Masters Running


Saturday's Daily, 1.11.14 (if you insist) (Read 38 times)


    Mornin' everyone!


    Gorgeous photos yesterday of Annabelle and Starr's family! Thanks, Dave59 and Starr.


    My only involvement with school start times is trying to figure out which way to go around the local HS on my way to work in the morning to avoid getting caught in the school traffic. I can only imagine what impacts a change in start times would have on a family.


    I spoke with the owner of the local running store yesterday, and she told me that my favorite racewalking shoes for the last 4 years (Mizuno Musha) are, of course, being discontinued. So I asked her to try to order a pair of last year's Musha for me, and I also found a pair online that I ordered. I have a new pair in the closet that I'm about to start wearing, so if I can get the other 2 pair, I'll be good for most of this year. I always try on different shoes, just to see what else is out there, but I haven't found anything else that I like as much. So it goes...


    I have to get DW out of the house early today - she's going to a dentist's office in MA where she's helping produce a video on providing dental care for children with autistic disorders. I have a long list of house chores and shopping to do today, and have to meet some workmen at the office at midday. Big warmup today - maybe hitting 50 - with rain, so there'll be a lot of snow melting and flooding. I'd like to get out for a workout today, but I have a feeling that it may not happen till tomorrow morning.


    Have a greta Saturday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      ...mornin' jay///.............lot of HOT water faucets froze here too last few days......


      Quick Fix...............close off the room, crank up the thermostat and let it warm up from the inside out.......

      a UtilityBill is cheaper that a BustedPipe


      ................and SMACK anybody who says ''Hot Pipes always Freeze first''.............(they didn't know either)


      down here




      ...but I digress........



      with steps

      ............checked last years' work-out log..........I have added 8-minutes to my poolrunning with this


      ........................Good Running guys.........

      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

        Congrats to your son Ribs!

        And yours too Tammy!

        I agree with HS starts being too early.  I read somewhere about the circadian rhythm of teenagers really being set later than kids or older adults.  They are designed to stay up late, getting into trouble.


        I ran 3 easy miles around 3:30-4pm last night.

        Today....well, it is very windy and raining cats and dogs.....I think I am still going to go out in it.....could be like that on race day ya  know!  44F.


        MTA: it is really nasty out there.....going to hop on the TM.

        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

        King of PhotoShop

          And for a cheap way to heat a room, Google "Flower pot heater".  Runs on a few tea candles. Amazing.


          Thank you all for comments on Travis.  His show is tonight. We're pumped.


          Jay, I buy my shoes mostly from LRS's because of their sponsorship of local races, but I won't pass up a good deal from Roadrunner online.  One thing they do well is post "endangered species," shoes that will soon go out of production.  Some amazing deals there for styles you love.


          Volunteered today as course marshal at my Club's 5 and 15K. We had over 800 runners on a gorgeous morning. Had a ball, as usual.  Jogged back 1.5 miles to the start when I was finished, which was all the running I did today, giving me 4.5 miles for the week!


          Tomorrow is a new week however and things are looking up.  Spareribs


            Ribs, good for you for taking it easy when you were not feeling well. A lot of us could (should) learn something from you! And yes, tomorrow is another day/week.


            Jay, I'm like you on the shoes. I'd tried many pairs before finding the Asics Speedstars and fell in love! My feet were so happy in those shoes, I'd buy a couple pair whenever I could. I can get 800 to 900 miles out of a pair (mostly because of treadmill running being easier on them), but they've been discontinued so I've scoured the internet to find my size and bought what appear to be the last two pair on earth a few months ago. I'm wearing one pair and have one that I'm almost afraid to bring out of the box as they're the last pair on earth! I've been trying several others, but they're all just not quite right.


            Been looking at the Brooks PureFlow and PureConnect since they look like the lightweight neutral style I like. Anyone know anything about these?


            Enke, I'd hop on the TM, too!


            Our high school bus came at 7:05 and there were many times they barely made it or didn't at all. Sure glad we're done with that....


            Yesterday ended up being a rest day. Twocat, not sure what the deal was, but I actually never felt "recovered" from Sunday's run in the snow. The first four miles were pretty rough and took a lot out of me. So, rest day it was and we'll see how today goes. But it'll be an hour or so on the treadmill because it's -15° here at the house and -32° in town. I might be tempted to do a short hilly run outside here later, but I want more miles than that. So... charging up the iPod!


              It warmed up here to 40, but the roads are such a slushy mess that I did my run on the treadmill.  10.6 miles and I felt pretty good.  A little nauseous now so I need to go back and see what tips people gave ribs when he asked about that.


              This morning was the semi-annual Toastmasters leadership training for club officers.  It can be a bore once you've been through it a bunch of times, but we had a speaker who made it all the way to the international championship level last year, and a guy who write speeches for corporate big wigs (currently works with the head of Dow Chemical.)  So we heard some top notch presentations today.  This made it so I couldn't run until the afternoon but I guess it doesn't matter much what time of day it is in the basement.


              Basement is still dry.  It didn't rain near as much as predicted so it was just a little bit of a slow melt.  Got one section of gutter with a lot of ice.  I should climb up there and do something about it but I will procrastinate and complain later when I have roof damage.  I read on home improvement site that I could fill a leg's worth of panty hose with a particular kind of melting salt/stuff and lay it on the affected part of the gutter.  I'll have to go through Cindy's stuff and see what I can find to use (should I decide to tackle the issue.)



              Marathon Maniac #957

                I hate it when something I like is discontinued but it seems to happen regularly, not just with running shoes but my favorite chewing gum,  grocery item, lipstick, etc.  I guess no one else likes what I like....


                Busy day here started with DD's basketball game.  We got creamed, which we are not accustomed to after several championship years, but I know it's good for DD to have those losing streaks as well.  After lunch out we got our passport photos taken.  Then some grocery shopping and now it's time to head out to church.  A good day.


                6.5 miles for me this morning in light rain and a windy 48 degrees - nice!

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  As long as they do not discontinue making Diet Mountain Dew I am good to go!


                  It has been a long day and for some reason I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.  I have, as my DW noted, been grouchy all day.  Tired I guess.  I was up early to go to the office for the panel discussion I mentioned in yesterday's daily.  Once home I decided to do some time on the elliptical to perk myself up.  I guess it did not work.  Maybe getting some sleep tonight will.  I hope so since if all goes well tomorrow I want to head out on a run with a few tempo miles.  The way I feel now this will be another tempo run bust.  But hope springs eternal!

                  Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                  Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                    Evan.....Speedstars, size 10 or 10.5, and the last pair on earth???!!!  Those are MY favourite running shoes!  Just in case anything happens to you.....can I have them?

                    In fact just today, I was trying to figure out what shoes I will wear for a race.   For a 5K, I have very light Asics Tarther.  But I can only run 3 or 4 miles in them.  Also light, is my Brooks green silence, but I get a blister consistently around 7 miles on one foot.  So what do I wear for 13.1?  I was thinking, geesh, my Speedstars would be perfect....but they have been decommissioned for some time now, due to mileage.  I want something light, low profile (heel to toe) but not too minimal.  Open to suggestions.  Maybe I will go back to Nike.


                    Erika - Brooks Pureflows I had fun running in, but I found the bottom too slippery.  Wide toe box.  Low profile.  Never had Pureconnect.


                    Anyway, the rain stopped, the sun came out, it was still windy, so I went up to the bridle trails, cut about 1.5 miles through there and ran down my favourite dirt trail alongside a residential street, that I used to run many years ago.  Brought back nice memories of when I used to run there once or twice week, it was near the gym I used to belong to.  Then it started to rain again.....I swear, I always pick the BEST time to run to avoid the worst of the storm.  Total downpour right now.


                    8 miles total...slow and ....feeling groovy...

                    "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                      Feeling groovy is the best!


                      9.8 sloshy, rainy, foggy miles this afternoon after it finally warmed up and I didn't fall on the driveway. It's oddly humid and foggy out there and I almost (ALMOST) appreciated the dry cold of earlier this week. 8:32 pace overall with 6 x 100 meter sprints in the middle miles.


                      I wear all different brands of running shoes and change it up for terrain and distance and the like, but it is disappointing when a model I love goes onto the extinct list. It's good when you can buy up a few pairs. Speaking of buying a supply before it runs out, my FIL does that with certain items and I clearly remember opening the bathroom closet in the guest room at their house and seeing a whole shelf full of Old Spice Lime. His supply has long run out by now since this was back in 1998, but I chuckled when I saw that. Careful planning!


                      And as to the school start time debate, the issue here is the battle over 30 minutes. Thirty minutes! That's hardly a measurable difference and the kids who stay up late,will just stay up later. The busses are shared amongst the elementary ,middle, and high schools, so all of the times need to change or get more busses and that's cost prohibitive. As a taxpayer, I'd far prefer that money is spent on better teacher salaries, restoring the $$ for AP and SAT review classes and curricular support. If they were talking about 60 or 90 minutes, okay, that might be worth the kerfluffle. Besides, the kids who live further than three miles away (we live four miles away) would need to get up earlier to catch a bus at the closest elementary school, so this only privileges the kids who live right near the high school. The kiddo will be gone and he keeps paper boy hours anyway (early to bed, early to rise---it's just who he is) so we'll just be on the sidelines.


                      Team long run tomorrow and 18 miles on tap. Yee Haw!


                      Hope you find the right side of the bed tomorrow Twocat. :-)


                      And sorry about the pipes problems TW. Our pipes fared fine when we went sub-zero, but the house was snapping and popping and it was sort of spooky as the wood contracted and expanded and the foundation squawked.


                        Congrats to Ribs' and Tammy's sons. Good stuff there.


                        i've stopped chasing shoes once I turned into one of those minimalists but dang if I didnt find some NB shoes I love and now they are done. Bummer.


                        it rained today and was a windy 36. It was more uncomfortable than the sunny and zero. I think  sunshine makes all the diffeence for me. A tough 13.5 today but it felt good when done. DW just informed me that our vacation this summer is a bathroom remodel. On the bright side I get some new tools.

                        Now for some Colts and Pats. I hope our boys can make a comeback after such a terrible start. Ugh. Have a great one. Cheers.

                        "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                        "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                        Mike E

                        MM #5615

                          Hello everybody!


                          Hey, Jay--that's really cool what your DW is doing.  I guess I never even thought about that even being an issue.  There are so many issues people have to deal with that most of us don't even think about.  Anyway--that's really cool.


                          Speaking of issues that people have to deal with.  I went and watched one of my granddaughters in her basketball game. It's her first year and she really doesn't get it...but she works so hard.  She's hearing impaired and has a cochlear implant, well, the headpiece kept falling off so she kept having to put it back on.  My DD said she wants her to wear a headband to keep it in place...I'm not sure why she doesn't.  Anyway...she sure is cute to watch.


                          Yeah, tomwhite--frozen pipes stink.  There have been a ton of them, this year.


                          Glad you were able to get out for your run, Enke.  I like Speedstars, too...but have been forced to wear GT2000 because of my heal problems.  Of course...mine are a size 7...


                          Congratulations to your DS, Ribs.  And good job volunteering for another race.


                          I know how running in the snow can zap the legs of energy, Erika.  Good luck with your run, today.


                          I agree, Holly--as hard as it is--I think it's good that our kids get to feel what it feels like to lose.  Sometimes, the other team is just better...although, I've never been able to accept that thought...


                          At least you can admit when you're being a grouch, Twocat.  We all are at times.  Hope you're better tomorrow.


                          Nice run, Karin.  It's always good when you don't fall on your driveway.  Have fun, tomorrow, with the club.


                          Dave--the roads were exactly like that here today, too...and I did the same thing...I went to the treadmill.


                          Yep...17 dang grueling miles on the treadmill in 2:04:28.  At least I was able to watch the Seahawks/Saints game.  I was rooting for the Seahawks....I keep picturing a certain young man in Seattle going crazy with every Marshawn Lynch run and Seahawks win.


                          Okay--I have to go--I love watching playoff football.


                          MM #6177

                            Been looking at the Brooks PureFlow and PureConnect since they look like the lightweight neutral style I like. Anyone know anything about these?


                            I've been wearing the first edition PureFlows since they came out in early 2012. Loved them. Tried the PureFlow 2 as soon as they were available and HATED them. The shoe was completely redesigned. I have no clue why shoe manufacturers do that. Why fix what isn't broken? In fact, the first edition Flows were well received all across the board, a perfectly good and lightweight neutral shoe. Cushy but not blocky, and I wasn't aware of them on my feet when I ran (as it should be). The 2nd edition Flows have a semi-attached tongue, on the outside of the shoe, which for some reason made me feel like my feet were being forced toes-in. Maybe that's good for people who run with their toes out, but for me, that ruined the shoe for me. So I ended up buying all the pairs of the 1st edition Flow that I could find (sort of like Elaine hoarding those sponges on Seinfeld Wink ).


                            And now the PureFlow 3 is out. I went to RRS the other night to try it on, because from the photo online, it's not clear if they've switched the semi-attached tongue to the other side. But they didn't have any in the store for me to try on. I did try on the PureConnect, but hated it instantly: way too narrow. So I ended up coming home with another pair of Newtons.

                            mustang sally

                            Bad faerie

                              I've been mostly lurking for the last couple of weeks, because I tweaked my ankle just after Christmas and have been ever so careful about letting it heal.  Finally went for a successful five-minute joglet on Wednesday, and stretched to ten (seems OK) today.  Instead, I have been swimming and biking a lot.


                              Today, I spent the morning at a swimming camp that included video of us from the side and the front, and boy, howdy, did that ever quickly dispel any illusions I had that I was actually doing what Coach asked me to do.  But that visual feedback was huge and the second swim session felt like I made some big strides forward.  Then I came home and had a very long nap Smile


                              Jay, Mom has now had two race-walking classes and seems to like it very much.  Thanks for the info.


                              On deck tomorrow:  MOUNTAIN BIKING IN THE GALE AND WIND AND RAIN AND MUD AND SUCH.


                              I am so excited.  Smile


                                Mustang Sally's posts always make me smile.


                                My slow pace miles turned into tempo miles today in 55F sunny weather. I checked out the 10k route for the Omak Orchards in Bloom Inaugural Race I am organizing here for the spring. Then I came home and made Spanish Paella for some friend. A greta day!

                                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard
