Masters Running

Weekly Newbies - all runners welcome - good times here (Read 1591 times)


    Mike - boo!!   Well rest up and let it heal.   I believe that's what happened to my leg - pulled hammy and calf and achilles all got strained too.. 


    I got 3 runs in this week!!!!  Wed was 3 miles on the treadmill & yesterday I went outside (and its beautiful and warmer)  and ran 4 miles! woohoo Smile  average of 12ish.. not too shabby.  I was surprised I made it 4.  Big grin


      Good afternoon everyone.


      no runs for me.  I'm joining the Pulled Hammy club.


      My son tells me it may be due to overcompensating for the ITB issue on the other side.  I hate getting old.





       Bummer, Mike I hope your hamstring recovers quickly. You've probably read lots of good advice in all the RA posts about hamstring problems. There's a lot of helpful stuff to be found. 


      I just wanted to say that it's nice to have a place where we can share our age-related running "challenges" with others who really understand.  I hate getting old too! Honestly,as a runner from age 20 to about 45, I had absolutely none of the muscle problems (or back problems) that I have now that I'm in my 50's. It's maddening, really; but I'm learning that the "mind over matter" attitude doesn't work at this stage of the game. There's no forcing the issue that is going to work - gently does it. I aspire to age gracefully, so this is a good lesson for me.


      Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

      Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

      Beginner all over again

        How is everyone's week going?


        Mike - Sorry you have a ham injury; terrible!  Rest up, rest well !


        Linda - You got three runs in, great !


        I'm in Taper mode now.

        Are we supposed to Taper for a HM? 

        Well, I am anyways... so there....

        I just plain didn't "feel like" doin' another Long Run so I stopped that a few weeks ago and am just doing mini-maintenance workouts.

        And I'm taking  a 4-day weekend No Jogging this weekend too, before  my HM coming up in a couple weeks.


        I'll either have well-rested legs for the HM, or I'll lose fitness and have a terrible last half-hour, either way, I'm ready and declaring a Training Taper !   It's my first HM, a guaranteed PR if I can make it to the Finish Line....


        So..........Anyone Runnin' ?




          I got 3 runs in this week!!!!  Wed was 3 miles on the treadmill & yesterday I went outside (and its beautiful and warmer)  and ran 4 miles! woohoo Smile  average of 12ish.. not too shabby.  I was surprised I made it 4.  Big grin

           Good going, Linda! The best part is it sounds like you enjoyed every one of them


          My running theme for the last week has been to "feel the joy." After being cooped up indoors all day, it's such a release to go out (now it's light in the evenings) and run - freed from constraints - getting in touch with what my body really feels like and what my emotions really are. Some work days I seem to lose touch with myself, so running really opens the door and lets fresh air in.

          Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

          Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

            Checking in. Glad everyone is running.


            Eliz, glad you found me on FB.


            Mike, sorry about the leg. Dont run. Well not to start. Thats where I screwed up.


            Getting a few runs in here and there. 21 mins total. 3 more days left on the return to run program.  Then i am on my own. Not sure what program I will do next.


            Leg is better. Still bad days and good days.


            Life is better. I started a cool project in my 'back 40'. Clearing land out and building a labyrinth with the help of some friends.



            Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


              Laurie, I'm glad things are on the upswing for you.  A labyrinth - wow, that's very cool. What kind of stones or pavers are you using? Will you be landscaping around it too?


              I did my Saturday Long Run with the 2 other ladies again. We did 10. It was the first time Vickie had gone past 8 miles; so it was fun to share her delight over that. The route was gorgeous as usual: farmland, woods, mountain and water views. It had lots of rolling hills, 2 of which were too steep for me to run up.  Vickie had run the route before and said it was the first time she'd been able to run up them the whole way.


              I ran slower than I wanted so I wouldn't get any muscle cramps or twinges worse than I already have. I had to stop twice and stretch the top of my right hip/low back area though and sometimes I have to dig my fist into that muscle there to make it stop hurting - that works though. 


              I took today as a Rest Day. I'm reading up on those CW-X compression shorts that are supposed to provide compression on targeted areas like low back, hips, hams - wondering if I should give the knee length ones a try. Afraid they'd be too hot, but if they helped my muscles I might be willing to tolerate it.


              Hope everyone has a great week ahead!


              Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

              Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

              Beginner all over again

                I came off a 4-day rest yesteday-Monday and did a Walk/Jog 15-30-15 


                :15 WU

                :30 RW

                :15 CD


                Today-Tuesday  is another rest day


                I think I'll Run Weds and then take a 3-day rest day...or rather Walk-Only's on those 3 days I suppose


                Everyone keeping busy??.




                  hi everybody,   so sorry as usual that I am so behind as usual... ;/


                  Laurie, I'm glad things are looking a little better.   how cool, a labyrinth! 


                  Linda, triple yippee..    how are things now?


                  Mike,  you should have asked first this is NOT a club you want to join!!!    what are you doing about it?   ask if you need any feedback ok?     I strongly suggest pt if you can,  and maybe check with the locals to see who is good, they vary so much.


                  Happyfeat, I'm still working on the mind over matter thing, you sure it won't work?   Wink.    Yes, it is good to have a place where these things can be shared.  Can learn a lot from each other.   I like your running theme.  And can really relate to getting disconnected while at work... well, I do that other times too.  I have some of those tights, wish we were closer & you could try them.  though none of mine are really shorts, 2 full length & one, I guess upper calf.   I like them sometimes, other times not.   the compression mid leg can sometimes be uncomfortable.    


                  thanks for the b'day wishes!


                  Frances, good luck!  This Sunday, isn't it?    Let us know how it goes.  We're all experiments of one, to some extent, anyway.   I hope I'm not out of line to say be careful in this race.  I can't remember how often you've gotten kind of close to the distance...   you've been doing so well & having fun.      i hope you have good weather! 

                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    I'm in Taper mode now.

                    Are we supposed to Taper for a HM? 

                    Well, I am anyways... so there....

                    I just plain didn't "feel like" doin' another Long Run so I stopped that a few weeks ago and am just doing mini-maintenance workouts.

                    And I'm taking  a 4-day weekend No Jogging this weekend too, before  my HM coming up in a couple weeks.


                    I'll either have well-rested legs for the HM, or I'll lose fitness and have a terrible last half-hour, either way, I'm ready and declaring a Training Taper !   It's my first HM, a guaranteed PR if I can make it to the Finish Line....



                    Frances - If you are running a HM,  you should have your last big LR 2 weeks before it, or even the week before it.  If you stopped doing LRs a few weeks before it, I fear that you may have lost the fitness you gained by doing them.   However, you could still walk/jog it and finish.  Good luck!


                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                    Beginner all over again


                      - If you are running a HM,  you should have your last big LR 2 weeks before it, or even the week before it.  If you stopped doing LRs a few weeks before it, I fear that you may have lost the fitness you gained by doing them.   However, you could still walk/jog it and finish.  Good luck!



                      Good points - I'm sure you're right.

                      Well, I already paid for the race, so I'll just jog and walk and eventually get to the Finish Line and claim my Banana


                      I'm not really Racing-racing it.  I'm just "entering" in as an overdue LongRun at this point.


                      I omitted my last LongRun because the prior Two seemed to "take a long outta me," I needed recovery days, and I was thinking I could either do my Last Long Run and skip the paid-for Race, or Skip the last long run, and enter the Race. 

                      I needed another month's training and Race Director wouldn't change the date


                      It's a lot of money not to be nice and fully trained for it, but oh well -- I figure if I cross the Finish Line

                      1-- it will be an automatic PR, and

                      2-- it will make the NEXT HM easier to PR again at that one too ~wink~


                      Other than that, it's going to be One Expensive Banana


                      Thanks everyone for your encouragement, and Yes, it's this weekend.

                      I'd really like to clock a 2:45 which will be a real effort for This Slow Woman..!..   :-)



                      Beginner all over again

                        I hope I'm not out of line to say be careful in this race.  I can't remember how often you've gotten kind of close to the distance...   you've been doing so well & having fun.      i hope you have good weather! 


                        Good advice,

                        I've been reminding myself too not to be locked into a Time Goal.

                        I especially don't feel that, anymore, because I omitted my last LongRun and have given myself permission to finish slower than I'd wanted to, say, six months ago.


                        My training Log is public. You can see my Long Runs if you want to click on it.


                        This will be my Longest Distance though, so that's kinda fun, do so at a Race Event.



                        Marathon Maniac #957


                          This will be my Longest Distance though, so that's kinda fun, do so at a Race Event.




                          You will be surprised at how much the race-day excitement and crowds really carry you the extra distance.  Which race is it?

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                            Hi all -


                            I've really been struggling.. only one day running last week, and one day this week so far.  I ran 2 miles on the treadmill Wed morning and that went well, so at least I haven't lost all my stamina. Maybe if we'd actually have warm weather, it would help...  snowed on the hills again last night.. 


                              Linda, sending you a ((Hug)). Sorry to hear you're struggling this week. You'll regroup soon, I know it.


                              I actually have gotten a shade more energy lately - going to bed an hour earlier could have something to do with it.  Anyway, Monday and Wednesday I ran a bit faster than my usual slog, with a recovery Tuesday sandwiched in there.  It all felt good at the time, but my legs ached mightily yesterday. Since I'm looking at a 12-miler at (yikes!) 7 am tomorrow with Kristin, I decided to take a Rest Day last night and probably tonight too. Been icing as much as I can in the meantime.


                              Hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys their runs.

                              Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                              Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

                                MIke, hows the leg.


                                Linda, add miles and speed slowly after an injury and be patient. Its a struggle but you will come back.


                                Holly, great to see you around.


                                Frances, run the race. You paid. You might even be more prepared than you thought.


                                Eliz??? Where are you?


                                Deb, I am usinng wood chip with stones and might landscape around it eventually. I need $$.


                                Happy feat, howd the 12 miler go?


                                Hello Kevin. Did you go to Boston? Kim and I were on the corner of Newbury and Common Wealth. Good views there.


                                I have one more official run left on my return to run program then I am on my own.


                                I recruited 2 more lady triathletes to do the womens tri in Sep with me.



                                Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.