah, this is supposed to be about running. That's going pretty well. I'm running slower than I ever have in my life, but I'm overlooking that for now. I've run the last three Saturdays  with the  two women I mentioned before. Man, they're up and out EARLY!  Sheesh!  No more stuck in computerland on Saturday mornings for me.  One of them named Kristin (but not the Kristin who posts on RA) is organizing an unofficial half-marathon here on June 5, to give us all a goal to shoot for.  I think she said she has 6 interested runners so far.


                            Yes, Deb, my glutes are firing. So now I've traded in hamstring pain for butt twinges (pyriformis maybe). With more conditioning, I expect that to resolve. Stretching and ice helps the most, and it comes and goes anyway.

                            That's it for me for now. Happy running everyone! you too Laurie


                            MTA: It's 8 pm now. Never did run tonight because one of my brothers asked if I could email pics of Dad for a photo collage he wants to make for the Big Birthday. Two hours later, photos are scanned and emailed - what a walk through time! I have pics from when he was a child on up. It was a good reminder what this weekend is all about.  Not so important now what I wear. OK off to pack. Got a morning flight.


                            Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                            Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                              Debbie - thanks I probably needed to hear that Big grin  Yes, it takes a lot of energy...  so running is getting re-evaluated for now.  Probably less of it, but it has become part of me - so won't go away completely..  I ran tonight 2.25 miles on the treadmill & yes I am still doing the 5K on Saturday.   How are you feeling?
                                Hi, kids,

                                Happy to report that I did my monthly run last night.

                                Yep, looked back at my log and discovered I ran once in February and once in March.  Not wonder I feel like carp and have gained five pounds.

                                Declaring my new Nike Free Trainers as the antidote to my constant foot pain and AT, I'm going to celebrate by running again this afternoon, thereby DOUBLING my running days in April over the last two months.  Smile

                                Marathon training plan begins Monday.  Seriously.

                                Good runs, rests, and recoveries, all!
