Masters Running

Weekly Newbies - all runners welcome - good times here (Read 1591 times)

Beginner all over again

    ............ run the race. You paid. You might even be more prepared than you thought.........



    (From Holly).........You will be surprised at how much the race-day excitement and crowds really carry you the extra distance.............  



    You were both right!  ~wink~

    I did the race Jog/Walk, finished it and in "record" time.

    5-mile marker 1:01 pace avg 12:16

    Finish Line  2:34,  pace avg 11:40. 

    Negative splits


    My first HM so a PR race

    My longest run ever so a PR distance

    My fastest pace avg ever so a PR pace


    Three PR's...that's one for the Books.


    Thanks, everyone, for your support ! 


    Marathon Maniac #957

      Great job!!!

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


      Trails are hard!

        WTG, Frances!! Excellent work for all your new PRs.  I hope to follow in your footsteps at the end of June.  Now all I have to do is avoid hurting myself in the mean time.

        Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



          Frances, WTG!!!!      Tell us more about it!    Do you have any pictures?    I hope you're feeling great. 


          Linda, (((( )))).    I hope it warms up soon.  That makes a huge difference.  The morning's are finally not quite as cold here.   Glad you still have some stamina.  I'm concerned about that too. 


          Happyfeat, I'm glad things are going so well.   How was your 12 miler?


          Laurie, glad you're running again.


          Mike, how are your hammies?  have you gone to a doctor?


          Kevin, don't hurt yourself.  (did that help?) ( ;-) )


            Frances - woohoo great job!! congrats!


            Laurie/Debbie - thanks.  well mostly struggling with non-running type things..  but is affecting running too - more to do with motivation than anything.


              Linda - do what makes you feel good right now. Give yourself lots of TLC.  I picture you like a starfish, spread out in lots of different directions - so much that needs your attention.  That can be very draining.


              Mike - how goes it?


              My 12-miler last Saturday ended up being an 11-miler, and only that because I didn’t want to walk so far to the car! I was really done at 10; the last mile I had lots of muscle cramping. I think the problem was that I only got 5 hours of sleep the night before. Actually I did really well through mile 5 (pace around 10:30); then hit a steep hill and things went down from there. There were about 3 miles of rolling hills after that and I had to walk a bit of one of them too.


              Despite that, I am seeing progress. For example, in January, I could not run the day after a long run - and haven’t since then - until this past week. I ran 3 miles the next day and my legs felt fine! Other signs of progress: my usual weekday distance is up to 5 miles and my pace is now between 10:30 and 11-ish  compared to what it was - between 11 and 12 mpm.  I’ll be doing a local 12K event on May 16 which I hear is pretty hilly. Since my right AT is still touchy about too much hills, I’m going to take it easy and not try for any particular goal time. I’ll just do the best I can.


              MTA: Well after tonight's slow and uncomfortable run, I've concluded that even though I was able to run the day after my long run - it's probably not a good idea for me. I plan to give my legs a rest tomorrow to make up for it.

              Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

              Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                Happy Feat - lol you are exactly right with me..  I just don't have enough time.  I have been dealing with some pretty hefty personal issues in the last year.. so midlife crisis or not, at times I'm not functioning too well.  Things are finally getting better  so that is encouraging..  but adding this studying for the tax class has thrown me for a loop - I seriously don't have time and running seems to be losing out. Sad 


                Good for you listening to your body.  A very important piece that is easy to ignore.. 


                Oh & I went motorcycle riding on Sunday - does that count??  We rode about 20 miles in the woods, rocky uphills, downhills and had a ton of fun Smile  Boy, I was so exhausted - weird how that works when you're riding something with a motor.. but you really do manhandle it through the tight stuff.




                  Sounds like an exhilarating ride and a great tension-breaker, Linda; so sure it counts!

                  Try to do something just for you every day - something that will recharge your batteries.

                  Life is so challenging sometimes - you're not alone in that.  We're here for you. (((Group Hug)))

                  Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                  Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

                    Hey guys, Ive kinda been lurking for awhile. Realized Im really close to meeting the official qualification--turn 40 late this year. I've taken about a year off of any real running. Was in a rut for the year before after being a little crazy for the 2 year period when I started running. Have done 10 marathons--none under 5 hours. After struggling through the half Pig and waiting for my B-I-L to finish the full--I was re-motivated watching the faces of all the BQers as they finished strong.


                    Start my serious training today. Gonna run the Air Force marathon (for the 3rd time) and Columbus (4th time) - at least thats the plan. Is it cool if I start a thread with my training diary in here? I thrive on feedback. And the more I put what Im doing out there and the more people that I tell my goals--the more motivated I am. Thats what got me running in the first place.




                      Linda, ((( )))


                      Happyfeat, good idea.   group hug.  Smile.     somehow I missed about your AT.  what's going on with it?  what have you tried?


                      MIke.  speak.  ok?


                      Hi Murphy!  ok first the obvious, you sure look young for 40.       welcome & post all you want.   I don't get here all I'd like to but can be counted on for too much feedback.   hey maybe I'll get to meet you!   I might do the Air Force half.  thought about it for the full, but wanted a little more time.  I'm recovering from a few things.   almost 7 weeks with almost nothing.  Oh well.   10 marathons, huh?   wow, regardless of the time.   I've only done one, which was Columbus so we have something in common.  I was under 5, but barely.     Being re-motivated is very cool.     I bet seeing those BQer faces was wonderful.     I also encourage you to post on the daily thread, it goes by different names but you should be able to figure it out!   lots of encouragement & feedback.    Happy training!   What plan are you using?   I'm signed up for a full on Oct. 3rd, (another reason just the half for the Air Force.)  Think I'll use Brad Hudson's this time.  I hope!!

                        dg..thats our daughter. 8 months now. Less than 2 when that picture was taken.


                        Building my own plan. And will be flexiible with it. When I went back and looked, I was very surprised that when I went from non-runner to my first marathon, I only ran 200ish miles in the 18 weeks prior. In my last marathon (09 Pig) I tried to go from 0 to 35-40 mpw and got injured.


                        While my self made does get up into the mid 30 mpw..Im more concerned with making sure I get over 20 mpw every week, and get in my long runs. If I do that I will be way more prepared than I was for even my best marathons. Im also going to consistantly get short runs in at lunch, so I may eventually get up to pretty high mileage. But with the young one, it gives me some flexibility.


                        I also started the Team Blister group. Its a great--but much smaller group. I see some of its members are here as well.


                        thanks for the welcome.


                          Happyfeat,   somehow I missed about your AT.  what's going on with it?  what have you tried?

                          Can I just say C**P!! I spent some time replying to this, hit some unknown key, and it all went kaput!   Makes me mad!


                          Anyway, Deb,you didn't miss anything. Nothing was wrong with my AT until last Saturday's run when it barked (loudly) at me when I started up a steep hill. It surprised me because I've been including hills for the last couple weeks with no problem. It hasn't bothered me to run on the flat since then, but I feel it all day long like someone is pressing into it - a dull kind of spasm. I've iced it and took last night off as a Rest Day. I'm heading out now and hope to have a nice run. Honestly though, anymore, I just feel like I can't count on my body to perform well. My confidence is shaken with the Rhody Run only a week away. That's why I plan to just take it easy.

                          Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                          Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

                            Frances. congrats on the Half!!!


                            Kevin, which June marathon are you doing?


                            Deb, I am looking for your update and your running status.


                            Mike, Ditto


                            Linda, hugs. Hows things?


                            Happy, sleep and hydration might help muscle cramps. Keep plugging away.


                            Hi Holly, Glad youre around again!


                            Welcome Murphy,


                            I need to run a whole lot more. I tweaked my knee lifting the power sander we used to finish floors. But it is getting better daily. I finished the return to run program (3rd time). ANd I am on my own working on running 3 full miles with no walking.



                            Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                              Happy Mother's Day to all!


                              Okay I finally ran.   Today I went out & ran 2 miles in the neighborhood hills with my 9 yo daughter & she actually ran almost all of it without stopping. So proud of her, amazing what 3x a week soccer practice with lots of running laps does for one!    and then we walked back 1.5 miles.


                              Laurie - boy oh boy its been a rough year or a little more than that...   running came back to me, and then i almost abandoned it.  Like it had served its purpose... but i'm not done with it. Smile  personally, apparently i'm in midlife & its finally time to deal with a big issue that I've ignored forever, relationships have suffered always, but in the end 3 main relationships over the last 27 years and 3 guys who still care (including my current husband), its freaky, but cool all at the same time.  Its amazing how things change, but don't really change, and when you're ready to see it all- the good, bad, their part, your part & and discover the core issue, that made things hard, its a beautiful thing.  So that is where I am - finally discovering the core issue & making my life better after peeling away all the baggage.  wow & I'm actually saying this on here!! lol  definitely TMI  Oh and I like your posts about life etc on FB.. keep thinking of posting some too, but uh both the exes are FB friends, and I don't really want to send any messages out..


                              Oh  &  I got some cool bicycle pants for Mothers Day!! and a camera I can take on runs, hikes, and motorcycle rides instead of my big ole camera.


                                oh  & Laurie - yay on the running!!!!