Masters Running


Thursday 2.13 another snow day (Read 42 times)


    Sorry, but no shoutouts - I leave that skill to coastwalker..


    Simon Legree (aka henrun) sent me out at 5:45 before the snows came.  He was out walking when I returned.  Shortly off to the Y since our morning class got cancelled.  As of now, not even a dusting.  Our schools are open, but southern NH closed.  The grandkids are upset because they wanted today's hot lunch - such priorities?


    have a greta day!



    Trails are hard!

      Afraid none from me either.  I snuck in 3.25 miles this morning and finished just as there were a few flakes in the air.  A dusting by the time I left for work.  I borrowed DW's Subaru for the drive home tonight.  Should be interesting.

      Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



        Good morning Marj and all to follow. I, too, will leave the task of recaps and shout-outs to Jay. He does a much better job.


        Hang in there East Coast friends. The month is almost half over   I heard on the local news this morning that this winter is in the top 5 for the highest number of days with below zero temps. We're at 46 days right now with plenty of winter left. I guess that's something to be excited about, right? Um, no.


        We watched the dog show Monday and Tuesday nights, and while the winner was cute, I was cheering for Nathan the bloodhound. Last night we watched the movie "Best in Show".  Haven't seen that in a while and airing it right after the dog show was perfect. There are some great scenes in that movie!


        5 miles on the treadmill this morning followed with 30 minutes of weights and core. Working hard on my front and side planks and getting good with weighted squats on the Bosu ball.


        Have a great Thursday everyone.


          Mornin' everyone.


          Sorry, no shout-outs/recap today: too much on my plate. Our Town Planner was put on "leave" late on Tuesday, so that office is vacant for now. Not having someone there impacts the work our Conservation Commish does, so I'm scrambling (as are others) to figure out what is going on, and to plug holes and fill gaps.


          I woke on time this morning, but I felt very tired, and had a big knot in my lower back. So instead of heading out for a pre-storm workout, as had been my plan, I went back for another hour's sleep. I feel much better rested, but still have that knot. Maybe some shoveling later today will help get it worked out...


          Have a greta Thursday, whatever your weather.



          Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

            Well, we got some snow.  Haven't ventured out yet to measure but I'm guessing 8 inches of the wet heavy stuff.  Our driveway's too long to clean so we'll try to drive some vehicles up and down to make it more passable.  Won't be running today but I do have the skis out of storage!

            Be safe. Be kind.

              Simon Legree! Snork Marj! Glad you all got out. It started snowing here at about 6:30 am and it's picking up in intensity now. We're in the lovely purple 15"  blob on the weather forecast map---whatever!


              Hudson and I had an awesome four mile dog jog along the roads around here. Very few cars, quiet footfalls and one totally happy snow dog! I'll probably snowshoe later or even break out the skis since one of the neighbors made a 1 mile track around our cul-de-sac neighborhood. We'll have our own Olympics here!


              Last night we were yelling at the TV as the Syracuse Orangemen preserved their perfect basketball season with a buzzer beater. Go "CUSE!


              Sleep is good Jay and hope your back feels better soon.


              Stay safe all who are facing storms today...

                Holly S. you are hereby my favorite RAer! 


                CNYrunner outside!  Today!    I am not sure what things look like up your way but down here in CT . . .


                deez4boyz amazing how that training thing works!  Nice!


                Mike E LOL

                divechief that was what I though about CV vs. resume!


                evanflein I also find TM intervals easier than on a track.  Odd.  I guess somehow the ground moving under your feet helps somehow.  Odd since any other type of run on a TM seems tougher than outdoors.


                Jlynne yeah, thanks.


                Ever wonder if you should run outside on a TM?  No problem deciding today!


                Snow storm 348233 this winter!  Will it ever end!


                I had three people coming to my house today to work on various items that need fixing.  As you might imagine all cancelled.  Alas, one fix was to be my oven.  Two prior appointments for its repair were messed up by the service shop.  Maybe the fourth times the charm?

                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                  Good morning hang. I hope all our East Coast friends are staying warm and are safe with all the snow.

                  No snow here, but we did get some freezing rain.

                  Marj, you are so funny. Can't wait to see you in May.

                  Erika, impressive intervals last night.


                  Well, I was up and about at 4 o'dark like Jay would say, but no running yet. I am still working hard at being a good girl 

                  Nightmare of yellow sticky notes all around my brain kept me awake most of the night (with the Mediterranean banquet happening tomorrow my to do list is a mile long) and being sick for 5 days kept me behind with my to-do-ahead list.). So at 4 am I just woke up  and started creating the time frame and itinerary for today and tomorrow. Now all that is done and it is time to start executing the plan.


                  Be safe my friends.

                  "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard



                    Good luck to those of you in the storm's path.  Stay warm.

                    Nice picture, Twocat!  No, I never wonder whether I should run outside or on a TM.


                    Luckily the weather here is usually okay for running outside - we don't get much rain or ice, just snow, and we get a lot of sunshine.  I like running in snow.  But lately it's been windy -- yesterday it was sunny, but  I was blasted by blowing snow - it really stings!  Today the wind is howling again. Okay, enough whining...


                    Enke, I hope doors #11 and #12 are interesting and fun!

                    Jeanne, I love Best in Show!

                    Posie - hope your banquet goes well - wish I could come!   Can you send me any leftovers?

                    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                    King of PhotoShop

                      No shout outs from me either, so to heck with the rest of you. Only here to malign others.


                      The shoe party was fun. Saw some friends.  That NB shoe (fresh foam 980) has a very small drop, but is designed as a light trainer, comparable I think to the Saucony Kinvara.  I loved the shoe, and I learned last night that it will retail at $110. I've never run in NB shoes as I always thought they were pricy, but $110 sounds reasonable to me.


                      I didn't watch that dog show either, as the Saint wanted to watch the Olympics, but I bet Steve P watched it, if only to shout insults at all the other dogs.  Spareribs


                        It's only 12:35 darn it.  I looked at my clock and saw 2 13 and thought the day was further along, but then I realized that it was the date.


                        Oh well, time marches on whether it seems like it or not.


                        I ran 6 miles mid-morning.


                        Watched some of the USA hockey game on my extra monitor while working.



                          No shout outs from me either, so to heck with the rest of you. Only here to malign others.







                          I'm just hear to harass the rib-meister




                          Pickles got 8-holes poked into her neck yesterday,

                          she was trying hard not to cry

                          ,,,,,,,,,,,but it really got to me


                          ....................good running guys...............Hug SomeBody You Love Today........

                          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                            50 minute recovery run. Legs needed some recovery after yesterdays hills.


                            Ribs the grumpy old man. Jack Lemon or Karl Malden? Hmmmmm


                            Sorry about pickles tom. It's tough when they hurt and you can't do anything for it.


                            Good luck with the snow and ice folks. Be safe. It will melt.





                            "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                            "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                              I know CV sounds pretentious, but as mariposai said, there is a real difference.  It's just the lingo around here.  I don't really have a preference for taller fact I shied away from tall men when I was younger, preferring ones maybe only an inch or two taller than me.  Door#7 was 2 inches shorter.  I'm pretty inclusive, to a point.

                              And if someone could genetically engineer men in their 50s not to think they should chase women in their 30s, I'd be all for that!


                              Door#11 last night was.....well, he was extremely cute, a nice surprise.  And, I didn't know this before meeting him, but he ran 5 marathons last year.  So you'd think I'd be all over that, and I was, but the conversation just wasn't great, no real connection.  Not my type.  Darn it.

                              Door#12....I think I might need to study some astrophysics this weekend in order not to sound completely retarded when I meet him.  Zip....not saying any more!


                              Dive, I don't think I could do it....I only have a functional mtn bike, and my bottom would have to get used to a bike seat again...toughen up, before I could do anything that long.  I do have an old road bike, but it hasn't been used in about 20 years.


                              I had a most interesting run this morning.  There was a beautiful full moon, setting.  But otherwise dark (no headlamp).  As I was running down some dark neighbourhood street, flashing lights approached.  It was a cop on a motorcycle.  He stopped right in front of me.  I didn't think I could have possibly done anything wrong, so I just stood there.  He yelled quite sternly at me to come over to him, which I was a bit reluctant to do, in the dark, wondering in the back of my mind if it really was a cop.  But it was of course.  He said that there had just been an armed robbery less than a mile away, and the person, apparently a WOMAN, ran away in this direction.  Grey sweatshirt, 30ish, running, armed.  Luckily I was wearing my bright yellow running jacket.  Anyway, he told me to call the police if I saw anyone like that and for me to go straight home.  I was finished my run anyway, and was going to walk the rest of the way, but decided to run instead.  I saw him again going up and down the streets.


                              Later it occurred to me that a great get-away right after a robbery would be to don a yellow running jacket, some iPOD headphones and maybe even a headlamp, to look like some innocent person out for an early morning jog.


                              5.2 miles

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                              Trails are hard!



                                I had a most interesting run this morning. 




                                Later it occurred to me that a great get-away right after a robbery would be to don a yellow running jacket, some iPOD headphones and maybe even a headlamp, to look like some innocent person out for an early morning jog.


                                5.2 miles

                                Who says running is boring?


                                BTW, we don't want to hear that you just bought a brand new bike to ride with Dive. 

                                Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.

