Masters Running


Valentine's Day - did you run anyway? (Read 491 times)


MM #6177

    OrangeMat - Blush - I really did get it for my neck and shoulder pain.....

    I totally believe you, honest! And I didn't mean to make you take down the link, I was just teasing... anyway, it DOES go well with today's theme of love.... Wink


    4 miles in the park for me, not feeling as well-aligned as I did yesterday, unfortunately. Good thing I'm seeing the PT today then!

      Mariposai - I loved the three types of love, that is great!

      Rest day, it is raining, pouring.


      So last night we decided to go swimming at the pool with the kids.  It was wonderful, only one other person there and the water was warm.  Later in the changeroom, my DD8 looks at me and says "Mommy your boobies are slouching."  BlushBlushBlushBlush   I commended her on her excellent word choice.  Luckily no one was around to overhear that gem.

      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


        .  Later in the changeroom, my DD8 looks at me and says "Mommy your boobies are slouching."  BlushBlushBlushBlush   I commended her on her excellent word choice.  Luckily no one was around to overhear that gem.


        Oh my Gosh Enke....I'm laughing so hard.


        My DW had the same experience...she came back with; "They're Mommy Boobies and I couldn't have them without you". A very eloquent response I thought.


          Good for your son to try running, Holly. Soccer will most likely have given him a good base for the shorter track distances.


          Enke, that's hilarious. From the mouths of babes, no?


          Woohoo, Carolyn! Your DH is the envy of a lot of guys, I'm sure. What a fun toy, and it has a useful purpose as well!


          I want to head to the gym at lunch, but will need to find a ride. It's another cold day out there, with gray icefog covering the valley. Days like this really make me want to hibernate! Holly, the moose do very well in the cold. They're built for it, that's for sure! It's amazing though that they can just eat branches and twigs and convert that to the energy needed to survive. They get pretty skinny by springtime, and actually quite a few of the young ones don't make it. Their worst enemy though is being hit by cars.


            Good afternoon, happy Valentines Day!  Great long run on the Tm, Erika. Watching moose must help a little. It is not unusual to see moose in northern NH, and they can be interesting, but they also have a tendency to hang out near or on roads and become a traffic hazard.


            I did run, Valentines day notwithstanding. Legs still tired from all the things I did this weekend. I ran an easy 6.5 in mild temps,  then I did a 3/4 mile swim at lunch. 


            Yesterday was supposed to be an easy snowshoe up the back side of Black mtn and then down to the ski area to watch DS race, but getting to the alpine ski area  turned out to be a project.  Not very direct.....It started out ok, took a spur trail from the summit, broke trail for a short distance and popped out as expected on a nordic trail.  Things were going along ok but then I took a wrong turn which caused an hour  detour. and lots of unnecessary climbing, plus I knew DS had no parent at the race. Luckily his first run went pretty well and he was only mildly worried about my whereabouts. I did make it for the second run, and DH and DD arrived to see that also.


            We are supposed to have a warm week so maybe some of the ice will soften or melt.

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Eika - too funny!  Thanks for catching that.  Yep, that'll be the day...


              Enke - Big grinBig DD has said some similar winning statements.  Remember this one? -  "Mom's not old.  She just gets wrinkly sometimes..."

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                Lots of good V-day humor today.

                Byll, good run and I wish I had been at your concert. I used to sing with a temple choir and I missed their concert yesterday.

                Today, the temp reached 50°-a winter thawSmile. Marj did 9 miles and joined me as I did 4 on the Charles-the path has been nicely plowed altho it's starting to flood. The river looks beautiful in it's winter white. I'm feeling better with each run although speed is lacking. Running every other day or every 72 hours alternating with swimming helps.

                  Marj sent the 9 mile memo as I ran 9.4 miles in a glorious 53º at 12:30 pm. Melting everywhere and even wth the wind picking up and a refreeze tonight, it felt tremendous! No watch and just relaxed pace, regular Monday weight and flex workout and all is well.


                  Great that your son is trying track Holly. The kiddo loved cross-country even though he's a hockey player at heart. Just wait---your son may love running.


                  Mr. CNYrunner proposed on this day 20 years ago Blush. Happy Valentine's Day today and yes, some lovin' every day is a great thing.


                  Enke! My super granny is always saying: "Oh stop complaining about the sagging, just wait until you tuck them into your waistband by mistake!"



                    Karin, I just love Super Granny!


                    Like some of the east-coasters, our weather is in the 50's here too!  I went for an easy 4 miles at lunchtime around the office park.  The snow is melting like crazy and the trails are a mess, so I have to run on the sidewalks for a while.

                    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                      Hello again.  CNY, my Dh proposed on my birthday 20 years ago, which was two days ago. Pretty funny. And yes, Super Granny is wonderful ( but I would need extenders to need to tuck anything into my waist belt...)


                      We are having a low key Valentines Day, coming in well under the national average of $111.21 in spending.


                      The scholar athlete ceremony for NH  Div 1 (large) schools was today. DD got up early and got all dressed up. It was interesting that is was so important to her. She texted me at the beginning of it to make sure I was there.   This is a kid who seems to wrap herself in layers of indifference. I guess that is the 17 year old scene.


                      The kids went to a breakfast then got bussed up to Concord, so we did not sit together.  A large number of the honored kids were runners. Not many football players.  The governor was there so it was pretty cool.


                      MM #6177

                        Yay for super granny! CNY, you and your family are truly blessed. Smile


                        I had my PT appointment this afternoon, and it turns out it wasn't my sacrum that was misaligned (this time), but my pubic bones. Yeah. Who knew? The front plane of my pelvis on the right side was tilted forward by almost an inch. No wonder everything felt pulled on in the groin area, and down my quad.


                        Oh, and for those inquiring minds... misaligned pubic bones are realigned by allowing the leg and hip on the affected side to hang off the table (lying supine), the leg is rotated inward and held in that position, and then you push your knee gently upward against the resistance of being held there. About a half a dozen times of gently doing that adjustment, and all was in order again. As I always say, it's pretty amazing how the body works.

                          5 Miles Progressive - 41:13 (8:15)


                          9:00 - 8:49 - 8:30 - 7:49 - 7:05

                             "Oh stop complaining about the sagging, just wait until you tuck them into your waistband by mistake!"


                             ........ and Enke's "slouching boobies"!!!    Too funny!!! 


                            Did 5.4 easy miles after work, with the temps dropping like a stone and the roads getting more and more slippery as I went.  When I got home, I was greeted by the sound of my DH with a cocktail shaker in the kitchen and the smell of dinner on the stove.  Gotta love it!!

                            .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!

                            sucker for bubbles

                              Did you know it rains a bit in the PNW?   duhhhhh

                              5.2 miles total today, did my first hill workout in forever, 4x1/4 with 1/4 is a nasty hill, kept them all under a 7min pace.....I will find my mojo again...hopefully

                              Marathon Maniac #3309

                                 winejunky..............heheh, I know someone who fits your handle perfectly, and has me being that way too Smile


                                I'm so overwhelmed and happy..........tearing all up actually. I have my speed back.............I do - "sure sure" do


                                Tonight after work - I do work Mary, but not so much last week Wink


                                10.15 miles - 1:15:48 - 7:29 ave pace. Oh my..............I don't know whether this was a tempo or a MP night, I really don't know as it felt all comfy and pretty EZ. Well, if I were Slo............I would be re-thinking the trash talk thing Smile

                                Last 2 miles around 6:30 pace.............yeah Slo, after 23 miles deal with that my Friend (you can't)


                                Tonight is the last day I will drink till after the Green Bay Marathon....I've drank enuff to last till then (counting now - hehe) In around 2 to 3 weeks I WILL be down 10 to 15 pounds, and WILL be taking my training more seriously - yup


                                Tammy yes....................longer and faster miles, wonder why (snicker) And yes again............I will drop 10 15 pounds quickly - just will Smile


                                Holly, you said the same thing last year............but, I won't feel the same way again I promise. As a matter of fact, I have the masters record in my sights -  4:45 and change.........doable


                                While trying to out run a big problem (I'm trying) you have to be faster than the problem - I'm NOT


                                Just sayin' E  Smile



                                Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!
