Masters Running


Friday Dec. 28 Masters and Beyond Runs (Read 781 times)

    Good morning (still). Late run for me, as I have the day off. 10 miles of marathon practice. I even ate gu and ecaps per coach's instructions. I was a bit winded at the start but seemed to settle in. 28F at the start and 43F at the finish found me overdressed, but I could shed gloves and ear covering easily, and roll out my sleeves so it wasn't a disaster. Workout: 9.1 miles, 8:03/mi, AHR 158 (156(4), 159(5), target was 155(4), 155-160(5)) Overall: 10.1 miles, 1:22

    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

      TanyaS not only does 9:30 on the TM feel like 8:30 each mile is like two on the road! Sad My theory is that it is a combination of boredom and lack of air circulation. On the TM I heat up a lot faster simply due to the air around me heating up. The boredom can probably only be fixed with a lobotomy and so far that just has not seemed worth it. Big grin Here is hoping you can soon get back outside for a road run. Now where is that little smiley raising a beer when you need him?

      Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

      Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

        3.5 at 9:00 pace. Still a little stiff in the quads from my long run but not a bad effort. Snow coming tonight so I am glad to be off work and be able to run in the mornings. I wish I could be on vacation all the time it sure makes for better runs. Like everyone else to many calories over the last couple weeks. Unfortunantly I have 2 birthdays and New Years Eve party before its over. Or I mean hooray!! I have 2 birthdays and a big party yet to attend. Wink On the otherside I have only put on a minimum of weight so thats a good thing. I don't really worry about weight that much but man a guy could really pack it on if he wasn't running. Glad to see so many familiar posts here now it feels like home. Good runs everyone

        Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

          Liz wrote: "Breger - I look forward to the day that I can use the words "easy" and "11.2 miles" in the same sentence."
          I've gotta watch the words I write. I really meant "easy-paced" 11.2 miles. Black eye Bill

          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

            Lots of posts today, and I'm trying to keep up. I see Twocat has gotten a lobotomy, halllllllar is bragging about his weight, and beergarden is dissing all of us by casually referring to his "11.2 easy miles." I may get to the gym later, but for now I'm home watching Dark Colt who is resting in bed with a stomach bug and a bad tooth at the same time, poor fellow. The high point of my day so far was depositing my unemployment check. Dark Horse
            I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
              I do have a possible job on the horizon, doing something I love: teaching chess to kids in an after-school program. It pays only $35 a week, but no job is perfect. Dark Horse
              I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.


                Hey folks, Welcome Biketm, post what you can, when you can. And we wanna see some ride reports too. Tall, nice magic. Remember, it all in the pacing. Rest Day finally, jjj
                Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.
                  Tall, I know you are all about speed and finishing first, but some things are better done slow. Your pal, Dark Horse
                  I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
                    (also posted on General Running) Several nice workouts today from the Masters Group! Nice work. As usual, Friday is an SRD for me. I'll go somewhat long as in 10-12 tomorrow. I have a race Tuesday and after the 26.2 last Saturday, I don't want too much this weekend. I want to start the year off right with a good performance. The race is 5 miles and due to my lack of serious speed work since Philly, I'll be happy with a 35:00 (7:00 pace). Based on last year's results, that won't put me in the top 3 of my A.D. (55-59).

                    At the end of the day, be happy with where you are and what you've accomplished.

                    King of PhotoShop

                      30 minutes on the elliptical, no core work today. Planning to actually run tomorrow, sandwiched inside a good warm up walk and cooldown walk. Wedding anniversary today, so will take wife to Four Seasons tonight for dinner, to thank her for 18 years of love and faithfulness. Problem is that today is our 22nd anniversary, but you can't have everything. Spareribs

                        We hope Dark Colt recovers quick. Good luck with the job hunt. I wonder if there's a type of...kinda like a race report...that Tall can post after this weekend..... 6.25 miles on an out and back. 1:00:09... After Erica's picture yesterday, the comments I make about the weather will be cheerful. There was a delicate little artic blast that made the return quite refreshing. The deerflies were not bad at all.



                          Wedding anniversary today, so will take wife to Four Seasons tonight for dinner.. Spareribs
                          Ya Freakin Hooo!!!!! Well done. Getting hitched has been the smartest thing I ever did.


                            Congrats, Spareribs and TheSaint! Dark Horse
                            I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.


                              Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Ribs!


                              Runners run


                              One day at a time

                                Rest day for me today. I'm psyching myself up for my long run of 5 miles tomorrow. Hoping the snow/rain overnight does not make conditions TOO terrible. I haven't had to use a treadmill since last winter, and I'm hoping to avoid one as long as possible! My 15-year-old son ran in the 5k race before the Holiday Bowl Parade in San Diego yesterday. He had a "slow" run for him, 17:36, but he still came in second in his age division. He's never been to California before, and I think it's pretty overwhelming to him, since we live in Maine! Thanks to everyone for posting so regularly. Reading your posts is very encouraging. I'm looking forward to the day when I can talk about a 12-mile run! Teresa