Masters Running

Weekly Newbies - all runners welcome - good times here (Read 1591 times)


    HappyFeat, I've done that so many times!  (hit some unknown key..).      I'm sorry!   I think taking it easy is good.  No answers to the big questions.    An ongoing learning process I guess.. but you really do seem to be doing all the things I keep thinking I should do!     How are you now?


    Murphy, your daughter is adorable.  Keep us posted on your training, either here or on the daily.  Was happy to see you there.  A wonderful group of people & an amazing amount of experience & support.     Training for my second marathon (which I didn't run, assorted reasons) I was making up my own plan.   But I keep messing up, so I thought I'd see how Hudson's works this time. 


    Laurie, glad to see you back in several ways!   Smile.   wtg on your running!  Persistence, persistence. :-).   well, for me, I'm coming back gradually.  I spent last Saturday in the ER, so things have not been going well.  I finally saw the surgeon again Tuesday. I won't go into that.   plan from him is to cut back (was already doing nothing!) this week along with heat & ibu, and see how I am before ordering more tests.  As I am off the charts due to almost no activity for almost 7 week (not that there's anything wrong with that) I decided to do little runs this week, while being really really careful the rest of the time.  Otherwise meltdown, implosion, or something like that.  I ran in my neighborhood (hills which I'm not used to) most of this week, & Sat. . at the gym.  Some walking, runs were .65, 1, 2, 2.5, 3.25.  fwiw.  i'm registered for the twin cities marathon on Oct 3rd. 


    Linda, someday I'd like to hear more about all of that.  Not TMI.   Very cool mother's day presents!   & very cool that you ran with your daughter. 


    Mike, I hope you're healing or happy or something!  Let us know, ok?


    Roberta, are you still peeking in? 


    Frances, are you ok?   Your log disappeared as did your posts.  Hope you feel well after your race.



      Yes, Laurie, me too - happy you're  running again.  Are you running pain-free??


      Deb, I'm beginning to think it's a mistake to ask me how I'm doing! It just leads to another woeful story


      SO here goes. Awhile back I got a pair of the running shoes on clearance from RunningWarehouse and tucked them away until I needed them. Well, I wore them to run in for the first time last week - 4 times- and apparently they are defective. I have worn the Brooks Addiction for about 12 years and never had a "quality control" problem until now. This pair feels like there is no arch support shoe at all in the right shoe and I got stabbing right medial knee pain running in them. 


      So I promptly purchased a new, fresh from the factory, pair of shoes which arrived Friday. OMG! They are heaven to run in - causing me to enjoy my Friday night run so much that I ran too fast for the night before a Long Run. All my good sense deserted me because I KNEW it, but did it anyway.


      So Saturday comes and I'm still planning to do an 8-miler so I'll be primed for next Sunday's 12K; so I decide I'll warm up REALLY good first. This involved doing some side lunges which tweaked that silly right knee in what felt like a catastrophy.  It was the wierdest thing.Hurt alot and took a while to walk on it.


      I had some difficulty getting my leg into the car to drive to where I planned to run. I know! You're thinking I'm brain-damaged for still heading out but  S**T, I was all packed, fueled, and ready to go! didn't want to waste all that prep. Sooo I get out there,walk for about 5 minutes, find that my knee is okay on level and left-slanted road, no good on uphill or downhill. Then since it's practically noon and we're having the warmest day yet - which I'm not acclimatized to - and I'm having lotsa muscle complaints because I wasn't rested - I decide to go what I think is a shorter way back to the car....ended up being over 7, so i didn't save much, but it was a shadier road with less traffic and gorgeous farmland scenery with the mountains in the background. I walked about 1.5 miles.


      Today is a Rest Day and I plan to be a Very Good Girl the rest of the week. Hope you got some entertainment value out of my story and that everyone had a great week ahead!

      Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

      Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


        Happy Feat -  see this is why I'm so bad about buying new shoes...  lol      oh we always want to know how you are.. sorry things didn't work out so well, but you'll be back at it soon.


        Deb - the ER?  what happened?  Do you still have my email address, I'm not real interested in putting anymore of my story out on the internet for anyone to see, you know? 

        Beginner all over again

          Hi Everyone,

          I took a week off after my HM, walked a mile every day though, first couple days super slow crawl, but felt more recovered each day.


          And then I started bicycling.  Sat/Sun did over an hour on the bike out in town, nice weather.


          I had only been Walk/Jogging three times a week for the past year.  I'm trying to figure out how to add a fourth day.

          So I am adding bicycling for now, no power bike, just easy riding for the first month, and I'll decide from there

          I have a hybrid/comfort bike, not a road bike

          And I'll keep my jogging 3 days per week, bike 2 days, and walk or off the other two days..


          Any thoughts on how to increase mileage?

          I was thinking get my 3 jog days up to the duration I want them ( 1:00, 1:30, 2:30)  and not add a 4th day until I am built up to that Time on Feet.  And bicycle two days.

          And take my two days off before-and-after my Long Run of the week.


          And my training Log is back up and running.


          Anyway, that's what I"ve been up to.

          That and trying to follow all your posts, see who is who again, who is doing what, getting to you know all and remember everyone's name!


          Happy Running, Heal well !


          Marathon Maniac #957

            Any thoughts on how to increase mileage?

            I was thinking get my 3 jog days up to the duration I want them ( 1:00, 1:30, 2:30)  and not add a 4th day until I am built up to that Time on Feet. 


            I'm not sure what you mean here, is that a 1-hour jog one day, 1.5 hours the next day, and then 2.5 hours jogging on the third day?

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            Beginner all over again


              I'm not sure what you mean here, is that a 1-hour jog one day, 1.5 hours the next day, and then 2.5 hours jogging on the third day?


              I go out to exercise  every other day.  So 3 days per week.

              So yes, 3 walk/jogs per week


              I'm contemplating...

              Add a fourth day, or just walk on a fourth day


              Bring my 3 jog days up to the three durations you quoted, every other day, 3 times a week,

              and then decide to add in a 4th day.


              Ride my bicycle around town to add in a day now, or later or not


              some combination of walking the fourth day, biking the 5th day,


              add more jog days,




              I'm very afraid of I'm too over-cautious



                Frances, I learned the hard way that one can never be too cautious! Add miles slowly. Slow your pace on high mile days and maybe even consider a shorter stride. I like your cross training idea. I think cross training is the way to go really. Hybrids are a little harder to ride than road bikes. If you find yourself riding high or even medium (30 miles) on pavement a road bike might be a little better for you. Have you ridden one lately?


                Deb, Ok I saw the Er and surgery post but what happened? I missed the injury report. Ugh. Sorry youre going through this. This thread seems to be the rehab and recovery thread. Or maybe its just cuz were old. lol


                Linda, thanks for the kind words on FB. I am learning and making strides.  Glad youre running and biking and enjoying life. WTG.


                Happy, I learned that if the run is uncomfortable or slightly painful to call it quits. I learned this the hard way as I learn nearly every life lesson.








                YEp I am running pain free. Seems the pain comes when I sit a lot. Makes sense. I sit on the injured hamstring and my leg stiffens up. I need to remember to get off my butt at work more often.


                3.5 miles yesterday. 37 minutes. Pain free. Felt good. Slight discomfort while sitting on the hamstring today. Its slow at work. Maybe I should just lie down.



                Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                  Laurie - one step at a time, we will get there. Smile



                  I'm at my dad's in beautiful Huntington Beach, CA.  Big grin  Today we went to the park by his house & and had a picnic. but first I ran with his dog  2 loops around the pond... have no idea how far I ran, but it was probably close to 2 miles.  Definitely faster with the puppy dog, but we both had fun Smile


                    Did the Rhody Run 12K today with a surprising time of 1:13 which makes an average of 9:50/mile. I can hardly believe it.  I ran the first two at about 10:30 and then had to walk the two big hills making the third mile  11:04. So I made up some time on the rest of it.  I couldn't be happier or more surprised, considering the best I've been doing was 10:20 to 10:30 on my best days lately.


                    I made a last ditch effort yesterday to make some nutritional adjustments, in case my muscle cramps and tightness are from a lack of potassium, calcium, or magnesium. I also massaged, stretched and iced throughout the day. Something worked because I didn't have anything bother me during the run. I was careful with my posture and I walked the uphills because they were early in the race and I was afraid if my AT seized up, I wouldn't be able to finish.


                    It was a fun event because there was alot of community support...sooo many people along the route, aid stations every mile, two sets of bongo drum players on the steepest part of the big hill - very helpful, and several people with sprinklers or hose end sprayers set up to shower you if you were hot. I definitely took advantage of that and it was sooo refreshing.


                    I also had my first experience of running downhill not feeling like I was putting the brakes on with every step and my knees didn't hurt - hurray for that. I can't wait to try it again. I was behind a couple with a stroller and didn't want to run into them, but didn't want to pass them; so I focused on the ground behind their feet instead of at the grade ahead. I think it allowed my body to orient itself with the ground in some better way, - don't really know how to describe it - maybe more perpendicular to the ground? Anyway it felt relaxed and not like I was ready to hurtle out of control like usual.

                    Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                    Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

                      So what foods do you add to prevent muscle cramps and aches? Maybe diet is my answer.


                      3.5 miles today. Sore Tight muscles. Both left and right. 42 mins. 7 mins longer than my last run. Bad pain in the end. Hot tub helps a bit.


                      I might have to have more days inbetween runs.



                      Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                        Laurie, primarily you need Potassium, Magnesium, and Calcium.


                        So bananas for potassium - I had 2 yesterday and today. I had been trying to have one every day recently, but had let a week go by without even having one! Potatoes (which I have one every night) are also high, as are white beans (a half cup has about as much as a banana). For magnesium, on my doctor's advice, I have taken a 400 mg capsule supplement for years and years - it seemed to help with headaches and tight muscles. Yesterday, I took one a.m. and p.m.  and think I'll stick with that. For calcium: I eat cottage cheese, yogurt, and almost 2 cups of milk every day plus a 400 mg Tums. I also drank 12 oz of Hammer Heed (electrolyte drink) yesterday and drank it on the run today.


                        Nobbi tipped me off yesterday that if I were getting too much protein in my diet, that can prevent you from using all the calcium you take in. So I looked at that and even though I'm vegetarian, I get 100+ grams per day which is too much. For my body weight, I should only eat 70 to 80 grams. It's possible that the extra protein has been locking up my calcium. So yesterday, I cut way back on protein.  For the future, I'm going to eliminate the 24 gm  protein powder I've been putting in with my oatmeal.


                        I was very surprised not to have any muscle cramps today on the run and so I think I'm on the right track.


                        The only other contributing factor that came to light is that estrogen (for those that have it) acts like a dam and holds calcium in your body for use by your bones and muscles. If you're low on estrogen, the calcium escapes...thus the muscle problems. I'm sporadic with my estradiol, so this could also be a factor for me. A year ago my doc suggested we consider an estrogen patch for other reasons, but I didn't really want to do that. I may revisit this idea if it becomes a key to solving my muscle pain.


                        So that's what all I was investigating yesterday - got nothin' else done besides prepare for today's race Now it's almost 6 PM! Can't believe the weekend is practically over!

                        Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                        Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                        Trails are hard!

                          Guess I've been away for a while.  But seems like pretty positive on the running front at the moment.


                          Laurie--glad you're back a the road again.  Sounds like you're being very careful and not ignoring pain.  I'm wondering if the amount of sitting that I do at work has something to do with my tight hammy that won't go away. 


                          Linda--Fun run with the puppy.  And no reports of ill effects.  Good stuff.  Did you wave at DD as you went by UCLA?


                          Happy--very nice race.  Glad you're happy with it.  That was quite a second half to get you below 10MM.


                          I did 7 on Sunday at leisurely pace and everything felt good.  I had a banana and a glass of OJ before starting.  My long runs are getting to the point where I may have to actually think about food and refueling.  No side effects except a couple of banana burps the first couple of miles.


                          I did 5  in 48:25 myself this morning.  schedule said 4.5, so I added a little side loop before I went around the lake.  Slight miscalculation, but once I figured it out, it was too late.  didn't mind too much.  Seemed like a decent pace, so I went back and looked at the 5 mile race I did in March.  Turns out that this run was almost a minute faster for the same distance.  I was happy.  Then I looked at a 3.1 that I had called a tempo around the same time (9:21).  I then looked at the 4+ from last week that was at the same exact pace and I called it easy.  I was happier.  This very gradual buildup along with the yoga and weights are really making a difference.  I'm still a ways away from what I was able to do my first year running (2006), but it seems like training runs in the 8's might not be too far away.


                          This past weekend, I pumped up the tires on my bike and it's sort of beckoning me.  If it warms up a little, I may have to add that in for X-T days.  There's a tiny little voice that says that a sprint tri might be fun.  Maybe in a little bit I might actually listen a little closer.

                          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                            Hello  - how is everyone doing?? hasn't been much activity here.


                            Kevin - sounds like you're getting there with the running Smile  how is DD liking UCLA?


                            Well more me, I've been a major slacker, but life has kept me a little sideways lately. Decided yesterday to organize my week to get my stuff in..  so have a plan for this week to get at  3 days of running in.  Of course, the stamina is pretty much nonexistent at this point, so we'll see what happens...


                              Sorry I have been absent. I promise to be better from here on out. I had an amazingly good run last Wed. I dont know why. I felt like an angel was carrying me along. I have had those before. Like I am flying with no effort. It should have been a bad day as the night before i got no sleep and was stressed all day. But I ran and loved it. Then a so so run on Sat with the club. Well it was good as in being with the women again.


                              Linda, stress can cause lack of energy and leave you drained. The stamina will improve and I guess you will have good runs and not so good runs before you are back to your usually bouncy self.


                              Kevin, yep I read and heard that sitting is the worst for hamstring injuries. It stiffens you up and puts pressure on the injury. I always have bad days after sitting a lot. And good days after walking around and being active. Do the TRI! Yes they are a blast in many ways. A challenge and an awesome experience being surrounded by like minded people helping you through it and getting through it with each other. Tris are like nothing I have ever done before.


                              Been a slug lately. But that will change. The dealer of crap in my life has been permanently removed from my life. My life will improve from here on out cuz up is the only way it can go now. But I look forward to the change and being myself again.



                              Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                                Ran 2 miles this morning Smile 


                                Laurie - thanks, you are right.  life has just been completely out of control, so this weekend I scheduled all the things that have to be done - for myself & otherwise.  Sounds like you're on the right track!  Smile