Masters Running


National Marathon RR (Read 331 times)

    Great report, Tramps.  I struggled with trusting my Garmin on Saturday too.  It had a larger error than usual, and I wasn't running nearly as fast as I thought.


    We were pretty happy with the weather, and I know this was perfect for you.   You bridged the gap nicely between your breakthrough race in 2009 and your subsequent marathons, and that bodes well for the future for you.


    We're looking forward to spending some time with you and DW in May, and we've taken out an extra rider with State Farm,  so no worries.

    aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

    Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason


      Great race Tramps and great report!! Training was great and race well -exectued. I am a non-Garmin user  but pacing is hard to sort out late in the race.  I also turn inward when tired and nothing drives me crzier than hearing "lookg good!" when I know that cannot possibly be true. I have mellowed in my old age though and can  be gracious and see the humor in my imminent demise in a long race.


      Well done!!

      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

        Great RR Tramps. Love the details.  I wore a pace band and cheked total time at mile markers every now and then. Also, manual splits with the Garmin at the race mile markers.


        All in all a very speedy race for you!  This matches your sound training.  Well done!



        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

          Good training + great race = fantastic RR

          Congrats to you and your DW . Well done.

          Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

          Renee the dog

            Geeze Tramps, you held it together really well getting all that conflicting info!  I think if I had been in your shoes, my head would have exploded!



            GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

            GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


              what a great report, Tramps! Per usual! you always set the bar so high on race reports.  and a huge congrats to your wife on her marathon also. I'm glad she wasn't at all discouraged by missing her time goal and is ready to tackle the next challenge!


                Thanks so much for the comments.  They’re always fun to read.  I never know about responding; does anyone ever go back to see a RR thread after they’ve posted?  Oh well…

                • The Garmin always measures long and I take that into consideration by programming my laps to be 1.01 miles.  Typically, this gets me almost perfect splits and I can just focus on one number: the overall pace.  It’s great when it works.  The National course, though, has several underpasses/tunnels that apparently mess with the Garmin.  (Maybe it’s all the spooks in DC, too!) I should have known this; I had some similar trouble—though not as bad—two years ago.  My mistake, plain and simple. Yep, I’ll be learning to use a pace band.
                • Karin—you are tough and smart!  I would never, ever remember splits.  Heck, when people ask me about PRs, I have to tell them I don’t remember!  I can remember my marathon PR, that’s it.
                • Walt—the mile markers varied.  Some were marked with a visible flag, others just chalked on the road—almost impossible to spot in the early miles, especially.  Besides, I would never trust myself to hit all the mile markers manually.  I’m not that coordinated.  (Nice to see you pop in!)
                • Fortunate One—yeah, I felt bad for that (young) 3:25 guy.  I’m not sure if he bit off more than he could chew or just had a really bad day.  Felt even worse for the folks who had been counting on him.  I wonder what happened to them.
                • WRFB—Dupont goofed with my distance but it was the later tunnel where—on the way out—I looked down to a completely blank screen.  Oops.  By then, pace was anybody’s guess.  (The half should be fun! )
                • PDR—you know, I refrained from spilling the beans about your (and WRFB’s) race.  Will we hear from you in another RR?  (Hint, hint)  We miss you around here.
                • lamerunner—I know exactly what you mean about those “looking good” comments!  But I know they mean well and there are runners who like that stuff.  Crowds are just not my thing.

                Again, thanks everyone. 

                Be safe. Be kind.


                  yes, I go back to read Tramps Smile


                    yes, I go back to read Tramps Smile

                     Now I know! Big grin

                    Be safe. Be kind.

                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      Tramps – it sure seems like you have to take pacers with a grain of salt.  I had a good experience with my PR-Marathon pacer, but that’s the only time I ran with one.


                      When I run a marathon, I have my Garmin set up with a stopwatch window on one of my screens.  In the later miles of a marathon, I try to calculate how much time I have for the remaining miles, and how fast I have to run those miles to achieve my goal(s).  Math can be a challenge at that point, but it gives me something to keep my mind occupied.


                      Congratulations on a great marathon, finishing uninjured and achieving your goal #1 – great job!

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                        • Karin—you are tough and smart!  I would never, ever remember splits.  Heck, when people ask me about PRs, I have to tell them I don’t remember!  I can remember my marathon PR, that’s it.


                        Naw, just an art history major and after memorizing art and artists in the slide study room for years (yikes, dating myself) I honed all that memorization stuff. Now what's your name again?  Actually last year for Boston it wasn't too tough---just 6 splits to remember for each 4 mile segment---30, 60, 90, 1:30, 2:00,2:30, 3:00----put head down, pump arms and hold on for the last 2 miles. Thanks for the props though (Sharpie markings on my forearm help too Big grin


                        and yes, we go back and read.

                          (Sharpie markings on my forearm help too Big grin




                          Do they ever wash off?

                          Be safe. Be kind.


                            The race sounds like a great event and your RR is written well. "Just a 10 now" always cracks me up. Hitting a goal is sweet.


                              Awesome description of your race.  I have never been able to plan one out that well.  I come in with a goal pace, but usually struggle mightly the last 6 miles or so.  My goal was always 3 hours or less at 20 miles, but I only made it 3 times and only once was able to finish the last 6.2 in a 10 minute pace.  That was my PR and I had to run 8:45 the last mile to go under 4 hours. (PR 3:58:57)

                                Tramps, congrats on meeting your 1) goal and almost your 2) goal.  You do a great job of planning your race, adjusting your plan on the fly, and executing your plan.  I enjoyed your report.


