Masters Running


Rainy Friday Runs (Read 385 times)


    Since I'm up at my usual early hour (will nap once Marj goes to work) I get a chance for the first time to start the daily thread. Will go for a short recovery run once the rain stops.

    We have been doing a lot of short races lately and last night was no exception. Ran a 5 miler in nearby Weston, Ma. I've run it 3 years in a row and it's usually hot and humid. Last night it was cool (mid 60's) and raining.  Rain wasn't expected till later in the evening but the weather gods had other plans. I ran my usual race and finished 4th in my age group. Marj did well but doesn't want  me to mention her finish.

    Saw several people we knew including busiman (Craig) at the end-he had just returned from Texas where he met Ribs (and saw the Sox lose.

    Going to a wedding in D.C. this weekend. Hope to get a few miles in.

    Happy running all.

      Nice start to the day, henrun!

      Slept in this morning...

      3.2 miles, 29:20, 9:18/mi, AHR 132 (68% MHR)

      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

        Big storms here last night.  It kept me awake for awhile.


        Steamy this morning, but the rain seems to be over.


        6.0 miles, 10:09 pace.


        aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

        Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason


          Early a.m. meeting and an inability to get out of bed this a.m. scrapped my morning run plans...will pack my running duds and try for a RAL but work may interfere with this today


          Henrun...don't know where you will be in DC but there is a Saturday night 5k in crystal city put on by Pacers..check it  Music, food, beer for those so inclined, and a is good


          I owe, I owe so off to work I go.....


          Good runs and good day everyone!


          Trails Rock!


            henrun starting us off is long overdue!   Nice racing.


            Very encouraging run this morning.  I did the same route as Wednesday but managed my energy much better, finishing at a respectable pace without having to walk.  10.35 miles @ 9:08.  Today's the first day I really felt like I was on the road to real recovery.


            Have a great weekend!

            Be safe. Be kind.


              Today's the first day I really felt like I was on the road to real recovery.


              Great news, Tramps!

              Good to see the Beers early posts - send some of those storms our way, would you? We haven't had any rain in over a month.

              Woke up with a sore back this morning (ran 6.5 miles and walked 18 holes of golf carrying my bag yesterday). I thought a run would stretch the kinks out but it didn't work. Turned around at the 2 mile mark and came limping in. Where's the Advil?? No work today - this may be a day to be lazy and read a book (after I cut the grass and fix the rabbit/deer damages in my gardens and do 4 or 5 loads of laundry) 

              Have fun in DC this weekend henrun - and happy Friday everyone.

                Kewl Tramps!


                I decided to take a complete Rest Day today rather than swim like I normally would on Friday. There's just too much going on. I needed to sleep a little more. Work stress, health care stress, a late (but enjoyable) night of Praise Team rehearsal, etc.

                Back at it tomorrow morning.


                "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                  Hey All !


                  Normally Friday morning is a swim workout and the evening is reserved for my run. They have forecasted quite a soup today so I decided to run this morning instead. Added another 8.71 miles to the books. A nice moderate pace. Tomorrow will be a super easy 6 miler.


                  Nice racing Henrun.......Thats whats so cool about the shorter can always do them and the social aspect is alot of fun too.


                  Tramps......your steadily coming back !  Nice Dime and a respectable pace.


                  Wishing everyone who stops or no post a great day and a fantastic weekend!

                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    Good Morning!


                    Nice start, Henry, and congrats on your 4th AG placement!


                    Breger – sometimes full rest is exactly what you need.


                    {{{SteveP}}}....just because.....


                    2.5 easy-paced miles for me today on the TM, followed by push-ups, lateral raises, bent rows, dumbbell curls, stability ball crunches, 3 chin-ups and 2 pull-ups.


                    Happy Friday!

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                      Folks, I saw a number on the scale this morning that I'm pretty sure I haven't seen since before I started overindulging in beer at college -- so 40-some years. Likewise my pants waistline has downsized to where it hasn't been in almost 30 years. Retirement has been working for me so far, apparently...

                      It's also hard to believe that it's late July and we still haven't had to even consider turning on the air conditioning this month. But then again that's just how we runners like it! Ran 6.6 on my local rail-trail at a fairly consistent 9:36 pace. The sun warmed it up quite a bit and I was glad that I stocked my fuel belt with a couple of bottles.

                      Good (non-rainy!) running to everyone today!

                      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                        Great to read tramps' post today.


                        Henrun, what a great race you had last night. Congrats on your AG.


                        enkie, enkie, enkie, I am so happy to see you running again.


                        I am still smiling every time I think of my get-together with Erika and the Seattle masters.



                        how is my berries fairy dg doing this morning?



                        8 tempo miles for me this morning. I was aiming at a 8:25 pace, but the result was different (head cold did not help any either). I aimed at staying in zone 6 (av. HR @ 160) for 30 minutes).

                        2 miles at 10:30
                        1 mile at 8:53
                        1 mile at 8:45
                        1 mile at 8:23
                        3 miles at 10:30.
                        Av. heart rate 150. I stayed in Zone 6 for 30:09 and I visited zone 8 (HR 170) for 1:41.

                        "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                          Happy Friday all

                          Go henrun and Marj! Last night was a soaker here, so all the more impressive that you raced.

                          Roch and his boyish figure! Nice going there.

                          Good news Tramps

                          The early morning Beers are just amazing

                          Peace to you Bill--rest is good.

                          Track day for me today---Ran 3 miles from my house to the track at 9:00 pace, fresh socks and Nuun water in hand, 4 barefoot strides with some high knee skipping on the soft and plush (grass) infield, 8x 800 @3:20-3:30 pace (2) ---3:28, 3:26, 3:26, 3:24, 3:26, 3:24, 3:29 (zoning), 3:23 with a grin, 4 more barefoot strides and skipping, put on he fresh socks and ran 3 miles home. 11 plus miles---tired and happy. No cute shirtless men to gaze at but a few walkers and runners doing their thing. The wind was pushing the clouds out and I am grateful to Al Gordon once again for donating not only the fine track, but the drainage system that keeps it in great shape---no puddles on the curves.

                          Enke's getting her running groove back and that's awesome. OCD? Among the "labels" I am proud to wear: woman, mother, wife, granddaughter, friend, professional----is RUNNER. It's who I am and if others believe it's weird or too much, that's on them--their problem. You go for it!

                          Twocat---did you see the article in the NYTimes "Well" section about platelet rich injections? Interesting indeed.

                          Okay...on with the day

                          Happy weekend all!


                            CNY.......Great workout......Killer pace !  Your definitly motivating me in my training.


                              Mariposai, thanks for being happy for me!  Those bananas put a huge smile on my face.  I plan to go to my absolute favourite wooded trail this weekend to run and cry a few tears of joy for being given back the gift of health and the freedom of running.


                              Running every other day seems like the best plan right now.  No more little sprints at the end of my runs.  4/4 breathing only.  That 3 mile run yesterday tired me out enough that I accidently fell asleep in the afternoon.


                              4months off, I figure 6 months to get back up to mileage and some speed if all goes well.  I'm in no hurry.  My goal is to do a 4.25 mi race/run/walk on Labor Day, a 12K in December (which I already paid for since it was cancelled last year) and a half marathon in March.  Swimming is harder on your knees??  Wow.  I just started doing a few laps on my rest days.


                              Byll - sleep is always good.

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                              One day at a time

                                Doug, congrats on the weight loss!  How exciting.  I'm glad retirement is working so well for you!


                                No air conditioning for us, either!  We haven't even put our window unit in our office this summer.  It's POURING here, so I haven't gotten brave enough to get outside to run yet.  My family left to go back home to Texas yesterday, so I'm a little down.  My sweet running partner insisted on meeting me for breakfast to help lift my spirits.  I'm so lucky to have her!  Tomorrow we're going to run the course for the Beach to Beacon 10K coming up next week.  I think my two sons will come with us. 
