Masters Running


Monday July 20 Runs and Workouts (Read 376 times)

Renee the dog

    Been thinking about Jlynne's situation...since this creep keeps passing you, just trip him real good and run like hell the other way, a la wildchild.  She's got the right idea there!


    GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

      Ladies, scary stories, please be careful.  Nothing like that has ever happened to me while running.  I think I scared one guy at 5am as I suddenly appeared out of dense fog about 15 feet away from him.


      Denise, glad to hear things are improving

      Breger sorry to hear about your MIL


      STUMPY - you are doing awesome!!!


      High 80's this week, again.  In about two months I will regret saying this, but I wish it would rain.

      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


      Trails are hard!

        When I start to do something, I keep doing it.  That's why Long-Suffering calls me "sameness man."

         Guess that helps to put the "Long" in Long-Suffering.


        ETA:  Thanks, Enke--Hope your flutters have stayed away and not just pushed out of the way by the labrinthitis.  Still making (slow) progress, I hope?

        Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



          Good Monday to all. It seems like everyone had a great weekend with running and life happenings. The posie family had a great weekend at a lake resort celebrating a friend's wedding with a lots food, dancing, swimming, hiking, running and picking huckblerries. It was a great weekend.


          Running at high altitude two days in the row make my legs a bit tired today. It is good that I had only a 4 easy for me on the plate.


          Happy Monday folks!!

          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

          i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

            Jlynne-- maybe he was a Gallowalker?


            My knee got worse last week so I stopped running Sat and Sun. Hurts to bend my left leg from about 45 degrees to 60 degress from straight but doesn't hurt to bend less or more. Went to my Sports Med Dr today and ended up with 3 Drs in the room trying to figure it out. X-Rays said my bones are great in the knee joints. Ultrasound did not show any realy problem (e.g. no bursa). The mystery is whether the pain is on the top of the patella or behind.  To test this he injected the sore spot on top of the patella with lidocane to numb it. Bending the knee still hurt, but maybe a bit less.  The other possibility is loose cartillage behind the knee cap (which would require going in and fixing and a Looong recovery). He prescribed some topical "numbing gel" that I'll apply and see if it helps while they schedule MRI.  If it is behind the knee cap, the toical gel won't make a difference. If it does help, I cancel the MRI. This sucks, running was just feeling great again. Always a new issue, never the same one twice.

            Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


              PBJ you are so much fun.


              Carolyn... I hope you weren't far from home.


              Hi Nancy!


              Perch, that really stinks. 


              Along that line... thanks Henrun.  I will continue my feeble efforts in that direction.  ;-)


              Waving to Mary.

              Maniac 505

                good luck Perch,  ezpz 10 for me,  knee is feeling pretty good,  time to start tapering for SF marathon Sunday





                  Carolyn... I hope you weren't far from home.

                  Actually, when the first really close crack of lightning/thunder hit, I was about 1.5 miles from home, but I stopped at a neighbor's house and asked if I could call home for a ride.  She said she'd drive me.  Very sweet of her, considering I was kinda wet.

                  I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                    jlynne, that does sound like a scary situation.  It's a shame that you ladies have to worry about things like that.  I don't know anything about pepper spray but wonder if that would be a good thing to carry.  I like the idea of carrying a cell phone in case of injury or accident but, in your situation, it couldn't have hurt to have one.  A faked call with a one sided conversation like you were talking with your husband letting him know where you were and when you expected to be home wouldn't have been a bad thing to do.  roch, nice bike ride.  Having been near most of the area you covered, I was trying to guess what roads you were on.  The map shows some secondary roads near your red line and I suspect you were on some rail trails.  It looks like you got near Frankenmuth.  Did you get some chicken?  henrun, good job on the hilly, humid, race.  perch, that's a bummer about the knee.  Healing vibes going your way.  wildchild, you're smart to bail on your run when the lightning starts.  Runners don't make good lightning rods.


                    Nice long runs for sue (soggy, too) and dive.  Good job on the speedwork for breger.


                    This morning, it was in the low 50s and almost calm.  I got in 5 miles in a bit under 47 minutes for a 9:20 pace and the last mile at 8:55.  That's better than I usually do for a 5 mile training run.  As I am a bit obsessed with schedules and getting my miles in, I have been trying to juggle things around a race next Sunday and a trip to pick up my brother in law at the airport tomorrow.  After much thought, I have run 5 miles each of the last 3 days and I have only run 3 days in a row a few times.  Shortly after getting home, my wife found out we need to go to the airport Wed. instead of tomorrow.  Now I have to decide whether to run an unprecedented 4 days in a row, skip running for 2 days which I don't want to do, or come up with some other plan to satisfy my obsessions.  In a way, it's sort of funny when I try to look at the situation rationally.  But then, if I were rational, I might not pretend to be a runner. 


                    A good day and good runs for all.



                      I am at the office and in casual conversation the question came up as to what single marathon runs through the greatest number of states.  I tried to Google up the answer to no avail.  But I figured somebody here would likely know!

                      Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                      Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                        This was all I could find. 3 states




                        A quick view of the Map.....I think more than four would be very difficult.


                          jlynne, that does sound like a scary situation.  It's a shame that you ladies have to worry about things like that.  I don't know anything about pepper spray but wonder if that would be a good thing to carry.


                          I was a mail carrier in another career (please - no "going postal jokes" or throwing tomatoes!) and always had mace on the mailbag I carried. I usually had a handful of mail and was never too quick on the draw to get the mace ready in time to spray an angry dog coming at me. I feel the same way about a cell phone - how do you react quickly enough? You're right, Tom - it's too bad that women have to worry about things like this. I truly look forward to my early morning runs and refuse to be forced to do them on a treadmill. Guess I'll have to come up with Plan B. Since DH doesn't run any more and I don't have any friends that keep the same goofy schedule I do, I'll just have to change up my routes. My ex-husband used to tell me that if anyone tried to grab me and got me under a street light, they'd let me go. Wonder why we're not married any more...

                          {{{ Perch ))) Good luck with the MRI - hope nothing shows up.

                            A day to spin on my exercise bike - an old one like me.  I am going to start cross training on one day a week.


                            Jlynne,   I also run alone in the woods with no cell phone service.  My husband said if i meet anybody, be really friendly, and say "Boy, it is sure getting crowded up here!!"   Right away they get the idea that there are other people around.  I only encountered two guys on ATVs one my year of running in the woods.   My dog went into his barking mode at just a whisper and a slight motion from me. I was proud of him.  I waved ( they were at the top of a hill about 200 ft. from me just sitting on their ATVs, and they waved back.  When I got up close, I realized that one was a guy who use to go to our church,and I know his wife, and his buddy. 

                                 I carry with me clippers, because I actually need to cut brush from my trail almost every time.  I don't like carrying them, but also realize that they could be used as a weapon.

                                You don't like to think about problems, but should have your plans in your mind.  You were right to hide behind a tree.

                                When my daughter Econo was in high school she had a terrible experience which I will not go in to except to say he was a big fat out of shape guy, and she got lose and ran away from him.  I think she carries pepper spray now.  Not sure.


                                Henrun and wife (is the the saint?), I try to read all your posts and am very inspired by your abilities and dedication.  


                            Happy week, everyone.   Woods Lady


                              Aww Perch, that really sucks. Hope you can get it solved without surgery. Going thru the rehab on that with DH now and it's not much fun at all.

                              Not sure when I posted last, but I'm in Seattle now. First day of meetings done and I'm exhausted and ready for dinner! Saturday I had a good 17.5 mile run, was tired at the end but no crash so that's a big Yay! for me. Kept the pace relaxed and as easy as I could, still ended up with 8:41 avg pace. I'll attribute that to the nice downhills in there (of course, there were uphills too as it was an out-and-back, but it seemed to work). 

                              Lots of dancing at DH's 30th HS reunion party, spent the night at the host hotel (by the airport) and got up early for the flight to Seattle Sunday. Spent Sunday afternoon running the "Loop Trail" at Discovery Park. Wow, sure is purty up there... Loved to stop a few times and just take in the view. I'm not much of a water person, but I could watch the sailboats and stuff in the bay for a long time! Gorgeous day, and it did get hot like Enke said. Ran 2+ laps of the loop for 5.8 miles of hillier-than-I-was-expecting, then a couple miles down and back on the road while waiting for the bus to take me back.

                              3.23 miles at 9:13 or something this morning on the hotel treadmill while watching the news before our meetings. Feels like a full day. More gorgeous weather tomorrow but I'll just do another treadmill run. No time to head out anywhere interesting, leave for home tomorrow evening after more meetings all day. Sure hope to meet up with Mariposai and others?? before I have to leave....

                                Perch my best wishes on getting your knee all healed up sans surgery and fast too!

                                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->
