Masters Running


Friday Dec. 28 Masters and Beyond Runs (Read 781 times)

    Wow, starting off after 8:00 AM. WAKE UP everyone! 11.2 easy miles with miles 9 and 10 at tempo (8:00 and 7:45 min/mile). Overall was 8:50 min/mile and the avg. HR was 142. Beautiful running day - 66 degrees and 89%. Everyone have a good day, whatever runs you may do (or not!). Bill

    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

    Hill Runner

      Good morning Bill and everyone, Perfect running weather here in the Carolinas 49F, no wind... 10.2 miles of hills @ 9:05 pace....wonderful run & first 10 miler since my marathon. Good runs to all today.

      Upcoming Races:

      Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
      Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
      Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

      Marathon Maniac #3309

        A lot of others have invited me here, and to post my workouts. I am a night time runner, so by the time I get back from my, shower and stuff, it's really too late and everyone is basically gone. Then the next morning, there is already a new daily thread started. That's why at CR, I had a Night Timers thread that went over fairly well. I guess I would not like to have another daily thread when this one already exists. Oh well, here goes. THURS night - 12 miles 1:39:54 - Boy, what a perfect night to run. 35 degrees and absolutely no wind....which has been unusual as of late. Thanks for starting us out Bill - Also, Great runs Bill and Peter, we all did about the same thing Smile Have a great day Boomer's Tim

        Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

          Welcome Tim. Nighttime,'s all good. 7.5 sproinky miles @ 8:34. 33F, clear and calm. Warm enough for shorts but cool enough to enjoy the rising sun sparkling off the frost. Beautiful. ETA I'm sure some of you know about this but it was new to me: interesting site on history of running

          Be safe. Be kind.


            It is ok to post yesterday's workout on todays thread...glad you are here and I enjoy reading about your nighttime workouts. Due to an upcoming schedule change I see my workouts moving from day to night and I will be doing the same. I did 1000 yds in the pool yesterday...after my 3 mile run. I will rest today. It is a beautiful sunny day here in DC. My heel feels a bit achy today, but nothing like it used to. I take this as a good sign.... Jemmama, thanks for the congrats but I did have a day of rest in between the 2 days of running (I just said 2 days of running, yippee). Ya know, before this injury put me on the sidelines, I would think of a million little reasons why I did not want to go out and run...tired, weather crappy, didn't feel like it, blah, blah, blah. Now, I understand the gift...and can't wait to get it back. Looking forward to reading about everyones runs today.

            Trails Rock!

              Morning all. Recovery run after yesterday's long run. Better yet the running weather has improved here in CT. Yesterday was cloudy and drizzle. Today icy roads and clear. Tongue I guess that is as good as you can hope for in the northeast during the winter. Anyway: 5mi @ 9:07. I hope everybody has a good TGIF!

              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

              Marathon Maniac #957

                Good Morning! Breger – thanks for starting us out. You’re running very well. Biketm – I see absolutely no reason why you should not post the previous night’s run. Go right ahead. We’re happy to hear about your run, regardless, and that way those of us who have mostly morning computer time can still get to know you. Liz - looks like it won't be long now. My keyboard is still smoking from yesterday’s over-posting....better give it a break today and get some work done. Smile 7.15 comfortably-paced miles for me in a balmy 36 degrees (ave pace 9:43). Wore my older pair of shoes today - 492 miles on this pair now - trying to send them over the 500-mile mark before they become my new gardening shoes. Happy Friday!

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                  Nice running breeger, peter and Tim for those double digit Friday runs! Enjoy the gift runnin..mile by mile, smile by smile! Sproinky run like Tramps today. IRC, 45F. Tory and I did an easy 6 miles. That sore spot at the leg joint is 99.9% gone. Nothing was stiff or sore during the run today. My minimum HR this morning was 43 bpm! (my max is 195). Life is good Smile Steve

                  Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                    Good morning Monsters and Beyond Cool Tongue. I got up at 5 am, looked outside to the 8 inches of new snow we got overnight and decided to go play in the snow with la luna keeping me company for a while. Total run 6.25 virgin snow miles with a HR @ around 137 the whole time. Just the way I like it. Off to work now. I will catch up later.

                    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                      5 miles at an 8:41 pace in 3 inches of fresh SLUSH!!! TGIF
                      Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip


                        Good morning everyone, No runs today. I had some knee pain the other day and decided to give it a rest for a couple of days. So, tomorrow I'm back on the road. With all of the holiday cheer I think I can actually see some of the weight piling on. I can't seem to step away from the cookies. Smile Cheers Mike
                          Good Morning everyone, Off work this week as I have the girls. An hour run this morning and I could tell I have a cold, tired, lungs a bit queezy and aches signaling thru my body at various points of the run (yeech). Hopefully I can hold it at bay as I have a hot weekend get away at the Wakefield Mill this weekend with my sweet one. We have snowshoeing planned tomorrow, going to hear some live music, spa, etc..planned. I am packing up some muffeleta, cheese, grapes, chocolate and some of my best wine (a couple bottles of the Aussie Laughing Magpie!!is Winejunnky still around??) Should be fantastic as I have booked one of the rooms overlooking the scenic falls, the room is also one with exposed stone, fireplace and tub for two... Should be got to stay healthy.... More snow today, so more shovelling...and I have to go and pick up my car from the shop (arrggh). Also have to pull together the invitation to a drop in party on January 12th which is going to be a Family Karaoke your all invited to come down for a drink and cheer. But bring your singing voices. Enjoy a great day Tall

                          Recent Best times: None recently

                            Today's lesson: bargain-hunting at post-Christmas sales, consuming too many cookies and too much wine, and generally lounging around in one's cool new flannel P.J.'s for two days are NOT effective forms of cross-training. Duh. Needed to do a 5 mile tempo run and an EZ 2 miler to finish the week. Tried for the 5 today, but after mile 1, it became clear that I'd barely make 2, and they'd be anything but easy. Ended up walking a mile after struggling through the 2-mile slog just so I could enjoy the beautiful day. Going for 5 tomorrow. And on a day so laden with Masters sproink! <sigh> I guess someone had to have a carpy run to keep the universe in balance. Breger - I look forward to the day that I can use the words "easy" and "11.2 miles" in the same sentence. Tramps - same for "7.5" and "sproinky." Tim - glad to see that you're checking in here. Mike - I hear you about the cookies. Weird thing is that I don't even crave sweets the way I used to, but there's something irresistible about home made chocolate chips . . . . Hi, everyone else. Good runs, all. Smile Eliz </sigh>


                              Torrents of rain in Nashville. Tremendous thunder and lightning. Thus, 6 miles on the dreaded treadmill at moderate 8:50 pace overall (starting at 9:50 and moving progressively faster to end last 1/4 mile at 7:18). Why does an 8:30 mile on a treadmill feel like a 7:30 pace? Does anyone else experience this? Or does it just feel harder because I'm bored to death?



                                Mornin' all! (I was late to get up today; took advantage of no early appts! Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy) biketm, I agree and understand--I haven't been too regular about posting on the daily run thread in the past as I'm in MST and run at lunch, most often, so it seemed everyone had been and gone. It appears that a lot of folks check back, and I think you miss a fair bit by not perusing the posts. I'm happy to read about your nighttime runs--I sometimes run at night, so I might be joining you, too. perch, so glad you are feeling good! tall, what a weekend, will we get reports back, hmmm??? I'm posting now as I resolved to go to the gym and do the elliptical today and continue to let my ankle rest--I can run, but I know there's still something not 100% and I should give it time, grrr......patience, Sad It's hard to be responsible and not run!!! grins, A
                                Masters 2000 miles