Masters Running

Newbies - the new thread (Read 905 times)


Trails are hard!

    Hi all.  I'm reporting in.  I also just blew away about 15 minutes of typing by a brain fart keystroke.  I really need to get in the habit of using word when I'm feeling verbose.


    now I need to recover and see how much I can remember.

    Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


      I have to spill the beans....I was visiting my facebook page and saw Mike tagged in a photo. So I was perusing his photos and found baby pics! Become a facebook friend of Mike's. Theyre adorable. Boy did the navy boot camp pic take me back. Sorry Mike but I had to do it. They were too cute.


      Biked today. A grand total of 5 miles but did so with no leg pain. Might add cycling slowly to my  cross training.


      Leg is good.


      Frances. I think some small hills and short tempo runs would do you good. Constant pace pounding might lead to injury. Good to hear you are running on paths and not concrete.



      Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


        I'm on facebook too...  if I wanted to find you guys..  how would I do that?


        Went to the motorcycle races yesterday & have posted pics on my facebook page.  We walked everywhere to see different parts of the course & yep my foot swelled a little.. interestingly enough I could even see a vein or something? popped up on my foot that hurt..  a little ice & it was all better. geez...  bronchs seem to be recovered now finally though.


        Trails are hard!

          Let’s see—I had figured out cold fusion, ending world hunger, and the secret to a 15 minute 5K.   Now I can’t remember a thing.  Oh well better luck next time.  This time I did the cut and paste method.



          Mike—convertible and Florida sounds like a pretty nice combination.  Did it also come with a blond?    Nice pace, BTW.  My fastest 5K was only a few seconds under that.  I’m jealous.



          Frances—running on dirt is good—nice and soft.  A little variety is a good thing, if only to keep from getting bored and losing interest.  I’ve been doing just my 3.1 lake loop for the past couple of months and that’s getting a little old.  Now that I can actually go more than that in a reasonable time, I’ve started going off in other directions.  Haven’t changed the pace much, but have a lot more fitness and miles to go before I get too involved in that.  But you can get your muscles and fitness into a rut if you do the same thing always.  Still a major improvement over sitting on the couch, but not as much of a chance for greater improvements.



          Deb—my one and only knee exercise involves rotating the foot as far as possible to the outside and then contracting the quads repeatedly until tired.  I should be doing this regularly, but usually only after the knee starts bugging me and then only for a week or so.  Seems to work.  other more involved X-T would probably also be useful.



          Laurie—glad the legs are feeling better.  BTW, that was a very nice thread you wrote (and I didn’t comment on )  sorry you’ve learned so much to write about.



          Eliz—happy end of the school year.  Being a kayak guide sounds like fun.  Educational, but fun.  Isn’t that what teachers strive for?



          Linda—sorry the asthma is back.  The foot starts to get better and now this.  Is this what people mean when the mention being bounced from pillar to post?  Hope the biking works and doesn’t aggravate the breathing.



          I’m on Facebook, but not highly active.  If you‘d like to look me up, you can search for kameele at a o l dot com.  Surprisingly, the vast majority of the people I have as friends feature a running profile picture.  go figure.


          New post ablation distance record for me today.  4.5 miles with another 1/2 mile cooldown.  I may be making progress finally.  Friday I did feel the little tightness in the chest that I have notice a couple of times before.  I'm almost wondering if it's just a side stitch in a slightly different location.  I'm figuring if it was anything too serious, it would be a lot more consistent.  My cardio says that he'll get me on a stress test if it becomes a concern.


          have a good day all.  I'm ready to leap into the new week



          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


          Beginner all over again

            But you can get your muscles and fitness into a rut if you do the same thing always.  Still a major improvement over sitting on the couch



            Okay, hmm.,,, so maybe do I need to change things up a bit? 

            Maybe I don't know what I"m doing here

            I thought I was supposed be  just trying to build up to an hour run 3 times a week, and then I was going to keep Tue/Thurs at an hour, and then increase my Weekend Run to be the Long Run, gradual progression over an hour.

            I want to avoid injury..... how exactly does the 'changing things" work toward avoiding injury?


            I kind of thought I was just supposed to be spending months and months "building my base", getting that base mileage increase in, getting my bones, tendons, muscles, etc., accustomed to doing this running motion after a full decade in a chair of some type.


            I was thinking it's way too early for hills and speed stuff.

            Aren't hills and speed stuff harder on the body?

            I thought that's what leads to overtraining and injury.


            How does all this Running Stuff work anyway.   




            Remember too, what when I say I "run"  I am walking over 50% of the time.

            I do about 5 minutes WarmUp Walking-Only,

             and again then 5 minutes or more Walking-Only at the end for CoolDown


            And then last run I did was 

            Jog 50seconds /Walk 50seconds


            So I really am only running half the time at best, depending on what you count (WarmUp, CoolDown)


            So..........whatcha'all thinking ? ? ?


            Feel free to offer me super specific suggestions, as in what (exactly) to do for Tempo, hills, etc.

            What constitutes a hill? What incline/grade over what distance?

            What constitutes a tempo run?



            I'm serious. These terms are pretty ambiguous to me. 


            Keep in mind I'm only at my 12 week mark,

            after totally overdo'ing it halfway there (shinsplints, foot pain, calf pain, Owie! etc.)

            and then re-starting from the Beginning again just 6 weeks ago.


            Thank you all !



            Trails are hard!

              Frances--I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention to where you were.  at 12 weeks in, yes, you are still building base and variety will come down the road.  When I started I was doing what turned into the C25K and then did what was call the One Hour runner" which sounds a lot like what you're doing. 


              I probably shouldn't be giving too much advice--I'm still learning an awful lot myself.  I also took a quick look at the LHR training that you thoughtfully provided and there appears to be a lot more to it than just making sure your HR stays low.


              you should also not be shy about asking questions on the main master's page.  the folks that actually know what they're talking about love to share their knowledge.

              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


              Beginner all over again

                at 12 weeks in, yes, you are still building base and variety will come down the road..



                You think so? Okay.


                My plan was basebuilding....but as I said,.....I don't exactly know much about what I am doing.

                I figured I couldn't go too wrong (injury) with a year of Galloway (5k, 10K, HM) and some LHR..... but I am just a-figuring this all out still.  Didn't mean to try to second-guess anyone other than MySelf.


                Thanks for all your comments. I appreciate them !




                  Here is how you can find me on facebook.




                  Francis,  don't be in a hurry to add or change things.  If you just started in a couple of months ago, like Kevin said, you are still building a base.  Your body is still getting used to the pounding its taking.  When I started running, I started with a goal to run a half marathon a year after starting.  And I did it.





                  (with the cute baby pictures)


                    Oy! I just lost a big ole post...   Sent a friend request to both Kevin & Mike.  Laurie? how do I find you?

                    I actually use FB to keep in touch with all my friends in Socal, so am on quite a bit.  Kinda cool I've found some old friends from 20 or more years ago too.


                    Kevin - glad to hear you're able to run so much post-ablation.  Hope the tightness turns out to be nothing important.


                    Mike - hmm will have to check out the baby pics


                    Debbie - apparently I'm the one needing a lecture right now...   bronchials are really mad at me now

                    walking at the motorcycle race yesterday was a very bad idea... now I can barely walk around the house.


                    So I just posted a bunch of pics from the motorcycle race yesterday, husband, me & the kids and the race.  You guys should check it out.


                      Mike, how did you get that link? Trying to figure out my link.



                      Anyhow my facebook page is under my email address.


                      Got to get to the pool. Will post more later.



                      Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                        Okay Laurie sent you a friend request too.


                        Feel a little better today, but am afraid I'm pretty much in "have to heal the bronchs mode" which means I have to start walking slowly on the treadmill...  foot problem or not.  Breathing does take first priority.

                        Beginner all over again

                           don't be in a hurry to add or change things. 


                          Thanks. :-)

                          Frankly, I'm not.

                          I was just hearing suggestions to change things and add things, so I was asking for more information.

                          I hadn't planned on  changing or adding  until the one-year mark.


                            When I started running, I started with a goal to run a half marathon a year after starting. 

                          Congrats. That's Great!

                          And that's my goal. My Goal Race is a HM next Spring, a year after I started.





                            Ok LInda, I'm working on it.   will try to make it a good one.     Here are the 2 links I mentioned before... these exercises are supposed to help ankles a lot, but I don't know if they'd be good in your situation.  Seems like it might not hurt to try, just a little, paying close attention.,  the usual qualifiers.   I don't know, maybe you should ask your doctor first.  I've just started doing these again, I think they help my feet.,  and     ((( bronchials and head)))


                            Frances, I agree.


                            How ever do you guys have time for Facebook??   I can't keepup here, obviously.  maybe it's just a time management problem.  Anyway, at least I'll go see Mikes pictures, of course.


                            speaking of pictures, have you been taking any?


                            Teresa... yay.   and thanks, it's going, well, ok.   I'm still running,  but have cut back to get a few problems taken care of.


                            Kevin, thanks.   what is your knee diagnosis?   5 miles,  Big grin


                            Laurie, that would be great if you could add biking!  I think i will see the doc to find out what this thing is with my knee, it isn't going away.  I am icing & trying to avoid whatever hurts it, (running doesn't!) but Sunday it hurt to cut the grass. Not good.  As far as the other stuff,  you did a nice job on that injury thread!  I'd already read it.  remember, a lot of that stuff we used to bug you to do!!  I know it's so hard to have it finally sink in.  And a consolidation like that can be really useful.  the first time I pulled my hamstrings it took 6 months to be able to run at all regularly.   drives you nuts, doesn't it!   There's something else going on with mine now, just no range of motion.  I'm going to check again with the doctor when I see him, but I have been following doc & PT directions when I run.


                            speaking of which, Saturday was 4.31, & Sunday 6.72.   Not quite how I'd like it to be but these were both better than they've been lately.


                            Eliz, oh boy, time for the shore! 

                              "How does all this Running Stuff work anyway."


                               Frances, Hehehe. The million dollar question. Thats why we are all here on these thousand boards trying to figure it out and help each other along the way. Read the boards. Try different things. Run with a group. Read Runners World. Watch the races. Volunteer at races. Do some races. Take some classes. And that is just the tip of the ice burg. Isnt it fun? Its fitness, mind work and unraveling a mystery all at the same time. Whoever says running is just putting one foot in front of the other is completely clueless.


                              Youve got a good start. Youre working on a program. Kudos for that. I started out just running. I think different types of runs will do you good. Hills are anything that isnt flat. Tempo is setting a pace somewhat near a race pace and keeping it up throughout your run.


                              Fartlek is speed intervals. Start running at your pace, then speed up for a bit, such as to the next tree or mailbox. Then slow it back down. Repeat. Kim and I do a circuit of the perimeter of a soccer field. The first leg of the rectangle we sprint, then we slow jog the remaining three.  Next time around we sprint two legs of the field. Jog two. Sprint three, job one. Sprint all four. Its a great way to work on speed. We do this in the middle of a 4 mile run that includes trails.


                              Same speed and distance increases risk for overuse injuries. The muscles are working the same at the same speed all the time. When you bring in hills and speed you work them differently. Same with trails. You work them differently reducing risk for overuse injury. Plus it breaks up the boredom.


                               Speaking of boredom here are a few suggestions I give to my clinic in different locations. Find someplace scenic to take your mind off the run. When I ran San Diego I was so moved by the landscape that I hardly noticed the hills I was running. Run with a friend and chat the whole way. Run with a group. RUnning with music is my favorite. I make a good fast paced playlist on my ipod and blare it to keep me going. Or try ebooks.


                              Linda, will check out the facebook in a bit. I am assuming thats where the pics are.


                              Deb, thanks for the complement. I know. I learned the hard way. Always do. I hope you listen to your body and get some fixing done to the knees.


                              2000 yds today in the pool. Right leg hurt so I modified my breast stroke to no kick at all from the right leg. Must have looked pretty darned silly but who cares. Felt strong and could have swimmed much longer.


                              Bought two good exercise videos. 10 minute solution on the stability ball. Awesome workout. And the Gaiam resistance cord workout. Both good and a hard workout.




                              Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                              One day at a time

                                Back at our house for a few hours - we had to drive back from Bar Harbor to take DS to a college interview.  It's RAINING RAINING RAINING in Maine.  We will be in BH until Friday, and we probably won't have seen the sun the entire week!  This is about the worst I ever remember.  We're having fun, though - the kids are just happy to be out of school and goofing off.  They swim in the heated pool even when it's raining.  I ran almost 5 miles on the carriage roads in Acadia National Park yesterday.  I planned to do 8 today while the rest of the family biked, but it was just raining too hard so we had a big breakfast instead.  I'm hoping we can get out there tomorrow or Wednesday. 


                                It felt good to see people pushing bikes up the same hills I was running!   



                                dg, that's interesting that running doesn't hurt your knees, but other activities do!  I hope you get some answers.


                                Laurie, I'm like you now.  I don't care what I look like!  I was the ONLY runner on the trails yesterday, so I have to admit I felt a little self-conscious!  It would be hard for me to just walk those trails now, though, after I've learned how much fun running is.