Masters Running


Sunday 12/21 - First Day of Winter Runs and Fun (Read 512 times)


    Post the link again and lemme take a look at it. Maybe I can figure it out. (and maybe not)



    One day at a time

      Carolyn - cool about your daughter! That's great the paper held a contest like that. Does she want to do something connected to writing?
        Post the link again and lemme take a look at it. Maybe I can figure it out. (and maybe not)
        Here y'are:

          Here y'are: or, without the brackets:
          Hi Walt. The issue is that to use the img tag, you have to plug in something that is specifically (and only) an image. You are trying to use it with a web page, and so it's not doing anything. The way to know: the thing you plug in must end in .jpg or .gif or .png. If it ends in anything else (or if the page has other stuff on it besides a picture... like links, words, etc), it will not work. Now, in the middle of your page, is a cute, smilin image. That's the thing you want to try. Right click on the image and then use your browser's version of "View Image" (that's firefox... it's called something else in IE, Safari, etc). That will pop the image up in your browser as its own thing. It'll probably end in .jpg or .gif or .png. If so, that's the thingy thing you want to cut-n-paste into the img tag. IMPORTANT NOTE: sometimes that still won't work. Some sites don't like you linking images and they will block you from using them. And what really sucks is that you won't know. You'll point at the image and then it'll look fine to you... but it'll look busted to other people. Let's give your image a try and see what happens:



            Walt, you need to do img (not ing), try that and see how it works. Or just click the box on the far right above the box where you type your post, see the one with the mountain? That's where you can then paste your url for your picture in between the code ends shown. Well, we're not having bad weather here, actually it was a beautiful clear day for our shortest day of the year (yeah! now we start gaining daylight!). But it felt cold... and I felt tired and slow. -8 to -10F, depending on where on the trail I was. I managed 10.25 miles outside in that and just had to stop. My sweaty mitts were freezing and my nose was getting cold under my frosty balaclava. How'd I do 13 miles at -23 last winter?? I finished my run on the treadmill, 10 more miles for a total of 20.25. Average pace for the first 15.25 was 8:41, last 5 miles at 8:20. I don't think I can even hope for that as marathon pace this time around. Last spring, while training for Boston, I felt strong and capable of cranking out miles and miles at that pace and faster. Now? Not so much... Enke, I loved your picture. I never would've imagined the Seattle area getting so much snow! Oh! Guess what. How's this for frustrating.... I'm 75 miles short of 2000 for the year, and going into taper. If I could run an average of 7.5 miles a day till New Year's I'd make it. The chances of that happening are low. But I'll be really pissed to be, oh, say 10-15 miles short of my goal for the year! Curses to those 5 weeks I had to take off... ! Angry
              I am continually impressed by the mileages some of you guys and girls run in absolutely horrible conditions, well done! Being less dedicated I cut back my long run to 8 miles today, it was cold and windy, and slippery footing, took 8 minutes longer than normal for that loop, at the same effort. My hands were too hot and face cold, so I have some fine tuning to do on clothing. Also got snow and ice pellets in my eyes and face in the wake of passing cars, so may get ski goggles to deal with that problem. Simon.

              PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                                  10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.



              Trails are hard!

                Late greetings all. Nice snowy run this morning. About a foot on Friday into Saturday and snowing again when I headed out (about another 6-8" by now) When I looked at the thermometer before I got dressed it was 20, when I left the house it was 26 and when I finished it was 31 Confused Very quickly passing front I guess. anyway, 6.4 miles in 1:01+. the path around the lake was nicely plowed, but I wore the Trax anyway. I think the snow made everyone that I met friendlier than normal. Must be the shared insanity to be out in a snowstorm. Even got a "thumbs up" from a driver. Had to check to make sure that was the digit extended. Erika--If you miss 5 weeks and end up only 15 miles short, you know you would have had it no problem. I think it might be annoying if you missed only a week and ended up there. Smile Teresa--lousy weather and a fine DS!

                Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                Marathon Maniac #3309

                  Walt, you need to do img (not ing), try that and see how it works. Or just click the box on the far right above the box where you type your post, see the one with the mountain? That's where you can then paste your url for your picture in between the code ends shown. Well, we're not having bad weather here, actually it was a beautiful clear day for our shortest day of the year (yeah! now we start gaining daylight!). But it felt cold... and I felt tired and slow. -8 to -10F, depending on where on the trail I was. I managed 10.25 miles outside in that and just had to stop. My sweaty mitts were freezing and my nose was getting cold under my frosty balaclava. How'd I do 13 miles at -23 last winter?? I finished my run on the treadmill, 10 more miles for a total of 20.25. Average pace for the first 15.25 was 8:41, last 5 miles at 8:20. I don't think I can even hope for that as marathon pace this time around. Last spring, while training for Boston, I felt strong and capable of cranking out miles and miles at that pace and faster. Now? Not so much... Enke, I loved your picture. I never would've imagined the Seattle area getting so much snow! Oh! Guess what. How's this for frustrating.... I'm 75 miles short of 2000 for the year, and going into taper. If I could run an average of 7.5 miles a day till New Year's I'd make it. The chances of that happening are low. But I'll be really pissed to be, oh, say 10-15 miles short of my goal for the year! Curses to those 5 weeks I had to take off... ! Angry
                  Erika, Erika, Erika....I have over 2000 miles and can't run...don't be pissed off, but rather happy you can run now Girl...I am going to be "non" running for at least 3 months...Just think what I could have....but that is not the point, right. You are the one who has kept me on track for my recovery....who cares about 2000 are running girl Fren. T Bo

                  Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!



                    Renee the dog

                      It's 11 pm here and my kids are asleep, my guests are tucked in bed and the wind is howling. I've been wished a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Solstace on this thread today and am glad to say YES I WILL celebrate all with you. I appreciate all the holiday good wishes! My Mom was released back into the nursing home today. Not sure, but maybe she'll still get to come visit for the holiday. If not, at least she'll be happy with the food again. She loves the food at her nursing home. Probably a bit more than my cooking. Oh the holiday dilemma for her. Smile But at least my cooking outranks the hospital. Wink

                      GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                      GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


                        No love for Festivus yet? Ok. Happy Festivus. Feats of Strength will occur at 7p PST Tuesday. Airing of Grievances after. Please leave gifts at the big metal pole.



                          And Happy Festivus for the rest of us Big grin {{TimBo}} hugs from Tambo. Hope you likey Wink Had a nice Hanukkah celebration tonight. My son just loves hanukkah, lighting the candles and then playing dreidel. And I love the simplicity of the festival. And I love my extra dark chocolate bar I got for Hanukkah tonight! MMMMM.


                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            Marathon Maniac #3309

                              Smile Smile Smile Thanks for the Hugs TamBo and Erika...really need those right now. And it's not only about me not being able to run, as you two and Holly realize...Thanks Smile Smile Smile T Bo

                              Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                                Erika, I'll pass 2000 miles on Wednesday. You can have all the miles I run after that. You're welcome. Bill

                                "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong
