Masters Running


Monday back to work/school runs and stuff (Read 548 times)


    Good morning! Everyone must have stayed up too late watching the Olympics. Wakey wakey - we're all in our places with bright shiny faces! Sorry... A quick 4.1 miles before work this morning. Beautiful full moon and cool breeze at 4:45 when I took off. It's pitch black here until 5:15. Back to the reflective clothes and headlamps, I guess. Teachers back today for a week of orientation, kids next week. It will be hectic. As George Costanza's father said, "serenity now!!!" Enjoy your Monday, everyone. Jeanne
      This was supposed to be the 1st day of school around here. But they're taking no chances with Fay out there and canceled the 1st day. It was really unnecessary as Fay is headed up off the west coast of the state. But I guess better safe than sorry - missing day 1 is not a big deal. Right ankle is still a bit sore but not too bad at all. Should be back out there soon enough. Bill

      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        It's a beautiful morning here in Western, MA and I felt like running miles and miles and miles. I didn’t quite do that, but had a good run no less. 12.6 miles at 6:30 AM and 60F…. just me and the iPOD and at 8:06 pace. I had a marvelous weekend in Texas. I met up with two of my oldest and dearest friends (also former track and cross-country teammates) for our 26th annual girlfriends gab-fest. This was supposed to be a wedding weekend for my Texan friend, but a broken engagement meant that our weekend didn’t involve taffeta or dyed to match pumps---just great conversations, laughter and tears. I have known these two since I was five years-old and we are planning our next gathering as I type. We were able to catch some Olympic action as well. Emotional ebb and flow on Saturday. As thrilled as I was that a 38 year-old won gold, I was devastated for Deena Kastor. My feet ached in sympathy. Meeting Spareribs and The Saint was just tremendous. They are both kind, generous and such true partners. I was so happy to meet The Saint that I hugged her reflexively. I may have startled her, but I couldn’t help it. She is fly as my cousins say. I felt immediately comfortable with their running club members and had more than fun during the run. I am grateful for the effort that Ribs and The Saint put forth to make arrangements and ensure that I didn’t feel out of place. It's often easy to find kindred spirits amongst a group of runners and this was certainly the case. We merely scratched the surface when it came to our many conversations and I hope we’ll have many more chances in the future. Spareribs looks terrific and without the display of his scar that clearly marks the cathartic history of the past few weeks, there is no way you would know. Handsome and dashing? Yeah, yeah, yeah…..Funny and witty, well, sort of ( Wink!), Respected and loved? Without a doubt. As for any dulcet tones I might possess (and I am deeply flattered Blush), I think we could expand the running and race report business. Ribs, you write the reports and I’ll read them for those who are pressed for time. Imagine the possibilities! Download the daily thread on your mp3 player, get an audio feed of the weekend race reports. Relive your last marathon set to smooth jazz. Okay, maybe I won’t retire just yet, but thank you for all the kind words. Darkhorse! I am so happy to see you here. Welcome back. I missed you and hope you’ll stop in all the time. Holly, I am so happy for you! I’ll get a chance to say woo hoo in person when I am there in early September. Don’t push it too hard now so you can keep on adding the miles without pain. Aamos---you are my idol. Great racing and what fun. I hope to do that race someday as I love being in Kathrine Switzer’s company as well as yours. Hugs for (((((Steve, Sarge and Nonoruns)))))). CNYrunner/Karin

          Being careful not to do an “SB,” I did 3.6 miles at slow and easy 9:18; AHR 120 (58% HRR). I definitely felt some twinges from yesterday’s effort at first, but after about two miles I was relieved to have everything loose and comfortable. We’ve been spoiled with a couple weeks of unseasonably comfortable temps but it looks like normal August weather is back for awhile.—i.e H&H. Definitely steamy out there this morning. Perch—Yeah, I’m aiming for Richmond again this year. I’m usually fine with the first 20 miles; my problem is always the “last half.” It wouldn’t be prudent to aim for anything faster until I have a race where I prove I can hold a pace for the full 26. 8:15-8:20/mile would get me in well under 3:40 (my goal) which would be a big 9-10 minute improvement for me. I’d be very happy with that. Have a good week! ETA:
          Ribs, you write the reports and I’ll read them for those who are pressed for time. Imagine the possibilities! Download the daily thread on your mp3 player, get an audio feed of the weekend race reports.
          I would please like to sign up for this service immediately. Thank you. Big grin

          Be safe. Be kind.


            Rest day here. Michigan passed a wonderful law that takes full effect this year: No school until after Labor Day! Hooray! That's how it was when I was growing up in Western NY and how it should be. Big grin Of course, this is the first year that I don't have kids in school so it means nothing to me. Tongue



            Marathon Maniac #957

              Aamos wrote:
              Holly! We will so not take advantage of your most kind offer, but DH is most excited--we'll stay at a hotel but let's make it happen--it is close to you?? That would be so grand to anticipate, do let me know if you are for real! (One year, I gave him a few flying lessons for the holidays--he was enthralled! This would be so huge!)
              Amy – I am totally for real! The AF Base is only a 15-minute drive from my house – I’d be hard put to miss such a local race. Even if, Heaven forbid, I was injured and unable to run, I’d love to have you both over for dinner. Karin - I'm looking forward to it! Hoping to be fast enough at that point to give you a nice recovery run... Smile 4.5 mile recovery run today. I felt like I could have gone further, but, given the givens, I thought it prudent not to push it, so I came home and walked 2 miles on the treadmill. School starts Thursday for both my kids, so I used a vacation day today and I’m taking them, with 2 friends, to the Cincinnati Museum Center. Tonight is open house/meet the teacher for DD (Wednesday for DS). Then I’ll be hitting the grocery for some cookie baking supplies. Wink

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                Morning! I was up Jeanne, really. just not much to report. about 50 min. of prehab & callanetics, then gentle hammie stretches & ice. And a little outside work. The Olympics do make my usual wakey time a little tough. last night I thought I wouldn't watch much. But it wasn't a good night for that! It does seem the dark just came on fast. ( Was it ever light at 4:45?) I remember Doug said a few days ago "who turned out the lights?". I'd had the same reaction that very day. Bill, healing vibes for your ankle. Erika, wtg. That's an understatement. And as far as keeping track... I can't even count a few laps without losing track. happy new week.
                  It was a hectic weekend for me...but a very enjoyable one none the less! After Saturday's 5K road race DW and I had a number of things planned and we had gone out in the vette with the top down and mid-afternoon the skies looked very threatening so we headed home to switch vehicles...good thing we did. Later in the late afternoon early evening as we were headed south on the turnpike in very heavy rain I heard a "plink" then a "plink...plink" and DW and I looked at each other and said in unison "that sounds like hail" then the skies opened up and we were pelted for well over 5 minutes with nickle sized hail...people were pulling over to the sides of the road, stopping under overpasses etc. This was another good thunderstorm for us up here, what a summer! Shocked And yesterday was just a superb day at the lake, after my long run we headed up to Mousam Lake with friends and I spend a good deal of time tubing and being tossed and thrown about...what a great upper body workout and laugh oh my god did I laugh. Big grin Sunday's run - 16.02 miles - 2:13:55 (8:22) Avg HR 121 Max HR 140 it was bright and sunny and about 55 degrees but still pretty humid early on. I ran the first four miles with one of my running buds Brian and then Craig and Ronnie joined us and at about 8 miles I ended up splitting off on my own as I was the only one going 16 today. Overall a very good run for me as my legs felt surprisingly fine after running the race on Saturday. I have a late meeting this evening in town so I am hoping to get out for a run down here somewhere this afternoon. Good runs all and a RR will be forthcoming as soon as I get a chance. Wink

                  Hill Runner

                    Good morning all, I had an exciting run this morning. It was a nice morning and I went out in the dark for a 10 miler on my usual course where I basically don't see anyone for the whole run. Well, this morning at about 7 miles into my run, I hear footsteps chasing me down a slight incline. When I turned around I saw a young girl bearing down on me. As I was just crusing along, I decided to just let her pass but thats when my competitive instinct kicked in... She pulled away from me & opened up a 200-250' lead but I closed the gap going up a hill. At that point she again opened up a lead going down the hill and on a flat section. As we approached another hill I closed the gap again and continued to stay within about 100 feet of her on the flat. As we headed up another hill I almost caught up with her and kept very close on a flat section. It ended at about my 9 mile marker where she stopped to cross the road and I turned around at that point to finish my 10 miler. We gave a quick hello to each other and parted company. I really enjoyed that.... Smile ...almost forgot....10.15 miles @ 9:03 pace this morning. Good runs to all today.

                    Upcoming Races:

                    Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                    Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                    Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                      Good morning, all! Wow, Peter!!! You really know how to choose your running partners. Very cool story! Jeanne - thanks for the kickoff. DH and I didn't think we could take another week of the Olympics at that rate we were going. We went to Best Buy and purchased a DVR so we can watch the competition at our leisure. Wish we had thought of that sooner. {{{{Bill's ankle}}}} - hope Fay doesn't do too much damage in your area. Karin - sounds like you had a marvellous weekend! Tramps - my mind is complete blank this morning - what's an "SB"? We had lovely weather yesterday for our 20 miler - clear, sunny skies, temps around 65 and low humidity. It didn't even feel like 20miles - 10:13 pace and 156 average HR. Jesse and I did an easy 4 miles on Saturday. 6.6 recovery miles on the treadmill this morning @9:53 pace and 146 average HR. Good runs to all!

                      Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                        ... what's an "SB"?
                        Stupid Bill. See Sunday's daily thread for further details. Black eye Stupid Bill

                        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                          "Super Breeeger" Karin.. glad you had a great time in TX! Sounds fun. RR's while running... cool idea.. 4 Magical Healing Miles with Tory in 38:24 (9:36 pace, AHR 139). Silky smooth run. Lots of deer including that guy with the antlers who faced us again! Yesterday I knocked some apples off our tree and made apple sauce.. yum.. Have great runs, rests or X-training! Steve

                          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                            Things I did on my first day of retirement: - Got up at 6:30, but no need to rush out to run. Made a pot of coffee and had a cup while reading the paper on my front porch. - Took coffee and paper on a tray upstairs where DW would find it when she woke up. Changed into running clothes. - Drove out to a nearby trailhead. Watched the tense expressions on the faces of drivers heading the other way in rush-hour traffic (heh, heh). - Took a 5-mile run on the Paint Creek rail-trail at a 10:07 pace. My longest and by far fastest run in several months. - No rush to get back, so took time to stretch and cool down before driving back home. - Shower, get 2nd cup of coffee, sit down to check in at RA and KR. Hey, Tom S! How come you never told me it would be like this? Big grin By the way, my big improvement in pace has to be due to running a bit later. I'll admit that those 6AM runs have been a lot harder to get going for lately. That's also why my race-pace is generally a lot better than what I can do in early-morning training. Glad to see everyone else out running and feeling good. I'll have to catch up with the weekend's activities when I have some time.

                            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                              Just 5 easy miles this morning in a light rain shower...8:01 pace
                              Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

                                I'm reading the roster of the U.S. men's distance runners and suddenly I realized that I couldn't pronounce the last name of any of them. It then dawned on me that in 2004 I had the same problem when I tried to pronounce the last names of the Kenyan distance runners. Wait a minute! It's the exact same guys! I called a sports agent friend of mine and learned that we had traded for the entire 2004 Kenyan team. It cost us cash, 2 draft choices, and a field hockey player to be named later. Sunday's long runs: Lou (I wouldn't worry about stamina problems on longer runs...I have stamina problems on short ones), Gordon (11 slacker miles), Aamos (you did a full marathon as a training run?), Larry (even though you cut it short, sounds like even the 10 was extra tough), Francesca (back to back marathons...jeez), Maine (great 16 after great 5K..."hail" of a run), Sue (great 20-miler and great choice to buy a DVR). Erika: Hey! 50:56 (8:12 pace) on what sounds like a brutal course...I think that's wonderful! Walking parts of the uphills is no big deal (at least in my opinion). It's been my experience that if you're out of gas, if you walk for about 15-20 seconds, you can start back up again at a faster pace. Even if you have to do this a number of times, no big deal. I think you're time was excellent...and for my glowing pat-on-the-back, I should be entitled to one bagel. Maine: 70 degrees, 88% humidity...and you were within about 10 seconds of a PR? And you feel you didn't have it? Jeez...I think you did incredibly well..5th in AG, 45th overall. Looking forward to reading your complete report. Ribs:
                                Yes Dicky, that Marty. He and I are still close. If you still have the book, go look in the Acknowledgements and you will see my name.
                                Exceptionally are indeed a star (although Marty Rudnick gave me a credit on his latest CD). Holly: You ran 11+ miles??? Congrats! Breger: Frankly, I can't see how you managed 12+ miles in temps like that. Were you hydrating during your run? Twocat:
                                Sigh. . . there is no free shortcake in this world is there . . .
                                That cracked me up, pal...that's gotta go down as one of the great lines of all time! Karin: Wonderful report on your day with the Ribs'...look, when Ribs is off on his walk, feel free to talk about him behind his back. Peter: Great run this morning...and was she cute? Ran 5.2 miles this morning in 47:51 (9:13)...a lousy 2 seconds slower than last Monday on the same course. Did manage 17:31 for last 2 miles. Like Tramps said, the humidity is getting back up there. DickyG