Masters Running


St. Patty's Day runs and green beer .... (Read 566 times)


    maybe this is the daily?     


    Smile   so, I posted on the Irish thread.       but  (like Mike, I discovered after scrolling up after posting)  I'm Welsh.  


    just have a minute but wanted to say hi.   my catch up run posts are over on the other thread.    (ahem, TSelbs)(;-))


    congratulations Jeanne!!!   


    I've been wanting to ask.. Dave59, are you still running the 10K at Bayshore?     


    & SteveP, you will be there, yes?    & my little Taggie?    (tell him he can come if he gets over his snit from that 5K)(great report btw :-))


    StevePerch, you should have all the Confidence in the world!

    Mike E

    MM #5615

      Oh, good--dg--you're okay--whew!  I saw that you posted on the wrong thread and was waiting to see what would happen to you.  I'm still learning the ropes around here.


        Mike... thanks for  your concern!         I said whew too when it seemed I got away with it. 


        (so far) 


        (I should tell you.... I did take out some Accidental Illegal Post Insurance a year or so ago....    but... no worries.  I'm sure you'll be fine. yep.  oh, definitely yes.   relax...make yourself at home.  :-)  )   

          50F, partly sunny, no wind. Smile

          3.4 miles easy, Nike Frees & green shamrock shirt.

          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


          Good Bad & The Monkey

            Almost 70 and sunny.  A lovely long run out among the monkeys.  I will enjoy my beer tonight!


            Good runs all!

            mustang sally

            Bad faerie

              <ducks in>


              Mike, perhaps this historical artifact will help clarify a few matters.


              Or maybe not.





                Jlynne Congratulations to you!  My deepest sympathies to the soon to be sleep deprived parents!  Big grin


                fatozzig well barking on the other side of the fence is sort of fair game for our k-9 friends I figure.  But unleashed out of control on the road or trail . . . time for the pepper spray!  Angry  Now if only I owned a can let alone ran with one . . .  hmm.


                Mike E there is this club.  People stand in these long 26.2 mile lines three times over (I think) a two month period for hours on end.  After that you are in.  Being a rather creative bunch (you do recall that standing in line thing) they then get assigned a number they can use under their avatar at running forums.  Well something like that anyway.  Big grin  I figure I will let one of them straighten out the missing details.


                enkephalin I submitted the recipe to for publication.  I made the recipe public already but for some reason it will not show up in a search.  Apparently you can only get to it via my profile page at  If you like it please add comments and a rating!  That will likely help to get it published.  Of course, if the directions do not work out let me know what happened and I will see about trying to fix the recipe up a bit.


                Mariposai feel free to add your picture to the recipe.  See my note above to get to it via allrecipes so that you can load up the picture and if you are willing add a review and rating.


                We are down in Salzburg today and tomorrow.  Then we leave for the States.  The good news is the conference is over!  No more listening to papers!  Cool  The bad news: It has rained all day!  Sad  It is forecast to rain all day tomorrow and the day after.  SadSad  Then no doubt it will get sunny.  Well, you cannot win them all.

                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                  <ducks in>


                  Mike, perhaps this historical artifact will help clarify a few matters.


                  Or maybe not.






                  ...somebody stop her, the link doesn't work.....



                  ..uh-oh mike......

                  ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....



                    We were so much younger then.

                    The good part is that my memory's so bad I can laugh at the jokes all over again.

                    I miss Dark Horse.


                    Hi, MS!  Smile

                    Be safe. Be kind.

                    mustang sally

                    Bad faerie

                      ...somebody stop her, the link doesn't work.....



                      ..uh-oh mike......








                      What do you see?


                        (dear MS..  d'ye think it's time for him to learn about pank faeries??)


                          Hi Mustang Sally!! <waving madly> How the heck are you!?? Love that thread, I remember it being very illuminating when I was a newbie around here... or there, as the case may be.


                          3 miles on the elliptical in 23 minutes at lunch, then some abs/core stuff. Will RAW as it's just about IRC out there. Well, except for the ice.

                            Yay, Sally's here!!!!

                            Miss you, girl!


                            Congrats to Jlynne and welcome baby Benjamin Daniel! 


                            No run for me today, and I'm not sure about tomorrow.  May give the foot another day off before Saturday's LR.  Spent an hour in the work gym doing some strength stuff for my hips, glutes, abs, hamstrings, calves and core.


                            Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!


                            eta... had to go back a re-read that thread.... sigh....... soooo many people I miss there...........Sad

                            .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!


                            MM #6177

                              Hi MS! Hi dg! Hi everyone else (I have a short memory today).


                              OK, so I had my appointment with the surgeon. Two words she said made me feel very good about this whole situation: STAGE ZERO. She even said them several times over, so that I'd realize how fortunate I was. It's a very good thing, indeed. So just a little nip and tuck here and there (there are options to consider, but I won't go into detail now), and I should be good to go. I'll have to take preventative medication though, but I'll learn more about that in subsequent doctor visits. As for scheduling and post-op return to activity (i.e. can I still run my two races), here's how the conversation went:


                              me: So I have a half marathon in 2 weeks and the relay 6 weeks later.

                              Dr: When is the later race?

                              me: May 13 and 14, a Friday and Saturday.

                              Dr: So we'll schedule you for Monday the 16th.


                              Woohoo!!!! Big grin


                              Ran another 7 miles this afternoon with the HM gals, giving me 10.3 miles for the day. Tomorrow I will rest, promise!

                                Hurray OM! Excellent news all considering. happy for you
