Masters Running


Saddadey, 3.4.17 (Read 36 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    Yesterday’s wowser workouts:
    Jlynne (1 hr elliptical, 25 min of weights & core)
    Dave (4 miles back in cold, wind, and winter gear)
    Tramps (E-Z 5 miles, picking up blown branches on the way)
    Catwhoorg (6+ miles on a glorious day)
    C-R (5K after a busy day)
    Mike (10 miles, then taxes, then drinking heavily)
    Holly (1500 yard in the pool + crunches)
    Runner KSA (8 creepy miles on the Napa River Trail)
    Twocat (7 miles with the training partner with hillage)

    I’m glad you’ve got your power back, Tramps. I’m with Leslie - no workout if there is no shower.

    Congrats on the great running (161 miles) in Feb, Mariposai. And thanks of that gorgeous summertime photo.

    Eke, I also feel a lot better (physically and mentally) if I’ve had a workout, even a very easy one, followed by some good stretching. So I hope you get your mojo back and get back into a good routine.

    Leslie, keep pushing to get your desk. Your bosses should appreciate that you took the initiative to ‘build your own,’ but they should also clearly know that is not an ideal nor a permanent solution. My standup desk, from Wayfair, is pretty simple (fixed height, relatively small desktop, slide-out keyboard/mouse tray, and 2 shelves), and it was about $145. I've been using it for about 3-4 years now.

    I’m glad David is getting better, Tammy. Interesting dinner talk… I hope you had fun at the concert.

    Evanflein, I don’t know how you deal with such frigid temps each winter. But it is nice that you get the bene of seeing the Aurora Borealis.

    Holly, you are still amazing!


    Hi Runner KSA!

    Twocat, I haven’t smoked my own salmon, but I did make my own salmon burgers for dinner last night, and they were a bit of alright.


    After a quick breakfast at our favorite dive this morning, DW, one of her sisters and I are driving to NY for a quick, mini family reunion (only about 12 people) that evolved from a birthday celebration for one of our nieces. I have some food prep responsibilities there (making some quac and a salad), but it'll be easy, and it'll be fun.


    5.8 RW miles in 10F temps (-4 WC) this morning. The newspaper delivery guy stopped to ask if I wasn't cold. I told him I was fine, as long as I kept moving, so he told me to get going again. And I did.

    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      All the way down to 20° this morning.  Fortunately, the wind has gone away.  3.2 miles at the local park.


      Nothing else to do today so I think I'll spend some time figuring out the meaning of life. It's been on my "To Do" list for a while but I never seem to get around to it.



        3.7 cloudy early morning miles before I leave Napa.

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



          Just a short note on my post-op rehab. Been doing a lot of walking. Tried some "jogging" but found it to be very slow and adding new pains to my affected leg. So continuing with once weekly PT and daily stretches. Yesterday did 30 min on the elliptical at the Y and today 25 min on indoor biking at home. I did sign up for a St. Pat's 5K in 3 weeks which I'll most likely walk with the large group of entrants- my first race in over a year.

            Only 15F when I woke up this morning, but it was sunny, 20F, and no wind out at the park a couple hours later. 6 miles around the lake in what were quite comfortable running conditions. With March proceeding and a couple weeks away from the area I'm hoping that this was my last run in the thermal tights, balaclava, etc. for the season.


            Now off to check in for our flight and pack my bags for tomorrow's departure for San Antonio!

            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


              Hey all.


              Good advice from the postman Jay. Keep moving.


              Save trip Roch


              Heal up Henry and be patient (not like me)


              Love Napa KSA. Great place to run oh an I hear they have decent wines there.


              It was chilly here too Dave. guess Winter wants to provide a reminder.


              Keep pushing Leslie. I looked at a pop up desk on Amazon for $135 but it doesn't work in my home office. They should be able to cover that.


              Sad news here today. Mom passed in her sleep early this morning. No pain or discomfort. Fell asleep and didn't wake. I'm happy she is at peace but I wasn't ready. Ran 6.5 to clear my head and so many happy memories flooded around I almost forgot I was running. Lots of things to do but Heaven has another angel today.


              Hug your loved ones. Tomorrow is promised to no one.



              "He conquers who endures" - Persius
              "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                I once had a student from Somalia named Saddad.  Didn't know they had a day named after them.

                BTW, I suspect Jay's been wiretapping us; that's how he knows what we did the day before.

                Leslie--Nice desk.  Hope it comes through for you.

                Dave--existence precedes essence. Done.

                Henry--good that you're keeping at it.  We do what we can.

                Mariposai--See?! Tourist bureau. They should be paying you.

                Enke--hope the mojo's back soon. Don't wait for it to return to get out there, though.

                Erika--cold, cold, cold.  Whew. But those lights must be amazing.


                Considering the fact we can spend $1.5 million on ONE Tomahawk cruise missile, I can't believe it is so hard to get a pension for a wartime vet or spouse that pays $1,153-2,174/month toward assisted living or home caregivers.  

                I suspect cruise missiles have much better lobbyists than vets. (I live in a big defense industry area where there's lots of money to be made on "toys for the boys.")


                We watched "The Arrival" last night, which I kind of liked. When they film "The Holly Story," I think they should use Amy Adams as the lead.


                The daffodils and various fruit trees--which had bloomed this week--were not happy with the 20s weather last night. But it warmed up nicely to 35F by the time I got out for 4 EZ miles.


                ETA: CR--my condolences.  I'm not sure we can ever be ready.


                Have a good weekend.

                Be safe. Be kind.

                  Oh, C-R.  I'm so sorry.  It's such a loss. Prayers for your family.

                  Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                    Good morning everyone. Sounds like we've all got chilly temps this morning. Oh wait. Except for RunnerKSA in Napa  Welcome - or welcome back, whatever is the appropriate greeting!


                    Norm - I was so sorry to read about your mother's death. From your post, it sounds like it was very peaceful and hopefully pain free. Best wishes to you and your family as you work your way through these sad days.


                    My DH's best friend just lost his wife yesterday. She was a wonderful woman.


                    You're right Tramps. There's a definite look-alike between Amy Adams and Holly!


                    Well, my running experiment didn't work out the way I was hoping. Trying to be proactive, I went to the Y in case my foot would start giving me grief and I didn't want to be 3 or 4 miles away from home and have to limp back. The first mile on the treadmill felt good. The second one, I could feel the "twinge" returning in my left heel. By the end of the third mile, it was horrible. Off the treadmill and back on the elliptical for 60 minutes and another 20 of weights and core. Back to square one. And I'd like to think I'm smarter than that...


                    We watched "Hacksaw Ridge" last night. A lot of really bloody, violent scenes but it is a war movie. It was good though. Put it on your list.


                    Off to take the grandsons to some indoor golf lessons. This should be interesting.  Have a great Saturday everyone.


                      C-R, so sorry to hear of your mom's passing. She may be "in a better place" but it's never easy to lose your mom, even when you know it's coming. Embrace those happy memories and hugs to you and your family.


                      RunnerKSA, I think I remember you as HStreet, but how do you get banned from a group? That's quite a talent, not sure a good one. Welcome here, we love all kinds of rabble rousers! Big grin


                      Dave, when you figure it out, let us know.


                      How do we deal with the cold temps? You just do. Everything here is designed and prepared for it, since it's inevitable. What we don't deal with is big warmups in the middle of winter, especially with rain. Our roads become hockey rinks and stay that way till spring. The positive part of this winter being more normal (i.e., colder than the last few) is that we've had only one short bout of freezing rain and the colder temps help the ice evaporate so our roads are slick but not treacherous. Today is cloudy and warmer, so no Aurora viewing tonight.


                      Lap swim starts at noon, so I'll head there for another 30-45 minutes in the pool. Foot is better but not ready for running yet.


                      ETA: Jlynne! That sounds exactly like my "test run" a few weeks ago. First mile was good and I know exactly what you mean about feeling that twinge return to your heel and the last mile being awful. You know, you were on the treadmill and could've stopped at that twinge point, but hey...

                        Yes. I changed my name from HStreet. It was a Puma shoe from way back when.   It actually reflects well on me that I got banned. All I did was offer respectful but contrary opinions occasionally instead of blowing sunshine up their butts.  The Queen of the group says I'm a bully.  Not too many of them actually run, anyway. 😄

                        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                        Trails are hard!

                          So sorry to hear, Norm.  No, you're not ready, but there's something to be said for not lingering, I guess.  Run sounds good.  I know I had a few sniffly ones for a while after my mom passed.


                          March is coming in like a lion around here.  17F and easy 25+ almost spring zephyrs.  Since I decided an hour of extra sleep was more important than a run yesterday after getting back late from a trip to NJ, sort of felt obligated to make it out this morning.  3.8 miles and I managed to over dress.  I set out clothes for 10-14 F and I don't think the wind was quite as bad as predicted either.  Didn't bother with the garmin, since it's too tricky to do with mittens on.


                          Welcome Runner KSA, I was thinking of KSrunner (or something like that), from CR, but unless something dramatic happened, I don't think you're him.   I think we deal pretty well with divergent opinions.  And I don't recall anyone getting banned.  So I think you're relatively safe.

                          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.




                            6 miles round the hood.


                            Then spent a few hours sorting and clearing in the garage and basement.. I think I'm going to fell that more than the run tomorrow.

                            5K  20:23  (Vdot 48.7)   9/9/17

                            10K  44:06  (Vdot 46.3)  3/11/17

                            HM 1:33:48 (Vdot 48.6) 11/11/17

                            FM 4:13:43 (Vdot 35.4) 3/4/18



                              Norm, I am so sorry to hear about your mom's death.  Prayers and butterfly hugs to you and the family.


                              I did run 15 miles in sunshine today. The weather was perfect. I had to run fast the last 4 miles to make it on time for my hair appointment.

                              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                              Mike E

                              MM #5615

                                Hello everybody!


                                All I did was offer respectful but contrary opinions occasionally instead of blowing sunshine up their butts.

                                Oh, great!  Now, where will I get my sunshine?  Can we just kick her out, now?


                                I could have used a boot up my butt, today, to get me going...10 brutal miles...very brutal...


                                Well...taxes went about as we feared...we owe about $4500.  When we got home, Debbie realized she forgot to report her health care premium since my company no longer pays for any part of her insurance.   The taxes were already e-filed so we'll have to deal with that, now....but, at least, we'll get a little bit of it back.


                                Okay--I guess that's all I got.  I'm hungry.  See ya!
